Chapter 6: Environment and Natural Resources
1 Mark Questions
Q1. Which one is more essential—construction of mega-dams or the environmental movement that opposes it? Why? (Delhi 2016)
Answer: Both are essential:
Mega-dams contribute to a country’s economic growth.
Environmental movements ensure that development does not occur at the cost of environmental degradation.
Q2. Why should environmental concerns be part of contemporary global politics? (Delhi 2009, All India 2008)
Answer: Environmental issues require global cooperation, as no single government can solve them alone.
Q3. Define indigenous population. (All India 2009)
Answer: Indigenous populations are native tribal groups whose rights and land have been impacted by foreign settlers over time.
Q4. Which world summit was held in Rio in 1992? (All India 2009)
Answer: The Earth Summit was held in Rio in 1992.
Q5. Why were India and China exempted from the Kyoto Protocol? (All India 2008)
Answer: India and China were exempted because their per capita emissions were much lower than those of developed countries.
Q6. What were the recommendations of the Rio Summit known as? (All India 2008)
Answer: The recommendations were called "Agenda 21."
Q7. Why have issues related to environmental degradation become part of world politics? (All India 2008)
Answer: Since environmental problems affect all nations, collective global action is needed to address them.
2 Mark Questions
Q1. Suggest any two steps the government can take to check pollution and save the environment. (Delhi 2015)
Promote clean production and pollution prevention.
Implement ecosystem management for sustainability.
Q2. Identify the most important outcome of the Rio Summit. (All India 2015, Delhi 2010)
Agreement to combine economic growth with ecological responsibility.
Environmental issues gained global recognition.
Q3. Define geopolitics. (All India 2012, 2011, Delhi 2011)
Answer: Geopolitics refers to the political and strategic control over natural resources worldwide. It deals with who gets what, when, where, and how.
Q4. Why do indigenous people need special protection to safeguard their rights? (Delhi 2011, 2010)
Their land and resources are being taken away, threatening their survival.
Their culture and identity are at risk due to external influences.
Q5. What is meant by the concept of ‘common but differentiated responsibility’? (Delhi 2010, All India 2009)
Answer: This concept recognizes that while all nations are responsible for protecting the environment, developed nations have a greater responsibility due to their higher contribution to environmental degradation.
Q6. How can we protect the rights of indigenous people concerning the environment? (Delhi 2009)
Enforce institutional safeguards through laws and policies.
Create social security measures to protect their resources and livelihoods.
Q7. Which countries have control over Antarctica? (All India 2009)
Answer: UK, Chile, Argentina, Norway, France, Australia, and New Zealand.
Q8. What is meant by ‘common property’? (All India 2009)
Answer: Common property refers to resources collectively owned by a community, where members have both rights and responsibilities for their use and maintenance.
Q9. What are global commons? List any two examples. (Delhi 2008)
Earth’s atmosphere
The ocean floor
Q10. Who are indigenous people? What institutions do they follow? (All India 2008)
Answer: Indigenous people are the descendants of the original inhabitants of a land, who were later overpowered by foreign settlers. They follow institutions like the World Council of Indigenous People.