Chapter 5: Challenges to and Restoration of Congress System


Chapter 5: Challenges to and Restoration of Congress System

📚 Class 12 Political Science - Important Questions & Answers

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🟢 1 Mark Questions

Q1. Which major factor was responsible for Indira Gandhi’s dramatic victory in the 1971 elections? (Delhi 2015)
Answer: The "Garibi Hatao" slogan, which strongly resonated with landless laborers, Dalits, Adivasis, minorities, women, and unemployed youth.

Q2. Which two political parties were major partners in the ruling alliance after the 1971 General Elections? (All India 2014)
Answer: Congress (R) and Communist Party of India (CPI).

Q3. Who represented Congress (O) and Congress (R) after the split of the Congress Party? (Delhi 2014)
Answer: The Syndicate represented Congress (O), while Indira Gandhi led Congress (R).

Q4. Who was the official Congress candidate for the post of President of India in 1969? (Delhi 2014)
Answer: Neelam Sanjeeva Reddy.

Q5. What is meant by ‘Congress Syndicate’? (Delhi 2014, 2013)
Answer: It refers to a group of powerful and influential leaders within Congress.

Q6. What is meant by ‘Privy Purse’? (Delhi 2013)
Answer: A grant given to the families of princely rulers based on their property holdings.

Q7. After Lal Bahadur Shastri’s death, which two Congress leaders contested to become the leader of the Congress Parliamentary Party? (Delhi 2013)
Answer: Morarji Desai and Indira Gandhi.

Q8. After which General Election did the Congress Party lose its dominance for the first time at the Centre? (Delhi 2013)
Answer: The 1967 General Election.

Q9. Name the two main contenders for the post of President of India in 1969. (All India 2013)
Answer: Neelam Sanjeeva Reddy and V.V. Giri.

Q10. Why were the results of the 1967 elections called a ‘political earthquake’? (All India 2012)
Answer: Congress suffered its worst performance since 1952, losing dominance at both national and state levels.

Q11. What is meant by defection? (All India 2012, 2008)
Answer: When an elected representative switches parties after winning on a particular party’s symbol.

Q12. Name the leaders who gave the following slogans: (Delhi 2012)
(i) Jai Jawan, Jai Kisan
(ii) Garibi Hatao
(i) Lal Bahadur Shastri
(ii) Indira Gandhi

Q13. What argument did Ram Manohar Lohia give in defense of ‘Non-Congressism’? (Delhi 2012)
Answer: He argued that Congress rule was undemocratic and opposed the interests of poor people.

Q14. Why did senior Congress leaders support Indira Gandhi as Prime Minister in 1966? (Delhi 2010)
Answer: Because she had been Congress President and was a minister in Lal Bahadur Shastri’s cabinet.

Q15. Correct this statement: Gaya Lal, an MP from Haryana in 1967, changed his party twice in a fortnight. (All India 2010)
Answer: Gaya Lal, an MLA from Haryana, changed his party thrice in a fortnight.

Q16. Name the two successive Presidents of India after Dr. Zakir Hussain’s death. (Delhi 2010)
Answer: V.V. Giri and Fakhruddin Ali Ahmed.

Q17. Fill in the blanks: Indira Gandhi had to deal with ________, a group of powerful leaders within Congress. (All India 2010)
Answer: The Syndicate.

Q18. Name two Congress leaders who were defeated in the 1967 General Elections. (All India 2010)
Answer: K. Kamaraj (Tamil Nadu) and S.K. Patil (Maharashtra).

Q19. What does the term ‘Dangerous Decade’ refer to in Indian politics? (All India 2008)
Answer: The 1960s, due to economic crisis, poverty, and regional conflicts, which threatened India’s democracy.

🔵 2 Mark Questions

Q1. Assess the role of Maulana Abul Kalam Azad in maintaining communal harmony in India. (All India 2016)

  • He strongly supported Hindu-Muslim unity.

  • He opposed the partition of India.

Q2. Who signed the Tashkent Agreement and when? (Delhi 2012)
Answer: Lal Bahadur Shastri and Pakistan’s President Ayub Khan in 1966.

Q3. What was the main reason behind the Congress split in 1969? (All India 2011)

  • Rivalry between the Syndicate and Indira Gandhi.

  • Abolition of the Privy Purse.

Q4. What does ‘Aaya Ram-Gaya Ram’ stand for in Indian politics? (Delhi 2011)
Answer: It refers to frequent party-switching by politicians for personal gain.

Q5. Which constitutional procedure was used to abolish the Privy Purse in 1971? (All India 2010)
Answer: The 26th Constitutional Amendment Act, 1971.

Q6. What was the ‘Grand Alliance’? (All India 2010)
Answer: A coalition of non-Congress, non-Communist opposition parties in 1970 against Indira Gandhi.

Q7. List two challenges faced by Lal Bahadur Shastri’s government. (All India 2000)

  • Severe food crisis due to drought.

  • India-Pakistan War of 1965.

Q8. Mention two problems faced by Indira Gandhi’s government (1969-1971). (All India 2008)

  • A power struggle between Indira Gandhi and the Syndicate.

  • Formation of opposition alliances against Congress.

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