Major Landforms of the Earth Class 6 Extra Questions Social Science Geography Chapter 6
NCERT Extra Questions for Class 6 Social Science Geography Chapter 6 Major Landforms of the Earth
Major Landforms of the Earth Class 6 Extra Questions Very Short Answer Type
Question 1.
What are the two processes?
The two processes are:
Internal Processes: lead to
- Upliftment of the earth’s surface.
- Sinking of the earth’s surface.
External Processes are the processes which continuously
- wear down the surface.
- rebuild the surface.
Question 2.
What are erosion and deposition?
- Wearing down of the earth’s surface is called erosion.
- Erosional process lowers the surface.
- Rebuilding of earth’s surface is called deposition.
Question 3.
Name the agents of erosion and deposition.
Agents of erosion and deposition:
- Running water (river)
- Ice
- Wind.
Question 4.
What are the three groups of landforms broadly?
Three groups of landforms:
- Mountains
- Plateaus
- Plains.
Question 5.
As one goes higher what happens with climate?
As one goes higher climate becomes colder.
Question 6.
Why do lesser people live in mountain areas?
Lesser people live in mountain areas because of the following reasons:
- Less land is available for farming because of steep slope.
- Harsh climate.
Major Landforms of the Earth Class 6 Extra Questions Short Answer Type
Question 1.
Define (i) Mountains (ii) Glaciers.
Mountains are natural elevations of the earth’s surface with a small summit and a broad base, higher than the surrounding area.
Glaciers are permanent moving heaps of ice and snow.
Question 2.
What are mountain ranges? Give some examples of mountain ranges. Answer: • Mountains, arranged in a line are called mountain ranges.
- The Himalayas (India—Asia)
- The Alps (Europe)
- The Andes (South America) –
- The Rockies (North America).
Major Landforms of the Earth Class 6 Extra Questions Long Answer Type
Question 1.
Describe three types of mountains.
Three Types of Mountains:
1. The Fold Mountains
- Mountains formed of folding process of the strata are called fold mountains
The Himalayas and the Alps are young fold mountains.
- They have rugged relief.
- They have high conical hills.
Aravallis in India are old fold mountains.
- They are considerably worn down by the processes of erosion.
Appalachians in North America and Urals in Russia have rounded features.
- They are low in elevation.
- They are very old fold mountains.
2. Block Mountains
- When large areas are broken and displaced vertically, block mountains are created.
- The uplifted blocks are termed as horsts.
- Lowered blocks are named as graben.
- Rhine valley and Vosges are good examples of such block mountains.
Some more examples of this type of mountains/landforms:
- Rift valley of Narmada and Tapi
- Deccan Plateau
- Meghalaya Plateau
- Drakeusburge (in South Africa)
- Australian Plateau
- Saudi Arabian landforms
- African Tableland.

3. Volcanic Mountains
- Volcanic activity leads to the formation of volcanic mountains.
- Examples of volcanic mountains:
- Kilimanjaro Mountains (in Africa).
- Mt. Fujiyama (in Japan).
Question 2.
What are plateaus? Give their major features.
Plateaus are flat topped tableland with steep slopes on one side or more sides.
Features of the Plateaus:
Height varies from a few hundred metres to several thousand metres.
- Plateaus may be young or old.
- Deccan Plateau of India is one of the oldest plateaus of the world.
- Other examples: East African Plateau (in Kenya, Tanzania and Uganda). Western Plateau of Australia.
- The Tibet Plateau is the highest plateau of the world with a 4000 to 6000 metres above mean sea level.
Question 3.
How are plateaus useful to us?
Usefulness of Plateaus:
- Rich in mineral resources/deposits.
- Numerous mining areas are located in the plateau areas:
- African plateau is known for gold and diamond mining.
- Chhotanagpur plateau in India is rich in iron ore, coal and manganese.
- Plateaus have several waterfalls, ideal sites for generation of hydro electricity:
- Hundru falls in Chhotanagpur Plateau on River Subernarekha.
- Jog falls in Karnataka.
- Lava plateaus rich in black soil are ideal for cultivation.
- Some plateaus are known for scenic spots and they are great attractions to tourists.
Question 4.
Define plains. Describe their major features.
Definition. Plains are large stretches of flat land, not higher than 200 metres from mean sea level
- Some are extremely level.
- Others are rolling and undulating.
Major Features of Plains:
- Mostly formed by river deposits.
- Plains are generally fertile.
- They are thickly populated.
- They have dense network of roads and railways.
- Agriculture is the main occupation of the people.
- Examples:
- Ganga-Indus-Brahmaputra Plains in India.
- Yangtze Plain in China.
Question 5.
Describe the relationship between landforms and people.
Landforms and People:
People live on different landforms in different ways:
- Life is difficult in mountains.
- Plains are major attractions for people.
- In plains it is easy to build houses, construct roads, raise crops.
- In mountains earthquakes, volcanic eruptions etc. cause huge damage to life and property.
Some people misuse landforms:
- They use land as waste like constructing house on fertile land.
- They throw garbage on land and in water making them polluted.
We have special duty to save landforms for future generations.
Major Landforms of the Earth Class 6 Extra Questions Multiple Choice Questions
Choose the correct answer:
Question 1.
The wearing away of the earth’s surface is called
(a) mountains
(b) plateau
(c) erosion
(d) deposition
Question 2.
In some mountains there are permanently frozen rivers of ice known as
(a) river valley
(b) glaciers
(c) plateaus
(d) none of these
Question 3.
The lower blocks in Block Mountains are
(a) graben
(b) horsts
(c) glaciers
(d) none of these
Question 4.
Mountains may be arranged in a line known as
(a) horsts
(b) range
(c) glacier
(d) all of these
Question 5.
Where are glaciers found?
(a) In plains
(b) In mountains
(c) In plateaus
(d) None of these
In mountains
Question 6.
Tibet is a
(a) plateau
(b) mountain range
(c) both (a) and (b)
(d) none of these
Question 7.
Which is the important mountain range of Europe?
(a) Alps
(b) Rockies
(c) Andes
(d) All of these
8. Which area is the most useful for human habitation?
(a) Plain
(b) Mountain
(c) River
(d) Glacier
Question 9.
Where is it easy to grow crops, build a house and a road?
(a) Mountain
(b) Plain
(c) River
(d) Glacier
Question 10.
The available land is not only for our use but also for
(a) future generation
(b) past generation
(c) present generation
(d) none of these
future generation
Question 11.
Where does river Yangtze flow?
(a) India
(b) Kenya
(c) China
(d) Australia