Key Elements of a Democratic Government Class 6 Extra Questions Civics Chapter 4


Key Elements of a Democratic Government Class 6 Extra Questions Social Science Civics Chapter 4

NCERT Extra Questions for Class 6 Social Science Civics Chapter 4 Buildings, Paintings, and Books

Key Elements of a Democratic Government Class 6 Extra Questions Very Short Answer Type

Question 1.
“South Africa is a country of several races.” How?
Key Elements of a Democratic Government Class 6 Extra Questions Civics Chapter 4 V-Q1
South Africa is a country of several races because of the following reasons:

  • There are black races which belong to South Africa originally.
  • White races came from European countries and settled there.
  • Indian races came to South Africa as labourers and traders and settled there.

Key Elements of a Democratic Government Class 6 Extra Questions Short Answer Type

Question 1.
Read the story of Hector Pieterson and answer the questions that are given below:

  1. What was Maya Naidoo doing?
  2. Where was she living?
  3. What did she see in the scrap book?
  4. Who had shot Hector Pieterson and why?
  5. When was he shot dead?
  6. Against what were the people protesting?
  7. Who was the leader of the African National Congress?
  8. When did South Africa become a democratic country?


  1. Maya Naidoo was helping her mother to clear and clean up old boxes.
  2. She was living in Johannesburg.
  3. She saw a picture of a school boy, 15 year-old in a scrap book. His name was Hector Pieterson.
  4. Police had killed him because he alongwith his classmates was protesting against the imposition of learning
  5. Afrikaan language on the non-white students by the white government.
  6. He was shot dead on 30th April, 1976.
  7. The people were protesting against the policy of apartheid.
  8. Nelson Mandela was the leader of the African National Congress.
  9. South Africa became a democratic country in 1994.

Question 2.
What are the ways of participating in the process of government other than voting?
Other ways:

  • Participating by taking interest in the working of the government.
  • By criticising the government when required.
  • By holding rallies and organising signature campaigns.

Question 3.
Describe the ways in which people express their views and make government understand what actions they should take.
People express their views to make the government understand what action they should take through the following means:

  • Dharnas
  • Rallies
  • Strikes
  • Signature campaigns.

Question 4.
How do people bring forward things which are unfair and unjust?
People bring forward the unfair and unjust things through:

  • Posters/Pamphlets
  • Letters to the editor
  • Action line
  • Newspapers
  • Magazines
  • Newsletters .
  • Radio and T.V.

Still other ways:

  • Organising themselves into social movements – members of the minority community, dalits, women, adivasis and others organise themselves into organisations to participate.

Question 5.
When we come across a rally passing (winding) through the streets of cities, towns and villages, wThat should we do?
We should pause for a while
We should know about:

  • What is the rally about?
  • Who is participating in it?
  • What are they protesting about?

These points will give us the idea how our government is working.

Question 6.
How do conflicts occur and lead to violence and death?
Conflicts occur when one group decides that whatever it says, is correct or right. Such groups decide that they should use force to curb the protests of other groups. This leads to violence and death. Conflicts occur:

  • When People of different cultures, religions, regions or economic backgrounds do not get along with one another.
  • When some of them feel they are being discriminated against.
  • People use violent means to settle their differences.

Question 7.
Describe some of the conflicts in our society and the role of the government in resolving them.

  • Religious processions and celebrations – Route of the procession can cause conflict. Government and police discuss this with people of different religions and arrive at a decision by consensus.
  • Rivers – A source of conflicts between states in respect of sharing waters of the river between these states.

Question 8.
What are the key ideas of a democratic government?
Key ideas of a democratic government are:

  • Equality and justice. They are inseparable.
  • Ban on untouchability.

Key Elements of a Democratic Government Class 6 Extra Questions Long Answer Type

Question 1.
Write a note on the Cauvery Water Dispute between Karnataka and Tamil Nadu.
Cauvery Water Dispute:
River Cauvery flows through Karnataka and Tamil Nadu.
Two dams have been constructed on this river:

  • Krishnasagar dam has been constructed on Cauvery in Karnataka.
  • Its stored water is used in irrigation in several districts of Karnataka.
  • It also meets the water needs of Bangalore city.
  • Mattur dam has been constructed in Tamil Nadu.
  • Its waters are used in crop irrigation in the delta regions of Tamil Nadu.

Due to these two dams on the same river a conflict has arisen.

  • Down stream dam of Mattur could be filled up if waters from upstream dam Krishnasagar are released.
  • Both the states do not get as much water as per their requirement.

Key Elements of a Democratic Government Class 6 Extra Questions Civics Chapter 4 L - Q1

  • Central government has to step in and solve the conflict. Quiet flows the Cauvery despite being at the centre of heated conflict between two states for the last 30 years.
  • The Cauvery Water Dispute Tribunal after 17 years has announced its verdict on 5th Feb. 2007.
  • According to the verdict Tamil Nadu gets 419 tmeft, Karnataka 270 tmeft, Kerala 30 tmeft and Pondicherry 7 tmeft water. Thus the 30 year dispute now stands resolved.

Key Elements of a Democratic Government Class 6 Extra Questions Multiple Choice Questions

Choose the correct answer:

Question 1.
Who was shocked after hearing the story of earlier South Africa?
(a) Maya Naidoo
(b) Maya’s Mother
(c) Hector
(d) None of these
Maya Naidoo

Question 2.
What does Apartheid mean?
(a) Allowed
(b) Separation
(c) Not allowed
(d) All of these

Question 3.
How were people of South Africa divided before independence?
(a) White people
(b) Black people
(c) Coloured races
(d) All of these
All of these

Question 4.
What was the state of ambulances for black people in South Africa?
(a) Fully equipped
(b) Not equipped
(c) Both (a) and (b)
(d) None of these
Not equipped

Question 5.
What is the official language of South Africa?
(a) Zulu
(b) Hindi
(c) Sanskrit
(d) English

Question 6.
When was Hector killed by the police bullets?
(a) On 30 April 1966
(b) On 30 April 1976
(c) On 30 April 1986
(d) On 30 April 1996
On 30 April 1976

Question 7.
Who was the leader of African National Congress?
(a) Mahatma Gandhi
(b) Nelson Mandela
(c) Pt. Jawaharlal Nehru
(d) Bill Clinton
Nelson Mandela

Question 8.
When did Africa become a democratic country?
(a) 1947
(b) 1948
(c) 1984
(d) 1994

Question 9.
For how many years is the Indian Government elected?
(a) 5 years
(b) 7 years
(c) 10 years
(d) 15 years
5 years

Question 10.
If a government wants to be in power then it has to be
(a) reelected by the people
(b) elected thrice
(c) both (a) and (6)
(d) none of these
reelected by the people

Question 11.
If a country’s people are alert and interested in how country ds run, that country will be
(a) stronger
(b) weaker
(c) steadier
(d) none of these

Question 12.
Which issue can become a source of conflict between states?
(a) Rivers
(b) Roads
(c) Transports
(d) None of these

Question 13.
The dispute between Karnataka and Tamil Nadu was for the water of river?
(a) Yamuna
(b) Ganga
(c) Mahanadi
(d) Cauvery

Question 14.
Which dam is used by Karnataka for irrigation?
(a) Krishna Sagar Dam
(b) Hirakud Dam
(c) Bhakra Nangal Dam
(d) Mottur Dam

Question 15.
Which agency steps in to promote justice by providing special provisions that helps girls to overcome?
(a) Government
(b) Society
(c) Doctors
(d) None of these