Human Environment Interactions: The Tropical and the Subtropical Region Class 7 Extra Questions Social Science Geography Chapter 8
NCERT Extra Questions for Class 7 Social Science Geography Chapter 8 Human Environment Interactions: The Tropical and the Subtropical Region
Life in the Amazon Basin
- Look at the world map (on page 56 of the textbook), the Amazon Basin lies very close to the equator, between 10°N to 10°S.
- This region is known as the equatorial region.
- The river Amazon flows through this region.
It flows1 from the mountains in the west and reaches the Atlantic Ocean in the east.
- Numerous tributaries join in the Amazon river and they together form the Amazon Basin.
- The river basin drains portions of Brazil, parts of Peru, Bolivia, Ecuador, Columbia and a small part of Venezuela.
- Ecuador
- Columbia
- Brazil
- Yabon
- Dem.Rep of Congo
- Uganda
- Kenya
- Indonesia
- Amazon basin stretches directly on the Equator.
- It has hot and wet climate throughout the year.
- Both day and nights are almost equally hot and humid.
- Skin feels sticky.
- It rains almost every day.
- It rains without much warning.
- The day temperatures are high with high humidity.
- At night the temperature goes down but humidity is high.
- In Amazon basin, it rains heavily.
- Thick forests grow here.
They are in fact so thick and dense that “roof* created by leaves and branches do not allow the sunlight to reach the ground.
- The ground remains dark and damp.
- Only shade tolerant vegetation grows here.
- Orchids, bromeliads grow as plant parasites.
Wild Life of Amazon Basin
- The rainforests are rich in fauna.
- Birds like toucans, humming birds, birds of paradise with their brilliantly coloured plumage, oversized bills for eating make them different from birds found in India.
- These birds also make loud sound in the forests.
- Animals like monkeys, sloth and ant-eating tapirs are found here.
- Various species of reptiles and snakes are also found in these jungles.
- Crocodiles, snakes, pythons abound.
- Anaconda and Boa constrictor are some of the species.
- Amazon basin is also the home of thousands of species of insects.
- Several species of fish like the flesh-eating Piranha fish is also found in the river.
- Amazon basin is actually extraordinarily rich in the variety of life found there.
People of the rainforests
- Men hunt and catch fish along the rivers.
- Women take care of the crops.
- They mainly grow tapioca, pineapple, and sweet potato.
- Hunting and fishing being uncertain, it is the women who keep their families alive by feeding them the vegetables they grow.
- They practise “slash and bum agriculture”.
- The staple food is manioc. It is also known as cassava. It grows under the ground like the potato.
- The people also eat queen ants and egg sacs.
- Cash crops like coffee, maize and cocoa are also grown in the Amazon Basin.
The rainforests provide a lot of wood for the houses.
- Some families live in thatched houses. They are shaped like beehives.
- There are other large apartment-like houses called “Maloca”. They have steeply slanting roofs to allow rain water flowing down easily.
- In modem times means of transport have developed considerably. In 1970 the Trans Amazon highway made all parts of the rainforest accessible.
- Aircrafts and helicopters are also used for reaching various places.
- The aborigines (indigenous) population was pushed out.
- Diverse rain forests are being destroyed with long term consequences.
- It is a way of cultivating land where farmers clear a piece of land by slashing or cutting down trees and bushes.
- These are then burnt, which release the nutrients into soil.
- New crops are grown in this cleared field for a few years.
After repeatedly using the patch of land, the soil loses its nutrients.
- So it is abandoned.
- Then they clear another plot of land to plant.
In the meantime young trees grow in the old field.
- In this way soil fertility is restarted (restored).
- People then return to it.
- They start cultivating again by repeating the process.
Life in the Ganga-Brahmaputra Basin
- It lies in the sub-tropical region.
- It is located between 10°N and 30°N latitudes.
The tributaries of the River Ganga like the Ghagra, the Son, the Chambal, the Gandak, the Kosi and the tributaries of Brahmaputra drain it.
- Some of the tributaries of the river Brahmaputra are:
- Dihang, Dibang. Lohit and Dhansiri.
The main physiographical features of the Ganga-Brahmaputra Basin are:
- Mountains and foothills of the Himalayas
- Sundarbans delta
- Ox-bow lakes dot the plain area.
- The Ganga-Brahamputra Basin is dominated by monsoon climate.
- The monsoon brings rains from mid-June to mid-September.
- The summers are hot.
- The winters are cool and generally dry.
- Uttarakhand
- Uttar Pradesh
- Northern Madhya Pradesh
- Northern Chhattisgarh
- Bihar
- Jharkhand
- West-Bengai.
- Arunachal Pradesh
- Assam
- Meghalaya
- Ganga-Brahmaputra basin has varied topography.
- The environment plays a dominant role in the distribution of the population here.
- The mountain areas with steep slopes have inhospitable terrain.Hence less number of people live in the mountain area of the Ganga-Brahmaputra basin.
- The plain area provides the most suitable land for human habitation.
- The soil is fertile.
- Agriculture is the main occupation of the people.
- The density of population is very high.
- Since cultivation of paddy requires sufficient water, it is grown in the areas where the amount of rainfall is high or enough water is available.
- Wheat, Maize, Sorghum, Gram and Millets are major crops that are grown as food crops.
- Cash crops like sugarcane and jute are grown in large quantities.
- Banana plantation are seen in some areas of the plain.
- In West-Bengal and Assam tea is grown in plantations.
- Silk is produced through the cultivation of silk worms in parts of Bihar and Assam.
- In the mountains and hills, crops are grown on terraces made on gentle slope.
- The vegetation cover is according to the type of landforms.
- Delta region is covered with mangrove forests.
- In this basin tropical deciduous trees grow along with teak, sal, peepal.
- Thick bamboo groves are in Brahmaputra plains.
- In parts of Uttarakhand, Sikkim and Arunachal Pradesh and other small states of the North-east coniferous trees like pine, deodar, and fir are seen.
- Elephants, tigers, deer and monkeys are common.
- One homed rhinoceros, Bengal tiger, crocodiles and alligators are found.
- Large aquatic life is found in fresh waters like rohu, catla, hilsa.
- The Dolphin eats small fish only. The presence of Susu is an indication of the health of the river.
- The untreated industrial and urban wastes with high amounts of chemical are killing this species.
- The Ganga-Brahmaputra Plain has several big towns and cities.
- The cities of Allahabad, Kanpur, Varanasi, Lucknow, Patna all with a population of more than ten lakhs are located along the River Ganga.
- The waste water from these towns and industries is discharged into the river leading to its pollution.
- All the four means of transport are well-developed in Ganga-Brahmaputra basin.
- In the plain areas the roadways and railways transport the people from one place to another.
- The waterways, is an effective means of transport particularly along the rivers. Kolkata is an important port on the river Hooghly.
- The plain areas have a large number of airports.
The following make the basin important from the point of tourism.
- Taj Mahal on the banks of River Yamuna in Agra.
- Allahabad on the confluence of the River Ganga, Saraswati and Yamuna.
- Buddhist centres in Uttar Pradesh and Bihar. ,
- Lucknow with its Imambara.
- Assam with Kaziranga and Manas wild life sanctuaries.
- Arunachal Pradesh with a distinct tribal culture.
There are so many other places to visit.
Objective Type Questions
Multiple Choice Questions
Life in the Amazon Basin
People of the Rainforests
Life in the Ganga-Brahmaputra Basin