Class 7 Geography Chapter 4 Air Important Questions and Answers


Very Short Answer Type Question

1: Which among the following sphere suitable for flying aeroplanes.
Answer: Stratosphere

2: In thermosphere temperature rises very rapidly with increasing height. (T/F)
Answer: True

3: The air pressure is highest at sea level and decreased with height. (T/F)
Answer: True

4: Exosphere is the uppermost layer of the earth.(T/F)
Answer: True

5: The degree of hotness and coldness of the air is known as __________
Answer: Temperature

6. How does carbon dioxide create green house effect? [V. Imp.]
Answer:  Carbon dioxide creates greenhouse effect by trapping the heat radiated from the earth.

7.  What is the significance of greenhouse gas?
Answer:  Without the greenhouse gas the earth would have been too cold to line in.

8. What happens when air is heated?
Answer: When air is heated, it expands, becomes lighter and goes up.

9. What is the nature of cold air?
Answer: It has tendency to go down.

10.  Why do green plants use carbon dioxide? [Imp.]
Answer: Green plants use carbon dioxide to make their food and release oxygen.

11. What is an important feature of Stratosphere?
Answer: Stratosphere contains a layer of ozone gas.

12. How is ozone important for us?  [Imp.]
Answer: It protects us from the harmful effect of the sunrays.

13. What is temperature?
Answer: The degree of hotness and coldness of the air is known as temperature.

14. What is insolation?
Answer:  Insolation is the incoming solar energy intercepted by the earth.

15. Why is there no air pressure on the moon?
Answer: There is no air on the moon and therefore no air pressure.

16. Where is air pressure highest?
Answer: Air pressure is highest at the sea level.

17. How does air move?
Answer: Air moves from high pressure areas to low pressure areas.

18. What is the hot and dry wind of northern planes of India called?
Answer: It is called loo.

19. What is called humidity? [V. Imp.]
Answer: Moisture in the air at any time is called humidity.

20. Why do we feel uncomfortable on a humid day?
Answer: It is because sweat from our body does not evaporate easily.

21. How is flooding of low lying areas caused? [V. Imp.]
Answer: When trees on hill sides are cut, rainwater flows down the bare mountains. This causes flooding of low lying areas.

22. How is a wind named?
Answer: A wind is named after the direction from which it blows.        

Short Answer Type Questions

1: Explain the term dynamic environment.

Answer: The physical and biological elements in the environment are dynamic in nature changes take place slowly and suddenly in the nature of landforms. The circulation air and water brings about changes in the climatic conditions in different seasons.

2: Atmosphere plays a dynamic role how?

Answer: Among the four major elements of environment, the atmosphere is most dynamic as changes take place in it not only from one season to another but also over shorter periods of few hours.

3: What is air circulation?

Answer: When air is heated it becomes lighter and goes up. Cold air is denser and heavy that is why it tends to sink down. When hot air rises, cold air from surrounding area rushes there to fill the gap. This is how air circulation takes place.

4: Define insolation.

Answer: Insolation is the incoming solar energy intercepted by the earth. The amount of insolation decreases from the equator towards poles.

5: Name the instrument which measures temperature?

Answer: Temperature is measured with the help of thermometer. Outdoor temperature is measured with the help of mercury thermometer.

6: What do you mean by maximum and minimum temperature?

Answer: Maximum temperature is the highest temperature of the day recorded about 2.00 pm.

7: Define low and high pressure.

Answer: In areas where temperature is high the air gets heated and rises. This creates a low pressure area.In the area having low temperature the air is cold. It is therefore heavy. Heavy air sinks and creates a high pressure.

8: What is meteorology?

Answer: The scientific study of weather is called meteorology.

9: Which layer is free from water vapour and dust particle?

Answer: The stratosphere is free from water vapour and dust particle.

10: Define wind.

Answer: Moving air is called wind. Wind always blows from high pressure to low pressure.

11: Name the different layers of atmosphere?

Answer: The different layer of atmosphere are-troposphere, stratosphere, mesosphere, thermosphere, exosphere.

12: Which layer makes weather phenomena possible?

Answer: Troposphere layer makes weather phenomena possible.

13: Which layer makes radio communication possible?

Answer: Ionosphere layer makes radio communication possible.

14: Which layer protects us from meteors and obsolete satellite from outer space?

Answer: The ionosphere or the thermosphere protects us from meteors and obsolete satellite from outer space.

15: What is moisture?

Answer: This term refers to degree of moisture present in the air .There is a definite limit to the quantity of moisture that can be held by the air at a specific temperature.

16: Define dew point?

Answer: The temperature at which the air becomes fully saturated is known as dew point.

17: What do you mean by absolute humidity?

Answer: The total amount of water vapour that is contained in the air at a given temperature is known as absolute humidity.

18: Define the term relative humidity.

Answer:  The ratio between actual amount of water vapour present in the air at a given temperature and the maximum amount of water vapour that the atmosphere can retain at that temperature is known as relative humidity.

19: What is importance of rainfall?

Answer: Rainfall is very important for the survival of plants and animals. It brings fresh water to the earth’s surface. If rainfall is less the it may cause drought on the other hand if it is more floods will takes place.