NCERT Solutions for Class 5 EVS Chapter 16 Who Will Do This Work?


NCERT Solutions for Class 5 EVS Chapter 16 Who Will Do This Work?


1.Have you seen such scenes around you?
Ans.Yes, I have seen such scenes around me.

2.Have you ever thought of people who do this work? Can you imagine how they would feel?
Ans. Doing such works must be very difficult and dirty. People doing them must be feeling awful.

3.Why do you think people need to do this kind of work?
Ans. People need to do this kind of work because of poverty.

1.Talk with people who do the cleaning job around your house and school.
Ans. Hint: Students should talk with the cleaners and safai karmcharis.

2.Since when have they been doing this work?
Ans. They have been doing this work since 10-15 years.

3.How much have they studied?
Ans. Majority of them have not studied beyond class 5.

4.Have they tried to look for some other work?
Ans. No, they have not tried to look for some other work.

5.Did the elders in their family also do this work?
Ans.Yes, the elders in their family also do this work.

6.What kind of difficulties do they face in doing this work?
Ans. They face many difficulties while doing this work. They have to bear the foul smell. The foul smell often results in nausea and headache. Their job is considered as dirty job and hence they are looked down upon by other people.

7.What are the different kinds of work being done in this drawing? List any five of these.
Ans. Five different kinds of work, shown in the drawing are as follows:
1. Milking a cow 2. Working in garden
3. Carrying garbage 4. Sweeping the road
5. Rag picking.

8.If you were asked to do any five jobs shown in this picture, which would you choose?
Ans. I would choose following jobs:
1. Teacher 2. Shopkeeper
3. Doctor 4. Scientist
5. Artist.

9.Which five jobs would you not choose? Why?
Ans.The five jobs which I would not choose are:
1. Sweeper
2. Labourer
3. Fruit/vegetable hawker
4. Construction worker
5. Gatekeeper.
I want to do a job so that I and my parents can be proud of. I want to do respectful job and also want to earn better.

1.What kinds of work or jobs do people not want to do? Why?
Ans. People do not want to do those works which are not challenging and which do not require much of mental ability. All the menial jobs like cleaning, sweeping, etc. come Under such category of jobs. People want to do a job which is challenging and well paying. People also want to earn respect in society.

2.So, who does this kind of work? Why do people do this kind of work that others do not want to do?
Ans. Poor and uneducated people do this kind of work. The poverty does not allow them to study beyond certain grades. Lack of education makes them unfit for doing most of the jobs. That is why these people have to do menial jobs.

1.What would happen if nobody did this work? If nobody cleared the garbage lying outside your school or your house for one week, then what would happen?
Ans. If nobody would do this work then it will create problems for us. The garbage will get collected outside our school and houses. It will start giving bad smell due to the process of rotting. It could create epidemics also. The place, fqll of garbage, will look very ugly.
Some other ways for cleaning, so that people would not have to do this work, are:
Crane: Cranes can be used to lift huge amount of garbage. This also eliminates the need of garbage handling by hand.Dalao: The big dustbin in which garbage is collected is called Dalao. The garbage truck lifts the whole Dalao and takes it to the garbage dumping site.

2.did Gandhiji and his team start doing the job of cleaning? What do you think about this?
Ans. Gandhiji and his team

1.Why did Gandhiji and his team start doing the job of cleaning? What do you think about this?
Ans. Gandhiji and his team started doing the job of cleaning so that people should come out of their mindset. He wanted people to respect every type of job. He wanted that people should understand that a particular job is not meant only for a particular caste.

2.Do you know any such people in your area who try to help others in solving— their problems? Find out.
Ans. Yes, there is a gentleman in my colony who always comes out to help others.
He always takes initiative to solve any problem faced by the people of my colony. For example; if the drains are clogged, he leads a team of like minder people to clear the drain.

3.Guests at Gandhiji’s Ashram had to learn this work also. If you were one of these guests, what would you do?
Ans. I would have learnt this work and would happily done that.

4.What are the toilet arrangements in your house? Where is the toilet? Inside the house or outside? Who cleans the toilet?
Ans. There are toilets in my house attached to each room. It is a modern style toilet with a flush attached to it. The toilet is inside the house. Every member of my family cleans the toilet.

5.How did the man who was returning from the toilet behave with Mahadevbhai? Why did he behave like this?
Ans. The man behaved with Mahadevbhai in an insulting way. He did so because he was under the impression that cleaning toilet is a dirty job and people who do this are untouchables.

6.How do people generally behave with those people who clean toilets and drains? Write.
Ans. People generally behave very badly with those who clean toilets and drains. People consider them as untouchable. People avoid talking tolthose who clean toilets and drains.

7.Narayan and Gandhiji discussed all this many years ago. Have things changed now?
Ans. Yes, things have changed a lot. Nowadays untouchability has almost vanished. Especially in urban areas people tend to talk to those who do so hailed ‘dirty jobs’. The government has also made untouchability a punishable offence. Awareness level among people has also increased.

1.Who does the cleaning in your school? What all has to be cleaned?
Ans. There are sweepers who do cleaning in my school. They clean the rooms, the terrace, toilets and the playground.

2.Do all children like you help in this? If yes, how?
Ans. Yes, most of the children help in this. We keep our classrooms clean. We do not throw waste anywhere but in the dustbin only.

3.If all do not help, why not?
Ans. Some students who belong to rich families do not help. They think that the job of a cleaner is a dirty job.
Do all children do all kinds of work?
Ans. No, all children do not do all kinds of work. Children who consider some jobs as dirty, avoid doing such jobs.

4.Do they sometimes have to miss classes to do this work?
Ans. No, there is no need to miss classes for doing this work. The task of cleaning or maintaining hardly required 5-10 minutes in a day.

5.Do the girls and the boys do the same kinds of work?
Ans. Yes, both girls and boys do the same kind of work.

6.What all work do you do at home?
Ans. I help my parents in doing many household chores. I clean my room and my bathroom. I help my mother when she has to keep clothes for (hying in the sun.

7.Is the work done by boys and girls, men and women the same?
Ans. No, the work done by boys and girls, men and women are somewhat different. There are certain tasks which are supposed to be done by ladies only. For example; cooking, sewing, washing and ironing clothes. There are certain tasks which are supposed to be done by men only. For example; repairing a fault in _ electricity, repairing the car, moving heavy items, etc.

8.Would you like to bring some changes? What kind?
Ans. Yes, I would like to bring some changes. For example; men should also learn cooking. Washing or ironing of clothes can be done by men also. Women should also be allowed to do a job they want to do.

1.Do people look at different kinds of work in the same way? If not. why is this so? Why is it important to bring change?
Ans. No, there are people who look differently at different kinds of work. Some people have yet to change their mindset.
– It is important to bring change because of several reasons. Every work is
important for the society. A simple job does not mean that it is useless. Every person has self-respect and people should learn to pay respect to others no matter which kind of work they are doing.

2.Gandhiji’s favourite song (bhajan) is given below. This bhajan is in Gujarati. Try to understand the meaning of these lines with the help of your elders. Think _ about these lines.
Ans. The meaning of these lines is as follows:
An ideal person is one who understands the pain of others. An ideal person is willing to bear insult to remove sorrow from other person’s life. While doing all this, an ideal person should not have an iota of ego in his mind.

What We Have Learnt
1.Gandhiji used to say that every person should do every kind of work. What do you feel about this? If everyone followed this, what are the things that would change? What are some changes that will happen in your own house?
Ans. I think, Gandhiji was right that every person should do every kind of work. By doing a work we can understand the importance of that work and can also understand all the effort required for that work. If everyone followed this, then people will start showing more respect to others. We will understand that everyone is important for the society. In my house, I think everyone will start gaining the same amount of self respect.