NCERT Solutions for Class 5 EVS Chapter 21 Like Father, Like Daughter


NCERT Solutions for Class 5 EVS Chapter 21 Like Father, Like Daughter


1.Ashima sneezed just like her father. Do you have any such habit or trait which is similar to that of someone in your family? What is it? Whom is it similar to?
Ans. Yes, people say that I walk like my father.

1.Does your face or anything else look similar to that of someone else in your family? What is it?
Ans. Yes, some of my facial features resemble to someone else in my family. These are:
(a) My nose is like my mother’s nose.
(b) My eyes are of same colour as my father’s eyes.
(c) I have small ears; just like my grandfather’s.

2.Did someone tell you this or did you find it out yourself?
Ans. Many of my relatives told this to me.

3.How do you feel when people compare you with someone else in your family? Why do you feel so?
Ans. When someone compares me with someone else in my family; I feel good. The nice feeling comes because it makes me think I am the part of a great family.

4.Who laughs the loudest in your family? Laugh like that person.
Ans. My ‘tau’ laughs the loudest in my family.

5.Make a list of all the family members from Nilima’s nani to little Samir. How are they all related to Nilima? Write.
Ans. List of Nilima’s family members:
Nani: Nilima’s grandmother (Mother’s mother)
Eldest Nani: Nilima’s nani’s sister.
Elder son of Nani: Nilima’s mama (Mother’s brother)
Kiran: Nilima’s cousin (Mama’s daughter)
Samir: Nilima’s nephew (Son of her cousin)

Find Out
1.In your family are there any such examples of uncle-nephews or brother-sisters, where there is a big difference in the age? Find out from your elders.
Ans. Yes, some of my mamas (mother’s cousin brothers) are in my age group. My own mama is 20 years older than me.

Find Out and Write
1.Does Nilima have curly hair like her nani’s? Now you look for some special traits in your sister or brother (could also be cousins). Like colour of eyes, dimples in cheeks, height, broad or sharp nose, voice etc. See if this trait comes from the – father’s side or mother’s side. Make this table in your notebook and fill it. An example is given.
Ans. Yes, Nilima had curly hair, just like her nani’s.
NCERT Solutions for Class 5 EVS Chapter 21 Like Father, Like Daughter Findout and Write Q1
2.Have you seen a very young child in your (or any other) family? Whom does the child’s eyes, nose, hair or fingers look like in the family? Write their names.
Ans. Yes, I have seen the young child of my uncle. Some of his traits look like some of the family members and they are given below:
NCERT Solutions for Class 5 EVS Chapter 21 Like Father, Like Daughter Findout and Write Q2

3.Nilima’s hair is like her nani’s—thick and curly. Nilima’s mother has straight, brown and limp hair. What type of hair do you have—black or brown, oily or — dry?
Ans. My hair are black and oily.

4.What is the colour of your hair? Measure and write the length of your hair.
Ans. The colour of my hair is brown. My hair are 30 cm long.

5.Is your hair like that of anyone else in your family? If yes, then name the person.
Ans. Yes, my hair resembles with those of my father.

6.Measure the hair of other members of your family.
Ans. Do it yourself.

7.Who has the longest hair in your family?
Ans. My mausi has the longest hair in my family.

8.How many people do you know whose hair is longer than one metre? Does having long hair run in their family?
Ans. I know about one neighbour family where all the ladies have hair longer than a metre. It can be said that having long hair run in their family.

9.Do you know how to measure your height? Measure yourself from head to toe and write how tall you are.
Ans. Yes, I know how to measure my height. I can do it using a metre scale or a measuring tape. My height is about 120 cm.

10.How tall do you think you will be when you grow up? Is anyone else in your family of the same height?
Ans. i think I will be about 6 feet in height when I grow up because my father is exactly 6 feet tall.

11Measure the height of your family members and write it down.
Ans. Do it yourself.
One example is given here;
Father: 168 cm Mother: 150 cm Brother: 150 cm

1.What is similar between Saroja and Suvasini? What is different?
Ans. Both Saroja and Suvasini look like mirror images because they are twin sisters. They look so similar that their mama gets confused.
Suvasini can speak both Marathi and Tamil, while Saroja can speak only Tamil. Suvasini is a good singer, while Saroja is a Karate exponent.

2.Do you know any twins? What is similar in them? How are they different?
Ans. Yes, there are two brothers in my class. They look similar in almost every trait. One of them has a mole on the left cheek.

3.Do you know of twins who do not look the same?
Ans. Yes, there Eire twin sister and brother in my neighbourhood. They look different from each other.

But Not this From Parents
1.Have you read or heard anything about polio? Where?
Ans. I have read about polio in newspaper emd on hoEirdings.

2.Have you read or heard any news about pulse polio? What?
Ans. Yes, I have heard about pulse polio. Pulse polio is a programme run by the government to eradicate polio from the country. Vaccination camps are organised every month where every child below five years of age is given the polio vaccine drops. The vaccine is given free of cost.

3.Do you know of anyone who has polio?
Ans. Yes, there is a boy in my neighbourhood who has polio. He is unable to walk properly.

4.Are there people in your house who talk loudly? It is their habit or they cannot also hear very well?
Ans. My Tau and my grandfather talk very loudly. My tau does it out of habit. My grandfather does it because he cannot hear properly.

5.Are there times when you do not talk loudly in front of some people? When? With whom? Why? When can you speak loudly?
Ans. Yes, there are times when I do not talk loudly. I talk softly in front of my father, mother and, tau because I respect them. I have to speak loudly with my grandfather because he cannot hear my soft voice.

6.Some people use a machine in their ear to help them hear better. Some use a stick or spectacles to help them in other ways. Do you know someone who does so?
Ans. Yes, my nana uses a hearing aid. My nani uses spectacles to see properly.

7.Talk to people who cannot hear very well. Find out if they had this problem from birth. When did they start to have a problem with hearing? What difficulties do they face?
Ans. My dada cannot hear, very well. The problem started around five years ago. Doctors say that it is because of old age. Due to hearing problems he is unable to enjoy talking over telephone. He finds it difficult to walk on the road because he cannot hear the sound of coming vehicles.

What We Have Learnt
1.What do you think—what all is a part of you that you got from your mother’s side?
Ans. I have got following features from my mother’s side:
(a) My brown eyes are like my mother’s.
(b) My hairs are like my mama’s.
(c) My nose is like my nana’s.