NCERT Solutions for Class 4 Mathematics Unit-14 Smart Charts


NCERT Solutions for Class 4 Mathematics Unit-14 Smart Charts

NCERT Textbook Page 162
How many Hours?
All of us enjoy watching television (TV) or listening to the radio.
1. How much time do we spend in this?
Ans. Usually, I spend about 1 hour every day on TV.

2. Note the time you spend in front of a TV or radio every day. Do this for one week.
The time spent in a week is_______hours.
Ans. The time spent on TV in a week is about 7 hours.

3. So in a month you spend about 30 x_______=_______hours.
Ans. In a month I spend about 30 x 1 = 30 hours

4. Find out from your friends the time they spend in a week.
Ans. I talked to my friends about their hours spent on TV which are as follows:
NCERT Solutions for Class 4 Mathematics Unit-14 Smart Charts Page 162 Q4
NCERT Textbook Pages 163-164
From your table:
Watching TV/listening to the radio…
1._______children spend more than 6 hours in a week.
Ans. 20 children spend more than 6 hours in a week.

2._______children spend no time at all.
Ans. 10 children spend no time at all.

3. Most children spend_______hours in a week.
Ans. More children spend 20 hours in a week.

4._______children spend more than 3 hours.
Ans. 101 children spend more than 3 hours.

Which Programme?
There are different types of programmes on TV or radio such as cartoon, news, sports, music, plays, serials. Juhi’s father likes watching serials. Her mother likes sports. Juhi likes news programmes.
1. Ask people in your family to name one programme they like and one programme they dislike. Make a table.
Ans. In my family people likes and dislikes these programmes
NCERT Solutions for Class 4 Mathematics Unit-14 Smart Charts Page 163 Q1
• The kind of programme most family members like________
Ans. Serials and News most of the family members like.
• The kind of programme most family members dislike.
Ans. Most of the family members dislike serials.
2. Find out from 20 friends the programmes they like and dislike, and write in a table.
Ans. Liking and disliking of programmes by children
NCERT Solutions for Class 4 Mathematics Unit-14 Smart Charts Page 163 Q2
• Which kind of programme is liked by most children?
Ans. Most of the children like Cartoon and Sports programme.
• Which kind of programme is disliked by the least number of children?
Ans. Cartoon and Sport are disliked by least children.
• How many children like sports programmes?
Ans. 20 (all) children like sports programmes.
• Is there any kind of programme not liked by anyone? Yes/No. If yes, which one?
Ans. No.

NCERT Textbook Page 164
Who is My Friend?
I’ve a friend with me always,
In the nights and through the days.
When I run he runs with me,
Sometimes I lead, sometimes he.
When It’s dark he can’t be seen,
Do you know which friend I mean?
1. Read the poem carefully and answer these questions.
(а) Which word comes most often in the poem?
(b) Which letter has been used most?
(c) Which letter comes the least?
Ans. To answer these questions, first of all make a table regarding this:
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(а) The word T has been used most in the poem.
(b) The letter ‘E’ has been used most.
(c) The letters ‘B’ and ‘V5 has been come least.

2. Take a paragraph you like from your language textbook. Read carefully and find out.
(a) Which word comes most often? How many times?
(b) Which word comes least often?
(c) The letter used most often is_______
(d) The letter used least often is_______
Ans. This paragraph is considered.
There are 4 houses on his land and in the middle there is a well. He wants to divide this land equally among his four children. Each should get one house and be able to use the well without entering the other’s land.
NCERT Solutions for Class 4 Mathematics Unit-14 Smart Charts Page 164 Q2
(а) The word ‘land’ comes most often.
(b) The word ‘are’, ‘on’ etc. comes least.
(c) The letter ‘E’ used most often that is by 26 times.
(d) The letter ‘F’, ‘q’, ‘v’ and ‘y’ are used only once.

NCERT Textbook Page 166
Food we Eat
1. Find out from your classmates and fill the table.
Ans. The table is given as follows:
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Look at the table and tell:
(a) Most children eat food made from_______
Ans. Most children eat food made from rice.
(b) Compared to children who eat rice, those who eat wheat are more/less/equal.
Ans. More children eat food made from rice than wheat.
(c) Compare to those who eat wheat, children eating ragi are more/less.
Ans. The number of children who eat wheat are more than who eat food made of ragi.

NCERT Textbook Page 167
Preparing for the Class Drama
NCERT Solutions for Class 4 Mathematics Unit-14 Smart Charts Page 167 Q1
1. (a) How many children are acting in the drama?
Ans. Nine children are acting in the drama.

2. (b) Which are more-children making the sets or those acting?
Ans. The number of children doing acting – 9
The number of children making the sets – 6 Hence, the numbers of children doing acting are more.

3. (c) What is being done by most of the children?
Ans. Playing music is done by most of the children.

4. (d) How many children are collecting dresses?
Ans. Six children are collecting dresses.

NCERT Textbook Pages 167-168
Whose Head is Bigger?
Cut long paper strips from waste paper. Give one strip to each of your friends. Now put the paper strip around your head and tear off the extra strip. On a big sheet, paste these paper strips along a line.
Use a scale and find out from your chart:
(a) The length of the longest strip is_______cm
(b) So,_______has the biggest head.
(c) The smallest strip is_______cm long. It belongs to_______
Ans. The strips belongs to my friend’s is head are pasted like as:
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(a) The length of the longest strip is 55 cm.
(b) So, Anmol has the biggest head,
(c) The smallest strip is 32 cm. It belongs to Swarnim.

NCERT Textbook Pages 168-169
Chapati Chart
All children of a school take part in different clubs:
The Chapati Chart shows the number of children in different clubs.
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From the picture we can see that:
(а) Half the children in the class take part in the Games Club.
(b) One fourth of the children are members of the Garden Club.
(c) The Drawing Club has one fourth of the children of the class.
If there are 200 students in the school, look at the above Chapati Chart and tell the number of members in each club:
1. The Games Club has________members.
Ans. The Games Club has 100 members.

2. The Garden Club has________members.
Ans. The Garden Club has 50 members.

3. There are________members in the Drawing Club.
Ans. There are 50 members in the Drawing Club.

Getting Wet in the Rain
Who likes to get wet in the rain? A child made this Chapati Chart after asking his friends.
NCERT Solutions for Class 4 Mathematics Unit-14 Smart Charts Page 169 Q3
See the Chapati Chart and tell
1. How many children like to get wet in the rain?
(а) Half
(b) One-fourth (c) Three-fourth
Ans. (c) Three-fourth.

2. How many children do not like to get wet in the rain?
(a) Half
(b) One-fourth
(c) Three-fourth
Ans. (b) One-fourth.

3. If the number of children in the class is 28, then tell the number of children
• Who like to get wet in the rain?
Ans. 21.
• Who do not like to get wet in the rain?
Ans. 7.

NCERT Textbook Page 170 Tea,
Coffee, or Milk
Some children were asked which of these they liked most-Tea, Coffee or Milk.
NCERT Solutions for Class 4 Mathematics Unit-14 Smart Charts Page 170 Q1
1. Total number of children
Ans. The total number of children = 40

2. Children who like milk are 1/2 1/4 of the total children.
Ans. Children who like milk are 1/2 of the total children.

3. Children who like coffee are 1/2 1/4 of the total children.
Ans. Children who like coffee are 1/4 of the total children.

4. Show the liking for Tea, Coffee or Milk in a Chapati Chart.
Ans. The Chapati Charts about the liking of children is shown here.
NCERT Solutions for Class 4 Mathematics Unit-14 Smart Charts Page 170 Q4