NCERT Solutions for Class 4 Mathematics Unit-11 Tables And Shares


NCERT Solutions for Class 4 Mathematics Unit-11 Tables And Shares

To solve this chapter remember these multiplication tables.
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NCERT Textbook Page 120
1. What are the ways in which the sunflower and marigold are planted?
18 =______x______So there is______row with______plants.
18 = ______x______So there are______row With______plants each.
18 = 1 x 18, so there is 1 row with 18 plants.
18 = 2 x 9, so there are 2 rows with 9 plants each.

2. You too can make your own garden. Draw a garden, showing flower- beds with 48 plants. Each row should have the same number of plants.
Ans. I made a garden with flower having 6 rows and 8 flowers in each row.
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Note: artist may change this figure using a simple flower picture. The pattern for garden may be as follows:
12 plants x 4 rows = total 48 plants
16 plants x 3 rows = total 48 plants.

NCERT Textbook Page 121
Jars in the Shelf
1. Can you think of other ways to make a shelf to keep 30 jars?
Ans. A shelf can be made with three rows to keep 10 jars in each row. The shelf will look like this
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Other ways to keep jars
5 rows with 6 jars in each row.
6 rows with 5 jars in each row.

3. Draw a shelf. Show how many jars you will keep in each row. How many rows are there?
Ans. A shelf can be made to keep 60 jars.
Some arrangement are given here- ‘
10 rows with 6 jars in each row.
6 rows with 10 jars in each row.
5 rows with 12 jars in each row.
12 rows with 5 jars in each row.
20 rows with 3 jars in each row.

NCERT Textbook Page 122
1. Help Bunty to make the table of 7, using tables of 4 and 3.
Ans. First of all write the multiplication tables of 4 and 3
Multiplication table of 4
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Multiplication table of 3
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To write the multiplication table of 7 add the result of table of 4 and 3.
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2. Which two tables will you use for writing the table of 12?
Ans. I will use the table of 4 and 8 to write the table of 12 The table of 4 is as follows:
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use the table of 4 and 8 to write the table of 12 The table of 4 is as follows:
The table 8 is as follows:
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The table of 12 will become
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NCERT Textbook Page 123
1. Some of Gayatri’s cats were playing in a box. When she tried to count, all she could see were legs. She counted 28 legs. How many cats are there in the box?
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So, 28 legs means_______ cats.
Ans.I know, a cat has four legs
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So, 28 legs means 7 cats.

2. Billo has kept his chickens in a box. He counted 28 legs. How many chickens are there?
Ans. I know, a chicken has 2 legs.
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So, 28 legs mean 14 chickens.

3. Leela has not gone to school for 21 days. For how many weeks was she away from school?
Ans. There are 7 days in a week. Therefore,
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So, 28 days mean 3 weeks.

NCERT Textbook Page 124
Jumping Animals
1. A frog jumps 3 steps at a time starting from 0.
• Count the jumps he takes to reach 27.
So, he has taken 27 ÷ 3 =______jumps.
Ans. He has taken 27 ÷ 3 = 9 jumps.
• He has taken______jumps, if he is at 36.
Ans. He has taken 36 ÷ 3 = 12 jumps from starting point.
• If he is at 42, he has taken______jumps.
Ans. He has taken 42 ÷ 3 = 14 jumps.

2. Starting from 0, a rabbit jumps 5 steps at a time.
• In how many jumps does he reach 25?
Ans. In 25 ÷ 5 = 5 jumps he reaches at 25.
• He reaches______after taking 8 jumps.
Ans. He reaches in 8 jumps at 8 x 5 = 40.
• He needs______jumps to reach 55.
Ans. He needs 55 ÷ 5 = 11 jumps to reach at 55.

Practice time
1. 28 ÷ 2 =
Ans. 28 ÷ 2 = 14

2.  56 ÷ 7 =
Ans. 56 ÷ 7 = 8

3. 48 ÷ 4 =
Ans. 48 ÷ 4 = 12

4. 66 ÷ 6 =
Ans. 66 ÷ 6 = 11

5. 96 ÷ 8 =
Ans. 96 ÷ 8 = 12

6. 110 ÷ 10 =
Ans. 110 ÷ 10 = 11

NCERT Textbook Page 125
Sea Shells
Dhruv lives near the sea. He thought of making necklaces for his three friends. He looked for sea shells the whole day. He collected 112 sea shells by evening. Now he had many different colourful and shiny shells.
He took 28 shells for one necklace.
112-28 = 84
Now he was left with 84 shells. Again he took 28 more shells for the second necklace.

1. How many shells are left now?_______
Ans. The shells left with him = 84 – 28 = 56

2. Then he took shells for the third necklace. So he was left with_______shells.
Ans. He left with 56 – 28 = 28 shells.

3. How many necklaces can Dhruv make from 112 shells?
Ans. Number of necklaces Dhruv can make from 112 shells = 112 ÷ 28 = 4

4. Are the shells enough for making necklaces for all his friends?
Ans. Yes, the shells are sufficient to make necklaces for all of his three friends.

Try These
1. (a) Kannu made a necklace of 17 sea shells. How many such necklaces can be
made using 100 sea shells?
Ans. There are 100 sea shells and 17 sea shells are required to make one necklace. So,
Sea shells left after making 1 necklace = 100 – 17 = 83
Sea shells left after making 2 (second) necklace=83-17 =66
Sea shells left after making 3 (third) necklace =66-17 =49
Sea shells left after making 4 (fourth) necklace= 49 – 17 = 32
Sea shells left after making 5 (fifth) necklace = 32 – 17 = 15 .
15 sea shells left after making of 5 necklaces.
So, only 5 necklaces can be made using 100 sea shells. And after making necklaces 15 sea shells will be left unused.
(b) One carton can hold 85 soap bars. Shally wants to pack 338 soap bars. How many cartons does she need for packing all of them?
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Total number of cartons = 4
Hence, total 4 cartons will be required to pack all 338 soap bars.
(c) Manpreet wants 1500 sacks of cement for making a house. A truck carries
250 sacks at a time. How many trips will the truck make?
Ans. In one trip of truck 250 sacks of cement can be carried. The sacks left
= 1500 – 250 = 1250
In second trip of truck another 250 sacks of cement can be carried. The sacks left
= 1250 – 250 = 1000
In third trip of truck another 250 sacks of cement can be carried. The sacks left
= 1000 – 250 = 750
In fourth trip of truck another 250 sacks of cement can be carried. The sacks left
= 750 – 250 = 500
In fifth trip of truck another 250 sacks of cement can be carried. The sacks left
= 500 – 250 = 250
In sixth trip of truck another 250 sacks of cement can be carried. The sacks left
= 250 – 250 = 0
So, he needs six trips of truck to carry all 1500 sacks of cement.
(d) A driver charges Rs 500 for a trip. How much will Manpreet pay the driver
for all the trips?
Ans. Total number of truck trips = 6 For 1 trip driver charges Rs 500.
Therefore, for 6 trips driver charges = Rs 500 x 6 = Rs 3000.
Hence, Manpreet will pay Rs 3000 to the driver for all the trips.

NCERT Textbook Pages 126-127
Gangu’s Sweets,
Gangu is making sweets for Id. He has made a tray of 80 laddoos.
Rabiya – Please pack 4 laddoos in a box. I need 23 small boxes.
1. Are the sweets in the tray enough to pack 23 small boxes?
Number of laddoos required to pack 1 small box = 4
Number of laddoos required to pack 23 small boxes = 4 x 23 = 92
No, 80 laddoos are not enough to pack 23 small boxes.

2. How many more sweets are needed?
Total number of laddoos required to pack 23 small boxes = 92
Total number of laddoos available = 80
Number of more laddoos required = 92 – 80 = 12

3. Gangu also has a bigger box in which he packs 12 laddoos. How many boxes does he need for packing 60 laddoos?
Number of boxes required to pack 12 laddoos = 1
Number of boxes required to pack 60 laddoos = 60 ÷ 12 = 5

Practice Time
1. Neelu brought 15 storybooks to her class. Today 45 students are present. How many children will need to share one book?
Total number of children =45
Total number of storybooks =15
Number of children will need to share one book = 45 ÷ 15 = 3

2. A family of 8 people needs 60 kg wheat for a month. How much wheat does this family need for a week?
There are 30 days in a month.
There are 7 days in a week.
If for one month or 30 days need of wheat for 8 people = 60 kg
Therefore, for 1 day need of wheat for 8 people = 60 ÷30 kg
= 2 kg
Therefore, for 7 days need of wheat for 8 people = 2 kg x 7
= 14 kg

3. Razia wants change for Rs 500.
How many notes will she get if she wants in return
(a) All 100 rupee notes?_______
Number of 100 rupee notes requires to change the note of Rs 500
= 500 ÷ 100 = 5
(b) All 50 rupee notes?_______
Number of 50 rupee notes requires to change the note of Rs 500
= 500 ÷ 50 = 10
(c) All 20 rupee notes? _______
Number of 20 rupee notes requires to change the note of Rs 500
= 500÷ 20 = 25
(d) All 5 rupee notes?_______
Number of 5 rupee notes requires to change the note of Rs 500
= 500 ÷ 5 = 100

4. You have to distribute 72 tomatoes equally in 3 baskets. How many tomatoes will there be in each?
Ans. Total number of tomatoes = 72
Number of baskets = 3
Number of tomatoes can be kept in each basket = 72 ÷ 3 = 24 Hence, 24 tomatoes will there be in each basket.

5. There are 350 bricks in a hand-cart. Binod found the weight of a brick to be 2 kg. What will be the weight of all the bricks?
Ans. Weight of 1 brick = 2 kg
Therefore, weight of 350 bricks = 2 kg x 350 = 700 kg.

NCERT Textbook Pages 129-130
Children and their Grandfather
1. Mridul and Lokesh are trying 70 ÷ 5 in a different way.
Lokesh writes
First, I give Rs 5 to each.
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I have distributed 5 x 5 = 25 rupees.
Next, I give Rs 6 more to everyone.
I have distributed 30 rupees more.
(a) Now I am left with_______rupees.
(b) How will Lokesh distribute the rest of the money? Complete it.
So, each child gets 5 + 6 +_______ =_______rupees.
Ans. (a)

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Now I am left with 15 rupees.
(b) So, each child gets 5 + 6 + 3 = 14 rupees.

Your Method
1. Now use your own method to divide Rs 70 equally among 5 people. If you want you can start by givingRs 2 to each. Or you can even start with Rs 11 to each.
Ans. By starting giving Rs 2 to each.
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So each child gets =2+2+2+2+2+2+2= Rs 14
By starting giving Rs 11 to each.
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So, each child gets = 11 + 3 = Rs 14

2. Can you start with Rs 15 to each?
Ans. Distribution with Rs 15 cannot be started.
Try Doing These
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(i) Meera made 204 candles to sell in the market. She makes packets of 6. How many packets will she make?
(j) On Sports Day, 161 children are in the school playground. They are standing in 7 equal rows. How many children are there in each row?
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NCERT Textbook Pages 130-132
Story Problems
1. There are 3 crates. Each crate has 24 bottles in it.
My question: How many bottles are there in all?
Ans. Given, 1 crate has 24 bottles
Therefore, total number of bottles in 3 crates’ = 3 x 24 = 72 There are 72 bottles in 3 crates.

2.There are 8 packets of rakhis. Each packet has 6 rakhis in it.
Your question: = ?
My question is-How many rakhis,ar£ there in all packets?
As 1 packet contains 6 rakhis
Therefore, no. of rakhis in 8 packets = 8 x 6 = 48
So, there are 48 rakhis in 8 packets. .

3. There are 10 packets of sugar. Saurabh paid 110 rupees for all the packets. Your question: ?
My question-How mahy rupee Saurabh paiji for 1 packet?
For 10 packets Saurabh paid = Rs 110
So, for 1 packet saurabh paid = Rs 110 ÷ 10
= Rs 11 .

4. There are 35 students in 7 rows. Each row has the same number of students. Your question: ?
My question: How many students are there in one row?
As total number of students in 7 rows = 35
Therefore, the number of students in 1 row = 35 ÷ 7 = 5
So, there are 5 students in each row.

5. Hari, Seema, Chinku and Lakshmi are going to Guwahati. The cost of one rail ticket is Rs 62.
Your question: ?
My question: How many rupees did they pay for all the three tickets?
For 1 ticket they paid Rs 62
Therefore, for 3 tickets rupees they paid = 62 x 3 =Rs 186
They paid rupees 186 for all the three tickets.

6. One metre of cloth costs Rs 20. Lalbiak bought some cloth and paid Rs 140.
Your question: ?
My question: How many metres of cloth Lalbiak did buy?
In Rs 20, one metre cloth can be bought
Therefore, in ? 140 length of cloth bought = 140 ÷ 20 = 7
So, Lalbiak bought 7 metres cloth.