NCERT Solutions for Class 4 English Unit-8


NCERT Solutions for Class 4 English Unit-8



Reading is Fun
1.What is the best time to water the plants?_
Ans.The best time to water the plants is early morning and evening hour.

2.When should we not water the plants?
Ans. We should not water the plants at noonday.

3.Which part of the plant should be watered?
Ans.The roots of the plant should be watered.

Word Building
Place letters in their right order to form the names of flowers.
NCERT Solutions for Class 4 English Unit-8 Chapter 15 Word Building

Fun Time

You have visited your school garden and seen different kinds of plants, shrubs and trees. This grid has the names of different parts of a tree. Look for these words – BUD, POD, LEAF, STEM, ROOTS, THORNS, BRANCHES and FLOWER as fast as you can – vertically, horizontally and diagonally.
NCERT Solutions for Class 4 English Unit-8 Chapter 15 Fun Time
Let’s Talk
1.Do you have a garden at home?
Ans. Yes, I have a small garden at home.

2.Name some flowers which grow in your garden or near your house.
Ans. Crysanthemum, marigold, rose, dahlia, jasmine.

3.Give another word for ‘thirsty feet’.
Ans. Roots.

4.What happens when we water plants in the morning? Choose one answer.
(a) They will grow well.
(b) They will dry up.
Ans. (a) They will grow well.

5.From where do flowers get water?
(а) From the bottom (roots).
(b) From the top (leaves).
Ans. (a) From the bottom (roots).

Say Aloud
early      our      flower     their        could
curly      hour    flour       there        hood
surely    are       shower   care         should
where    seat      shake     bread       high
wear      sheet    sake       spread      sigh

Pick out the silent letters from
hour     knit     wrong    doubt
often    know   night     could
write    knife    high      walk
NCERT Solutions for Class 4 English Unit-8 Chapter 15 Say Aloud
Let’s Write
1.Write rhyming words for the words given below. One has been done for
(a) morning evening   (b) car bar
(c) high sigh                 (d) boots roots
(e) heat feet                  (f) where there

2.Words like morning, evening, watering end in ing. Write six more words to which ing can be added at the end to form a new word.
(a) warming   (b) raining   (c) dancing
(d) planting   (e) feeling     (f) laughing

3.Look for words in the poem which sound like the words given below.
(a) are hour         (b) there their
(c) flour flower   (d) where wear
(e) son sun          (f) threw through

4.In the sentences below the capital letters, commas, full stops and question marks are missing. Put these in the correct places.
(a) on monday i will go to school
Ans. On Monday, I will go to school.
(b) rahim ravi and raju are going to see the circus
Ans. Rahim, Ravi and Raju are going to see the circus.
(c) sita where are you looking
Ans. Sita, where are you looking?
(d) the tailor went to the market mr singh
Ans. The tailor went to the market, Mr. Singh.
(e) every Sunday i go for a walk have breakfast read story books listen to music and watch television
Ans. Every Sunday I go for a walk, have breakfast, read story books, listen to music and watch television.
(f) laxmi why are you crying.
Ans. Laxmi, why are you crying?
(g) what is the colour of the sky
Ans. What is the colour of the sky?
(h) oranges mangoes bananas and papayas are fruits.
Ans. Oranges, mangoes, bananas and papayas are fruits.
Team Time

Write a Story

1.Write a story about a plant that is in danger. Write about how you might help to save it. Be sure the story has a beginning, a middle, and an end.
Ans. Do it yourself.

Prepare a Speech

Prepare a speech giving some reasons why it is important to protect flowers and plants. Include ways that you could help protect endangered plants in your school.
Respected teachers and my dear friends!
Flowers and plants are important for our life. They give us fresh air to breathe. Flowers add beauty to the nature. Plants give us fruits and medicines. They also give us valuable timber. They form clouds which fall on earth in the form of water. Hence, we must protect them. We should not pluck flowers. Neither should we cut trees. We should plant more and more trees in order to protect our own existence.



Reading is Fun
1.How did the boy enjoy the company of the tree?
Ans.The boy climbed the trunk of the tree, swung on its branches, ate its fruit, and slept under its shade.

2.How did the tree help the boy earn money?
Ans.The tree told the boy to pluck all the apples and earn money by selling them in the market.

3.What did the boy make with the branches of the tree?
Ans.The boy made a house with the branches of the tree.

4.What did the boy make with the trunk of the tree?
Ans. The boy made a boat with the trunk of the tree.

5.How was the stump of the tree useful?
Ans. The stump of the tree proved to be useful by offering the old man a peaceful place to sit and rest.

6.Why is the play called ‘The Giving Tree’?
Ans. The play is called ‘The Giving Tree’ because the tree always gives something or the other to the boy to make him happy.

Word Building
1.Make new words and complete the sentences.
(а) The children love to sing loudly, (loud)
(b) Read your lesson silently, (silent)
(c) Throw the ball slowly, (slow)
(d) The tree gave its fruit to the boy happily, (happy)
(e) Do your work neatly, (neat)

2.Fill in the blanks with the correct word.
My mother went to the market and bought a kilogram of apples .(apple/apples),
a dozen bananas (banana/bananas) and a dozen oranges (orange/oranges).
I love oranges. So I ate an orange (orange/oranges).
My brother wanted a banana (banana/bananas) and my sister asked for an apple (apple/apples).
A tree has one trunk (trunk/trunks) but many branches (branch/branches).
A branch (branch/branches) has a number of leaves (leaf/leaves) and flowers (flower/ flowers).

Let’s Talk
1.Why should we not cut trees? 
Ans.We should not cut trees because trees give us many things such as fruit, fuel, valuable timber, medicines etc. They give us cool shade in summer. They purify air which we breathe.

2.At the end of the play, only the stump of the tree is left. Find out if it will grow into a tree again.
Ans.Do it yourself.
3.Say the given sentences with different expressions.
(а) Come and play with me.
(b) I want to buy things and have fun.
(c) Come and climb up my trunk and swing from my branches.
(d) Cut down my trunk.
(e) I am too old to swing on branches.
(f) I am too tired to climb.
(а) Come to play with me.
(d) I will make fun by buying things.
(c) You can climb up my trunk and swing from my branches.
(d) You can cut down my trunk.
(e) I am so old that I cannot swing on the branches.
(f) I am so tired that I cannot climb.

Let’s Write
1.Write these sentences in the correct order. Also, choose the right word from the box and add it before each sentence. Remember to put a comma after it, for example, Finally ….
First – Then After that Finally
(а) It gave him its branches to make a house.
(б) It asked him to sit on the stump.
(c) It gave him its trunk to make a boat.
(d) The tree gave its apples to the boy.
(a) First, the tree gave its apples to the boy.
(b) Then, it gave him its branches to make a house.
(c) After that it gave him its trunk to make a boat.
(d) Finally, it asked him to sit on the stump

2.Work in a group and decide the things that you can do to help your
grandparents or any old person. Now, write five of these things that you will do.
• I will give them water to drink.
• I will give them medicines on time.
• I will sit with them whenever I get time.
• I will go on walk with them.
• I will do everything that makes them happy.

Let’s Act
1.You are reading and talking about trees. You are thinking about trees too. Can you make the shape of a tree with your body?
(a) Let’s see your branches.
(b) Let’s see a full tree with fruits and leaves.
(c) Enact a cut tree with only a trunk.
(d) Enact a tree with only a stump left.
(e) Communicate the idea in this play.
Ans.Do it yourself.

2.Use your body to –
stretch     bend     jump     twist     hop     climb
Ans. Do it yourself.

 Let’s Read

Chintha Chettu
Chintha Chettu is a tamarind tree.
This famous tre is in Gwalior
Tensen was a famous singer
The tamarind tree grows over Tansen’s tomb
“Eat the leaves of the tamarind tree, and you’ll also sing like Tansen !”

Choose the right words.
1.Chintha Chettu is a tamarind tree, (tree/leaf).
2.This famous tree is in Gwalior (Guntur/Gwalior).
3.Tansen was a famous singer (singer/dancer).
4.The tamarind tree grows over Tansen’s tomb (house/tomb).
5.“Eat the leaves of the tamarind tree, and you’ll also sing like Tansen (Tansen/Akbar)”