NCERT Solutions for Class 3 English Unit 3


NCERT Solutions for class 3 English Unit-3



Reading is Fun
1.Name the tree that the acron grows into.
Ans. Oak tree.
2.What things does a seed need to grow?
Ans. A seed needs soil, moisture, air and sunlight to grow.
3.How many describing words can you find in the poem?
Ans. We can find the following describing words in the poem.

  • little
  • mossy
  • each
  • deep
  • thread-like
  • tiny
  • slender
  • mighty

Talk Time
1.Look at the two pictures. Find four things that are different about these trees and talk about them.
NCERT Solutions for Class 3 English Unit 3 Little By Little Talk Time Q1
Ans. Four things that are different about these trees: ,
(I) Tree ‘A’ is happy while tree ‘B’ is sad.
(ii) Tree ‘A’is getting everything that it needs to grow properly while tree ‘B’ is not getting these things.
(iii) Tree ‘A’ is able to give us several useful things as shown in Picture 1 while
tree ‘B’ is not able to give us anything.
(iv)One can breathe fresh air under tree ‘A’ but not under tree ‘B’

Let’s Write
1.Look at Picture 1. Write three sentences on what the trees give us.
Ans. (i) The trees give us fresh air to breathe.
(ii)They give us fruits and vegetables.
(iii)They give us valuable timber.

2.Now look at Picture 2. Write three sentences on how we harm the trees.
Ans. (i) We cut wood from trees for our needs.
(ii)We cause pollution by destroying trees.
(iii)We force birds and animals to go away by cutting trees.

3.These words describe parts of a tree. Write them in the given space.
Ans. stem – It helps the tree to stand upright.
bark – Outer covering (brown coloured) of a tree.
leaves – Green leaves prepare food for the tree.
branch -An arm-like part of a tree that bear leaves.
twigs – Small shoots growing from a branch or stem.
root – Part of a plant or tree that grows into the earth.
shoot – A young branch or new growth of a plant.

4. Match the opposites. One has been done for you.
NCERT Solutions for Class 3 English Unit 3 Little By Little Talk Time Q4

  • downward — upward
  • slowly — fast
  • little — big
  • slender — fat
  • mighty — weak
  • day — night



Reading is Fun
1.What did the old man plant?
Ans. The old man planted some turnip seeds.

2. Why was it difficult for the old man to pull up the turnip?
Ans. It was difficult for the old man to pull up the turnip because it was very large. ‘

3. Who helped him to pull up the enormous turnip?
Ans. An old woman, a boy and a girl helped him to pull up the enormous turnip.

4. Who ate the enormous turnip?
Ans. All the four, the old man, the old woman, the boy and the girl, ate the enormous turnip.

Talk Time
(i)Name and draw four vegetables that have to be pulled out from the earth. Now name them in your own language.
NCERT Solutions for Class 3 English Unit 3 The Enormous Turnip Talk Time Q1
(ii)Let’s go shopping!
How many vegetables can you find in this maze? Draw a circle around each word. One has been done for you.
Carrot     Peas     Beans     Turnip    Tomato   Potato
NCERT Solutions for Class 3 English Unit 3 The Enormous Turnip Talk Time Q2

(iii) A Game of Opposites
The entire class can be divided into two groups where one group says one word and the second group says the opposite words.
NCERT Solutions for Class 3 English Unit 3 The Enormous Turnip Talk Time Q3

Let’s Write
(i) How do you like to each these vegetables-raw or cooked ? Say why?
NCERT Solutions for Class 3 English Unit 3 The Enormous Turnip Lets Write Q1

(ii) Name four vegetables you ate last week. Write their names here. MW? 
Ans. Peas     Cauliflower
Tomato          Radish

(iii) Complete these columns.
One                Many
carrot            carrots
turnip           turnrns
onion            onions
potato           potatoes
tomato          tomatoes

1.One word in each of the following sets is different than the others. Circle the odd one out.
NCERT Solutions for Class 3 English Unit 3 The Enormous Turnip Vocabulary