NCERT Solutions for Class 3 EVS From Here To There


NCERT Solutions for Class 3 EVS From Here To There



The Train
1.How did you like the poem?
Ans. I liked the poem very much.

2.Have you ever travelled in a train? When?
Ans. Yes, I have travelled in a train many times. Last time when I was going to visit my maternal uncle at Allahabad, I travelled in a train.

3.Can a train move anywhere? Why?
Ans. No, a train can not move anywhere. It r^oves only on the iron rails.

4.What is meant by ‘roads of iron’?
Ans. ‘Roads of iron’ means railway tracks on which trains run. They are made of iron.

5.What places did the train pass by? Make a list.
Ans. Meadows, Hills, Temples, Mills, Village wells, Potato fields.

6.Which vehicles have you travelled in? Write their names in your notebook.
Ans. I have travelled in car, bus, metro rail, train, and also in a bullock cart.

7.Which all vehicles did the children travel in?
Ans. Children travelled in all kinds of vehicles. They are—bus, metro rail, car, boat, horse, bicycle, rickshaw and bullock cart.

8.How would you choose to go from your house to the places written below? Write in the box.
NCERT Solutions for Class 3 EVS From Here To There Q8

9.Write in front of each picture what the vehicle is used for. In the spaces provided, draw the pictures of some other vehicles. Write their names and what they are used for. Are all these vehicles used for our travel?
NCERT Solutions for Class 3 EVS From Here To There Q9

10.Names of some vehicles are given in the centre of a wheel. Join these on one side to the number of wheels each vehicle has and on the other, join them to what is used to run them.
NCERT Solutions for Class 3 EVS From Here To There Q10

11.Find out from your elders—How did people travel fifty years ago? Were the present means of travel available at that time also?
Ans. Fifty years ago people travelled by bus, bullock cart, train, rickshaw, cycle, etc. Except metro rail, all the modes of transport have been in use since more than fifty years.

12.Can you imagine which vehicles people will use for travel twenty years from now? Ask your family members and friends and fill in the table. You can add more.
NCERT Solutions for Class 3 EVS From Here To There Q12
NCERT Solutions for Class 3 EVS From Here To There Q12.1

Your Own Train
1.If anybody makes a ‘chhuk-chhuk’ sound you know at once that it is being made for a train.From the sounds given below can you tell which vehicle it is? One example is given.
NCERT Solutions for Class 3 EVS From Here To There Your Own Train Q1

2.These are the sounds of single vehicles. How does it sound when many vehicles run together on the road making different noises? Isn’t there a lot of noise?
Ans.Yes, there is lot of noise on the road.

3.Where have you heard the maximum noise?
Ans.On a busy road during peak traffic.

4.Do you like so much noise? Why?
Ans.I do not like so much noise because it disturbs me. It also damages our hearing capacity.

5.What all can you see in the picture?
Ans. A building has caught fire. Fire truck is seen in front of building. Firemen are trying to put off fire. I can also see an ambulance and a police van.

6.Which vehicles can you see in the picture?
Ans. 1.An ambulance
2.A police van
3.Fire brigade van.

7.What are these vehicles doing?
Ans. Fire brigade men are trying to control the fire. Ambulance is taking the injured to the hospital. Police is there for security.

8.Look at the boxes in the picture on the top. Draw them in the correct sequence in the bottom boxes and colour. What did you get? Write its name.
Ans. Attempt yourself.
It is an elephant.