NCERT Solutions for Class 3 EVS Foods We Eat


NCERT Solutions for Class 3 EVS Foods We Eat



1.Did all the children in the class eat the same food items yesterday? Why?
Ans. No, because different children come from different families. They can be even from different regions of India.

2.You must have noticed that in the picture (NCERT Textbook page 36) there is one child in whose house no food was cooked. What could be the reason?
Ans.There could be many reasons like:
The child’s family is too poor to afford two square meals in a day.
Child’s mother could be sick and hence could not cook meal.

3.Has it ever happened to you that on some day you were very hungry but there was nothing to eat? If yes, why?
Ans. Yes, one day the water supply was disturbed and so my mother was unable to cook anything. After that, we ordered a restaurant for food. The food was delivered to our home.

4.How do you know that you are hungry?
Ans. When we are hungry we get a feeling that the stomach is empty.

5.How do you feel when you are hungry?
Ans. We get strange sensation in stomach which gives the signal that we are hungry. When we are hungry we feel like eating something.

6.Why was Dadi not able to climb the stairs quickly?
Ans. Dadi has become too old to climb the stairs quickly.

7.How does Dadi like to have her dal?
Ans. Dadi likes to have some sugar in her dal. She belongs to Nagpur and people in Nagpur put some sugar in dal.

8.Mow many persons in the story can eat bhutta easily and why?
Ans. In the story Vipul, his mother and his mami can eat bhutta easily because they are young and have healthy teeth.

9.Can all old people eat bhutta? Why?
Ans. Old people usually have weak teeth and hence most of them cannot eat a bhutta.

10.For four months Chhutki will have only her mother’s milk. That is her only food. Why?
Ans. Four month old babies do not have teeth. So, they feed on milk only and mother’s milk is the best food for them.

11.Ask your elders and fill the table:
NCERT Solutions for Class 3 EVS Foods We Eat Q11
NCERT Solutions for Class 3 EVS Foods We Eat Q11.1

12.Put O on the things that you eat often:
NCERT Solutions for Class 3 EVS Foods We Eat Q12
NCERT Solutions for Class 3 EVS Foods We Eat Q12.1

13.Find out where each of these things is eaten more. Rice, Wheat, Maize, Millets
Ans. •Rice is eaten more in Bihar, West Bengal, Orissa, Assam, Tamil Nadu, Kerala, Andhra Pradesh, etc.
•Wheat is eaten more in Punjab, Haryana, Madhya Pradesh
•Maize is eaten more in Uttar Pradesh, Punjab, Rajasthan
•Millet is eaten more in Rajasthan.

14.We not only eat different things but also use the same things to prepare a variety of food items. Find out and write what all can be prepared from rice and wheat.
Ans. Things prepared from wheat: Chapatti, halwa, cake, slice bread, poori, pua, etc. Things prepared from rice: Pulao, dosa, idli, uttapam, kheer, etc.

Likes and Dislikes
1.Write the names of three food items you like to eat and three that you dislike.
Like ——————        ——————         —————————
Dislike ——————   ——————    —————————
Ans. Like: Biryani   Jalebi       Samosa
Dislike:  Khichdi    Pumpkin  Porridge (daliya)

2.Are your likes and dislikes similar to that of
•Your family members?
•Your friends?
Ans. My likes and dislikes are similar to my family members but they are different from my friends.

3.What are the reasons that decide what we eat? Put a (/) on them. Add to the list.
•What is easily available.
•What we can buy.
•Customs and traditions.
NCERT Solutions for Class 3 EVS Foods We Eat Likes and Dislikes Q3

NCERT Solutions for Class 3 EVS Foods We Eat Likes and Dislikes Q4
NCERT Solutions for Class 3 EVS Foods We Eat Likes and Dislikes Q4.1

NCERT Solutions for Class 3 EVS Foods We Eat Likes and Dislikes Q4.2

5.Write the names of some food items that you have never eaten before but feel like eating.
Ans. Chapatti made of bajra, chapatti made of gram, drumstick flowers, crabs, lotus stem.