NCERT Solutions for Class 8 Social Science Geography Chapter 3 Mineral and Power Resources


Class 8 Geography Chapter 3 Mineral and Power Resources InText Questions and Answers

Let’s do (Page 25)

Question 1.
Identify Canadian Shield, Appalachians, Western Cordilleras and Lake Superior with the help of an Atlas.
NCERT Solutions for Class 8 Social Science Geography 3 Mineral and Power Resources 1

Let’s do (Page 26)

Question 1.
list the uses of any five minerals.

  1. Iron is used to make machinery, weapons, railway tracks, etc.
  2. Copper is used to making coins, electrical wires, etc.
  3. Silicon is used in the computer industry.
  4. Aluminium is used in automobiles, aeroplanes, the bottling industry, buildings, and kitchen cookware.
  5. Gold is used to make ornaments.

Class 8 Geography Chapter 3 Mineral and Power Resources Exercise Questions and Answers

Question 1.
Answer the following questions.
(i) Name any three common minerals used by you every day.

  • Iron
  • Aluminium
  • Ore is the raw me tat-found in the earth mixed with other materials or impurities.

(ii) What is an ore? Where are the ores of metallic minerals generally located?
An ore is a rock from which minerals are mined. Ores of metallic minerals are found usually in igneous and metamorphic rock formations.

(iii) Name two regions rich in natural gas resources.
Russia, Norway, UK, and the Netherlands are rich in natural gas resources.

(iv) Which sources of energy would you suggest for
(a) Rural areas
(b) Coastal areas
(c) Arid regions
(a) Rural areas: Biogas, solar energy
(b) Coastal areas: Tidal energy
(c) Arid regions: Wind and solar energy.

(v) Give five ways in which you can save energy at home.

  • Switch off electric bulbs, fans when not in use.
  • Use of sunlight by keeping the windows open during the daytime.
  • Preparing food in a pressure cooker.
  • Keeping the food out of the refrigerator one hour before heating it on the gas.
  • Keep the vegetables chopped and washed before lighting the gas stove.

Question 2.
Tick the correct answer.
(i) Which one of the following is NOT a characteristic of minerals?
(a) They are created by natural processes.
(b) They have a definite chemical composition.
(c) They are inexhaustible.
(d) Their distribution is uneven.
(c) They are inexhaustible.

(ii) Which one of the following is a leading producer of copper in the world?
(a) Bolivia
(b) Ghana
(c) Chile
(d) Zimbabwe
(b) Ghana

(iii) Which one of the following practices will NOT conserve LPG in your kitchen?
(a) Soaking the Dal for some time before cooking it.
(b) Cooking food in a pressure cooker.
(c) Keeping the vegetables chopped before lighting the gas for cooking.
(d) Cooking food in an open pan kept on low flame.
(d) Cooking food in an open pan kept on low flame.

Question 3.
Give reasons.
(i) Environmental aspects must be carefully looked into before building huge dams.
Building huge dams cause destabilization of the natural habitats of plants and wild animals living in the area. These environmental aspects should be looked into before building dams.

(ii) Most industries are concentrated around coal mines.
Because coal is used as power. It is also a raw material in some industries.

(iii) Petroleum is referred to as “black gold.”
Petroleum is referred to as “black gold” due to its immense value and use of its derivatives.

(iv) Quarrying can become a major environmental concern.
Due to dust raised from the quarrying activities and deforestation.

Question 4.
Distinguish between the following.
(i) Conventional and non-conventional sources of energy.

Conventional sources of energyNon-conventional sources of energy
These resources cannot be renewed or recycled and get exhausted once they are used. For example, coal, petroleum etc.These resources can be renewed or used again and again. For example, solar energy, wind energy, water etc.

(ii) Biogas and natural gas

BiogasNatural gas
Biogas is produced from dead plants and animals, Material, animal dung, and kitchen waste.Natural gas is found with petroleum deposits and Is released when crude oil is brought to the surface.
It is produced by the Scientific Method.It is formed through a natural process.

(iii) Ferrous and non-ferrous minerals

Ferrous mineralsNon-ferrous minerals
Ferrous minerals contain iron. For example, iron ore, manganese, and chromites.Non-ferrous minerals do not contain iron but may contain some other metals such as gold, silver.

(iv) Metallic and non-metallic minerals

Metallic mineralsNon-metallic minerals
The metallic minerals contain metal in raw form. For example, iron-ore, manganese, etc.The non-metallic minerals do not contain metals. For example, limestone, mica, coal, petroleum, etc.

Question 5.

Activity (Page 35)

(i) Use pictures from old magazines to show different kinds of fuels used by us in our lives and display them on your bulletin board.
Students, do yourselves.

(ii) Design a poster highlighting energy conservation tips you would take for your school.
Students, do yourselves.

(iii) Salma’s class took up an active campaign to do an energy audit of their school by surveying electricity consumption. They prepared survey sheets for the students of the school.

SL No.ApplianceQuantity (No. being used)Usage Time (Approx. No. of working hours)Quantity (No. actually needed)Is it switched on even when not in use (Yes or No)
1.Fluorescent Tube light 40 W6007500Yes
2.Incandescent Bulb 40 W/60 W
3.Co-impact fluorescent lamps
5.Exhaust Fans40720Yes
6.Electric Bell/Buzzer84No
9.Air Conditioners1076Yes
11.Oven/Hot Case543No
12.Public Address System
13.Water Pump/Water Cooler20715Yes
14.Overhead Projector1045No
15.Photostat Machine854Yes
16.Any other

Using the data collected during the survey, students calculated the units consumed for one month and the approximate expenditure and compared it with the electricity bill of the previous month. They also calculated the approximate cost of electricity consumed by fans, lights, and other appliances not switched off. Thus, they highlighted the amount that could be saved and suggested simple energy conservation habits like:

  • Switching off the appliances when not in use.
  • Minimal usage as per requirement.
  • Maximizing the use of natural breeze and light by keeping the windows open.
  • Keeping the lights dust-free.
  • The appropriate maintenance and usage of appliances as per the given instructions.

Question 6.
You could conduct a similar survey at home and then extend it to your apartment and make your neighbours also energy-wise.
Students, do yourselves.