Geography Class 12 Important Questions Chapter 13 Human Development


Geography Class 12 Important Questions Chapter 13 Human Development

1 Mark Questions

Question 1.
Name the state of India with highest literacy rate as 2011 census. (Delhi 2016)
As per 2011 census, Kerala has the highest literacy rate in India with 93.91% of its literacy.

Question 2.
Which state of India has its highest rank in the Human Development Index (HDI) value? (All India 2014)
Which state of India has its highest rank in the Human Development Index (HDI) value? What is the HDI value of that state? (AH India 2012)
Kerala ranks first with an HDI value of 0.92 among Indian states in terms of human development.

Question 3.
Which state of India has the lowest female literacy rate? (Delhi 2013)
The state of Bihar has the lowest female literacy rate of 53.33% in India.

Question 4.
Define the term’ ‘Poverty’. (Delhi 2013)
Poverty refers to the condition of a person in which he is unable to earn enough to fulfil his basic needs like house, food and others.

Question 5.
Which state of India has the lowest literacy rate? Mention its literacy rate also. (Delhi 2009)
According to the 2001 Census, Bihar has the lowest literacy rate of 47.55%. In 2011 census, again it has the lowest percentage i.e. 63.82%.

Question 6.
Name two states of India which have less than 5% of the population below the poverty line. (All Indio 2009)
The two states in India which have less than 5% of the population below the poverty line are:

  • Goa
  • Jammu and Kashmir

Question 7.
What is the rank of India in Human Development Index (HDI) among the countries of the world in 2005? (Delhi 2D08)
India ranked 127th in Human Development index among the 172 countries of the world in 2005.

5 Marks Questions

Question 8.
“Development is general and human development, in particular, is a complex concept used in social science”. Justify this statement with suitable arguments, (HOTS,- Delhi 2015)
The given concept is really a complex one because development was considered as an important concept that will achieve all the goals of human life and its security will address all the socio-cultural and environmental ills of the society. It happened in a significant way as development brought improvement in the quality of life and made many differences in before and today’s world.

But, it simultaneously brought regional disparities, deprivations, discrimination, social inequalities, abuse of human rights, undermining human values, displacement of people and environmental degradation. After considering the deep-seated disparities and prejudices, the UNDP in its Human Development Report, 1993 tried to amend these issues.

Human Development Report, 1993 gave more emphasis on people’s participation and their security. It also set a minimum condition for human development by encouraging progressive democratisation and increasing empowerment of people.

The aim behind people’s participation is to bring peace, harmony and equitable human development in societies. In this direction, the civil societies can act smartly by working for building up opinion for a reduction in the military expenditure, demobilisation of armed forces, transition from defence to production of basic goods and services and particularly disarmament and reduction in nuclear warheads by developed countries.

Question 9.
Define the term ‘human development’. Why is human development necessary? Explain any four reasons. (Delhi 2011)
Human development refers to the process of widening and providing more choices to people, providing them more opportunities of education, healthcare, empowerment while covering all the choices from the physical environment to economic, social and political freedom.

Human development is necessary because of the following reasons:

  1. The human development approach focusses on improving the lives of people rather than assuming that economic growth will lead automatically to greater opportunities for all.
  2. Human development is about giving people more freedom and opportunities to live lives they value, e.g. educating people, especially to girls.
  3. Human Development creates the right conditions for all. For eg. create environmental sustainability or equality between men and women. Once, the basics of human development are achieved, they open up opportunities for progress in other aspects of life.
  4. It also helps to create awareness among people towards their responsibilities as a citizen and human being to build up opinion for a reduction in the military expenditure, demobilisation of armed forces, disarmament and all those activities which are responsible for civil disturbances.

Question 10.
What is human development? Explain with examples two major factors which have caused spatial variations in the levels of human development among the major states of India. (Delhi 2010)
Human development is a process of enlarging the range of people’s choices, increasing their opportunities for education, health care, income and empowerment and covering the full range of human choices from a sound physical environment to economic, social and political freedom.

Thus, enlarging the range of people’s choices is the most significant aspect of human development. People’s choices may involve a host of other issues, but, living a long and healthy life, to be educated and have access to resources needed for a decent standard of living including political freedom, guaranteed human: rights and personal self-respect, etc. These are considered as some of the non-negotiable aspects of human development.

The two major factors which have caused spatial variations in the levels of human development among the major states in India are as follows:

Socio-Political Higher number of literates is one of the main reasons for Kerala having highest HDI value. On the other hand, Bihar, Odisha, Madhya Pradesh, Assam and Uttar Pradesh have the low composite value of HDI because of their/lowest literacy rate.

Economic Development There is a wide economic difference in backward states like Chhattisgarh, Bihar, Madhya Pradesh and developed states like Maharashtra, Tamil Nadu, Punjab and Haryana. Developed states have higher HDI composite value than poor states.

Map-Based Question

Question 11.
On the given political outline map of India, locate and label the following with appropriate symbols.
(i) The state having the highest literacy rate. (Delhi 2014.2013)
A state having the highest female literacy rate. (Delhi 2013)
(i) Kerala
Geography Class 12 Important Questions Chapter 13 Human Development 1

Value Based Questions

Question 12.
“Development in general and human development, in particular, is a complex concept used in Social Science”. Give the values that add to human development.
Following values will add to the Human Development are:

  • Nationalism
  • Social awareness
  • Community awareness

Question 13.
“Human Development is a process of widening did provide them with more opportunities for education”. Give the values that can seep in this statement.
Following values can be seen in this statement:

  • Patriotism
  • Community welfare
  • Social opportunities