Geography Class 12 Important Questions Chapter 1 Human Geography


Geography Class 12 Important Questions Chapter 1 Human Geography (Nature and Scope)

1 Mark Question

Question 1.
Which are the three core points of the definition of the human geography given by Ellen Semple? (Delhi 2009)
The core concerns of geography as a discipline are as follows:

  • Changing the relationship between the unresting man and unstable Earth.
  • Man is active and unresting.
  • Emphasised on determinism.

3 Marks Questions

Question 2.
“Nature and human beings are so intricately intertwined that they cannot be separated.” Justify the statement. (HPTS; Delhi 2016)
“Nature and humans are inseparable elements”. Justify the statement with suitable examples. (Delhi 2017)
Nature and human beings cannot be separated as they are inseparable because man became social, economic and technologically advanced. He broadened his nature by creating his own environment through his design and skill to have provision for better food, shelter, access and comfort.

Both nature and humans are described metaphors using symbols from the human anatomy like we often talk of the face of the earth, an eye of a storm, mouth of the river, snout (nose) of the glacier, neck of the isthmus and profile of the soil.

All the above nicknames are given by humans to the natural.phenomenas. By doing so, a human can interact easily with nature. All these physical features are described as an organism and man-made structure like road, railways and waterways have been described as arteries of circulation.

Question 3.
“The knowledge about nature is extremely important to develop a technology.” Support this statement by giving three examples. (HOTS; All India 2015)
How is the knowledge of nature important to develop technology? Explain with suitable examples. (Delhi 2010)
Human beings interact with their physical environment with the help of technology. It is not so important to know what human beings produce and create, but it is extremely important to know with the help of what tools and techniques do they produce and create.

Technology indicates the level of cultural development of society. Human beings were able to develop technology after they developed a better understanding of natural laws, e.g. the understanding of concepts of friction and heat helped us to discover fire. Similarly, understanding the secrets of DNA and genetics helped us to conquer many diseases. We use the laws of aerodynamics to develop faster planes. Thus, knowledge about nature is extremely important to develop a technology.

Question 4.
What is the subject matter of the study of human geography? Explain any three facts. (Delhi 2015)
The subject matter of the study of human geography is as follows:
To Understand the Inter-relationship There is a close relationship between the physical/natural environment and the human world, so human geography studies and establishes that relation.

Study the Spatial Distribution Human geography also studies the spatial distribution of human phenomena.

Social and Economic Variations The subject matter is also concerned about studying the social and economic differences between different parts of the world.

Question 5.
Explain with examples of how nature gets humanised. (Delhi 2014)
Human beings interact with their physical environment with the help of technology. Technology indicates the level of cultural development of society. Human beings were able to develop technology after they developed a better understanding of natural laws. For example, the understanding of concepts of friction and heat helped us to discover fire. Similarly, understanding the secrets of DNA and genetics enabled us to overcome diseases.

With social and cultural development, humans develop better and more efficient technology. All these modem technologies help humans to construct dams, reservoirs, canals, etc. Weather modified programmes help in cloud seeding to induce precipitation, fogs, checking of hailstorms, nuclear programmes etc.

Thus human moved from a state of necessity to a state of freedom and created possibilities with the resources obtained from the environment. In this way, nature gets humanised.

Question 6.
“There is mutual interaction between the elements of physical geography and Human Geography.” Support the statement with suitable examples, (HOTS; Delhi 2014)
Physical geography includes natural environment like landforms, climate, flora and fauna. Human geography includes the inter-relationship between human beings and the physical environment. Humans through the use of technology create the socio-cultural environment of the cultural landscape. These creations are the action of mutual interaction between physical and human geography.

For instance, on highlands, health resorts are created, oceanic routes are discovered on the surface of the oceans, houses in villages and cities are made to use the physical environment in a better way. These examples show that there is mutual interaction between the two.

Question 7.
Explain the concept of ‘possibilism’, with three suitable examples. (Delhi 2013, All Indio 2009)
The concept of possibilism was propounded by Lucian Febure who described that there are no necessities, but possibilities everywhere and man is referred to as a master of these possibilities who judge their use. Man can adapt, adjust and modify the forces of his physical environment with his strength. His imprints could be seen everywhere.

For instance, a health resort on highlands, huge urban sprawls (spread) fields, orchards and pastures in plains and rolling hills, ports on the coasts, oceanic routes on the oceanic surface and satellites in the space.

Question 8.
Define ‘Human Geography’ in your own words. Mention any four fields of Human Geography. All indin 2013
Human geography studies the inter-relationship between the physical environment and the socio-cultural environment created by human beings through mutual interaction with each other. It attempts to explain the relationship between all elements of human life and space they occur over.
The different fields of human geography are as follows:

Social Geography It is a field of human geography which is connected with social sciences and sociology. Its sub-fields are behavioural geography, a geography of social well being, historical, medical geography, etc.

Urban Geography It is a field of human geography connected with urban studies and planning.

Political Geography It is a field of human geography connected with science. Its sub-fields are electoral geography, military geography, etc.

Population Geography It is a field of human geography connected with the demography.

Question 9.
Define ‘Human geography’. Give four examples of elements of material culture created by humans, using the resources provided by nature. (All India 2012)
Human geography studies the inter-relationship between the physical environment and the socio-cultural environment created by human beings through mutual interaction with each other. It attempts to explain the relationship between all elements of human life and space they occur over.

An element of the physical environment are landforms, soils, climate, water, natural vegetation, rivers, flora and fauna, etc.

Example of elements of material culture created by humans, after using the resources provided by nature are as follows:

  • Furniture from tree wood.
  • Machines using iron ore.
  • Houses using stone and soil.
  • Clothes from cotton.

Question 10.
Explain the concept of ‘Determinism’ with suitable examples. (Delhi 2011,09)
What is the meaning of environmental determinism? How did the naturalisation of humans lead to the development of this concept? Compartment 2009
The concept of determinism explains that human is a passive agent, influenced by the environmental factors that are physical factors like climate, flora, fauna, etc which determine the attitude of decision-making and lifestyle of human beings.

For instance, the Eskimos of Tundra adapted to the extremely cold climate. Their main food is whale, seals and walrus. They use animal oil for cooking, heating and lighting. They live in igloos. Whereas Samang and Sakai of Malaysia and Pygmies of Congo basin live in hot and humid condition. They live on vegetable, hunting and fishing.

Naturalisation of human means when natural is stronger than humans and therefore humans are controlled by nature. This type of interaction was between primitive human society and nature. At the time, forces of nature were stronger and humans struggled to survive in that environment. Humans were passive agents. This gave rise to the term environmental determinism.

Question 11.
Explain the concept of ‘Neo Determinism’ with suitable examples. (All India 2011)
What is the new concept of Griffith Taylor in the field of human geography? Describe the concept with examples, (AH India 200a)
The concept of Neo Determinism was introduced by Griffith Taylor which emphasises the middle path or madhyam marg between two ends of environmental determinism and possibilism. It can be understood by the following points:
1. The concept envisages that there is nothing absolute whether it is an absolute necessity (i.e. environmental determinism) and absolute freedom (i.e. possibilism).
2. A human being can inhibit nature by obeying it, as possibilities can be created within a limit.
3. Over eOver-exploitation natural resources for the development of an economy causes environmental problems like the greenhouse effect, ozone layer depletion, global warming, receding glaciers and degrading lands.

An example of neo determination i.e. middle path is traffic signals. Red light means stop while green means go and amber light provides a gap between red and green lights ‘to get set’. Amber light is middle path just as neo determinism is in between two ends of environmental determinism and possibilism.

Question 12.
How does technology loosen the shackles of the environment on human beings? Explain with examples. (HOTS: All Indio 2010)
Human beings interact with their physical environment with the help of technology. Here technology indicates the level of cultural development of society. Earlier stages of their interaction with the natural environment, humans were greatly influenced by nature, but contemporary human understands the nature and its forces. They use their understanding for the new era of soreness i.e. humanisation of nature.

The examples are as follows:

  • In the early stages of human history, the concepts of friction and heat helped in discovering fire.
  • In modern times, understanding the secrets of DNA and genetics enabled us to conquer many diseases.

Question 13.
State the six approaches of human geography. Delhi 2008
The six approaches to human geography are as follows:

  • Exploration and description
  • Regional analysis
  • Areal differentiation
  • Spatial organisation
  • The emergence of humanistic, radical and behavioural schools.
  • Post modernisation in geography.

Question 14.
State six different fields of human geography. Delhi 2008
The six different fields of human geography are as follows:

  • Social Geography
  • Urban Geography
  • Political Geography
  • Population Geography
  • Settlement Geography
  • Economic Geography

Question 15.
State any six sub-fields of social geography, AH mdio 2008
The six sub-fields of social geography are as follows:

  • Behavioural geography
  • Geography of social well-being
  • Geography of leisure
  • Cultural geography
  • Gender geography
  • Historical geography

Question 16.
Which are the six sub-fields of economic geography? (All India 2008)
The six sub-fields of economic geography are as follows:

  • Geography of resources
  • Geography of agriculture
  • Geography of industries
  • Geography of marketing
  • Geography of tourism
  • Geography of International trade

Value Based Questions

Question 17.
“The knowledge and understanding of the laws of nature are extremely valuable to humankind.” Explain the values that can help to use the gifts of nature in a sustainable manner. (All India 2016)
The values that can help to use the gifts of nature are:

  • Using the gifts of nature in a judicious manner.
  • Care and concern about the gifts of nature.
  • Striking a harmony with the physical environment.
  • Understanding the environment.
  • Developing social and cultural environment in relation to the natural environment.
  • Showing love and respect towards ‘mother nature’.

Question 18.
Explain how technology indicates the level of cultural development of society. (Delhi 2012)
Human beings develop technology by understanding the laws of nature. The interaction of humans with nature encourages them to develop suitable technology. For example, the understanding of concepts about friction and heat helped in the discovery of fire.

At Early stages, the level of technology was low. Later, more technological developments led to a higher level of cultural development. For instance, knowledge about aerodynamics developed faster planes or knowing about DNA and genetics helped in overcoming many genetic diseases. Thus, the greater use of technology results in the greater cultural development of society.