NCERT Solutions for Class 10 Social Science Civics Democratic Politics Chapter 3 Democracy and Diversity


NCERT Solutions for Class 10 Social Science Civics Democratic Politics Chapter 3 Democracy and Diversity

NCERT Solutions for Class 10 Social Democratic Politics Chapter 3 Democracy and Diversity

Discuss three factors that determine the outcomes of politics of social divisions.
Three factors decide the outcome of politics of social divisions as mentioned below :

(1) Single or multiple identities : Outcome depends on how people perceive their identities. If they think that they have only one identity as catholic or protestant, it is difficult to accommodate and reconcile their differences as happened in Northern Ireland. They think about their interests exclusively.
On the other hand if people think that they have multiple identities i.e., national identity as well as on the basis of language, their differences are easier to be reconciled. As in Belgium they think they are as much Belgian as they are Dutch or German-speaking. This helps them to stay together. In India too, people think of themselves as Indian as well as belonging to a state or a language group or religious community.
(2) Raising of demands of any community by the leaders : If the demands are raised by the leaders within the framework of the constitution and not at the cost of another community, they can be accommodated easily. But if the demands are at the cost of other community, it may lead to violent struggle or division of the county. The examples are Sri Lanka and Yugoslavia.
(3 ) Policy and reaction of the government to demands of different groups : If the rulers are willing to share and accommodate the demands of the minority community, social divisions become less threatening. But if the demands are suppressed in the name of national unity it may result in disintegration. It has happened Sri Lanka. Thus there should be no forced integration.
From above the following conclusions may “he drawn :

  1. The assertion of social diversities in a country need not be seen as a source of danger,In a democracy, political expression of social divisions is very normal and can be healthy.
  2. This allows various disadvantaged and marginal social groups to express their
    grievances and get the government to attend to these.
  3. Expressions of various kinds of social divisions in politics often results in their cancelling one another out and thus reducing their intensity. This leads to strengthening of a democracy.

When does a social difference become a social division?

  1. A social difference becomes a social division when some social difference overlaps, with other differences. For example in the USA, the difference between Blacks and Whites becomes a social division.
  2. The Blacks are poor, homeless, and are discriminated against.
  3. In the same way in India, Dalits are mostly poor, landless, and are discriminated.
  4. Such situations as in the USA and India are responsible for social divisions because one kind of social difference becomes more important than the other and people start feeling that
    they belong to different communities.

How do social divisions affect politics? Give two examples.
Social divisions affect politics in the following way:
Social divisions become political divisions and lead to violence and disintegration. Democracy involves competition among political parties. Their competition divides society on the basis of existing social divisions. In such a situation social divisions become political divisions. It may lead to violence and the disintegration of the country. For example, in Northern Ireland, Roman Catholics (44 percent) demand that Northern Ireland be unified with the Republic of Ireland, a catholic country.

The Protestants (53 percent) and their party Unionists wanted to remain with the UK which is predominantly protestant. This led to violence and a fight. It was only in 1998 that the UK government and the Nationalists (Catholics) reached a peace treaty and the armed struggle came to an end. However, in Yugoslavia, political competition along religious and ethnic lines led to the disintegration of Yugoslavia into six independent countries.

Effect of social divisions on elections: Social divisions are reflected in politics. In a democracy political parties talk about these divisions. They make promises to different communities and try to redress their grievances of the disadvantaged communities. Social divisions affect voting behaviour during elections. Candidates are selected on the basis of social divisions in a constituency to attract maximum voters.

A Muslim or Hindu fights election in a Muslim or Hindu dominated constituency. Parties to try to attract voters on the basis of social divisions. For example, the Bahujan Samaj Party seeks the votes of Dalits in India. Its base is the Dalit vote bank.

___________ social differences create possibilities of deep social divisions and tensions. ____________ social differences do not usually lead to conflicts.
Overlapping social differences create possibilities of deep social divisions and tensions. Cross-cutting social differences do not usually lead to conflicts.
In dealing with social divisions which one of the following statements is NOT correct about democracy?
(a) Due to political competition in a democracy, social divisions get reflected in politics.
(b) In a democracy it is possible for communities to voice their grievances in a peaceful manner.
(c) Democracy is the best way to accommodate social diversity.
(d) Democracy always leads to disintegration of society on the basis of social divisions.
(d) Democracy always leads to disintegration of society on the basis of social divisions.

Consider the following three statements.
A. Social divisions take place when social differences overlap.
B. It is possible that a person can have multiple identities.
C. Social divisions exist in only big countries like India.
Which of the statements is/are correct?
(a) A, B and C (b) A and B (c) B and C (d) Only C
(b) A and B

Among the following, which country suffered disintegration due to political fights on the basis of religious and ethnic identities?
(a) Belgium
(b) India
(c) Yugoslavia
(d) Netherlands
(c) Yugoslavia