Meaning of Feminism | Characteristics or Characteristics of Feminism | women's organization in india

Meaning of Feminism | Characteristics or Characteristics of Feminism | women's organization in india

Meaning of feminism - The word feminism is generally used for that ideology and movement whose purpose is to liberate women in the male-dominated society that has been going on for centuries. Feminism is a worldwide movement that aspires to end the subjugated and oppressed position of women in contemporary times and give them equal status with men.

The beginning of modern feminist thought is considered to be from the last years of the 18th century. Many forms of feminist activities have appeared in the years since the 19th century. Scholars have addressed this in the name of 'waves of feminism'. The time of the first wave of feminism is believed to be from the middle of the 19th century to the early years of the 20th century, while the time of the second wave, known as radical feminism, is considered to be in the late 60s. The main objective of feminism that arose in the sixties was to demonstrate that all women are victims of the same type of exploitation, but the current feminism not only discusses the different status of women in a male-dominated society, but also talks about the mutual problems of women. He also discusses the relatives.

Meaning of Feminism –

Feminism is that ideology which is in favor of giving the woman her lost place of great prestige. The concept of feminism is used in the following contexts-

1. It is a socio-political theory and practice that aspires to free all women from the domination and exploitation of men.

2. It is an ideology which is opposite to all misogynist ideologies and practices.

3. It is a philosophical theory related to the nature of women's subordination to men and the worldwide oppression of women.

4. It is a social movement whose basis is man-woman struggle.

By the way, early feminism begins with the concept of natural rights of Johnlock. JS Mill strongly supported giving equal opportunities to women as men on the basis of several arguments. Writers like Beauboyer and Batyfrieden further intensified the women's movement.

Feminism is generally the ideology and movement whose objective is that women get equal status with men in every sphere of life. Traditionally as well as in contemporary life, women have got a subordinate and oppressed position. The goal of feminism is to end this subservient and oppressed position and to give them an equal place with men in the family, society, state and the world as a whole. In this way, there is a movement of feminism, women equality (equality with men), women unity and women empowerment in one line. Feminism demands that women should have their rights (right to equality), their rights and their independent personality. Feminism is a worldwide movement, in some countries it is at a high level of development, in some countries at a relatively less developed level. Simone Dibova's famous book The Second SexIt has been explained in detail that the difference between men and women is the result of socialization. Feminism demands equal rights for equal individuals by removing this situation arising from socialization (all the environment connected to the society).

features or characteristics of feminism 

Following are the main characteristics or features of feminism-

1. Feminism is not against the marriage system or marriage rituals (a system to limit sex relations between a woman and a man) and the institution of the family, but emphasizes that the basic basis of the family is not the dedication of the woman to the man. Rather, there should be dedication of both men and women to each other and equality between husband and wife or equality of man and woman. Feminism is not to condemn the man, not to reject the man. Only equality to the man, on the basis of complete equality. But have to accept. Feminism is not anti-marriage or anti-family, but it does emphasize that marriage and family are only as important to women as they are to men.

2. Feminism emphasizes that in terms of ability and potential, a woman is no less superior than a man and she has the right to work on an equal footing with men in all spheres of competitive life by getting the necessary education, knowledge and training. There should be rights. She has the ability to compete with men and has the right to do so.

3. Feminism emphasizes that women should have almost equal participation (at least one-third participation) in politics. Women not only have the ability and capacity to participate in politics, but they are more qualified and capable than men for this task. In the political field, the capable leadership shown by women like Mrs. Gandhi, Mrs. Bandaranaike, Margaret Thatcher and Golda Meir proves this thing.

4. Feminism emphasizes that if women have to move forward in the direction of upliftment and development, then this work is possible only on the basis of women's unity and organization and women-women cooperation at local, regional, national and international levels.

In the charters of different countries, it has been talked about equal rights for men and women. So much time has passed since the Universal Declaration of Human Rights was accepted by the United Nations, but even today the interests and rights of women are not safe. The root cause of this fallen condition of the women class is lack of education and lack of economic self-reliance among women. Apart from this, there is a major obstacle in the way of improving the status of women – social bigotry, religious bigotry, and superstition.

Women's Organization In India-

In the last few years, the search for equality with men by women has become a universal fact. Due to this demand, some women's organizations have made efforts to create awareness among women and to improve their condition. The middle class women raised the issue of continuous rise in prices and the housewives demanded equality with men. First Indian Women's Association was formed in Chennai. After this, the All India Women's Conference has been established in the country with the efforts of various women's organizations. Apart from this organization, women's organizations like University Mahila Sangh, Bharatiya Christian Mahila Mandal, All India Women's Education Institute and Kasturba Gandhi Memorial Trust etc. have worked to remove the disabilities of women, Has worked with a view to end social evils and spread women's education. At the world level too, some efforts have been made to improve the status of women. As a result of the efforts of women's organizations, some Acts have been passed in India to improve the condition of women like-Hindu Marriage Act, Hindu Succession Act, Dowry Prohibition Act etc. Not only this, some other constitutional efforts have also been made, in which one-third of the posts have been reserved for women in the elections of panchayat institutions and municipalities, and the debate on the Women's Reservation Bill is continuing in the Parliament. In which it has been said that one-third of the posts in the Legislative Assembly and Lok Sabha should be reserved for women so that women are involved in the decision-making process and their participation at the level of policy making. Dowry Prohibition Act etc. Not only this, some other constitutional efforts have also been made, in which one-third of the posts have been reserved for women in the elections of panchayat institutions and municipalities, and the debate on the Women's Reservation Bill is continuing in the Parliament. In which it has been said that one-third of the posts in the Legislative Assembly and Lok Sabha should be reserved for women so that women are involved in the decision-making process and their participation at the level of policy making.

In this way, discrimination between men and women in terms of rights is as unfair as discrimination on the basis of gender. In any civilized society, there is no distinction between women and men in terms of freedom and rights, they should get equal rights, which is the test of a cultured civilized society.