class 11th constitution why and how IMPORTANT QUESTION

 · · What is constitution?

Ans . It is a collection of basic rules providing the framework for the governance of the country.

· · What is mean of Republic?

Ans . It is a system of government in which the Head of state is either directly or indirectly elected by the people.

· · Why do we need a constitution?

Ø Constitution allows coordination and Assurance: - there is diversity of faith ,profession , ability,equality,property. But the problem of diversity can ve solved only if these people lib on the basis of some rationally agreed basic rules the basic rules would clarify the conflicts. These basic rules are publicly promulgated to achieve a minimal degree of coordination .

Ø Clarifies power of decision makers :- The constitution is a set of basic principles according to which a state is governed. It clarifies the type of government and establishes a clear line of hierarch of division of powers based on delegation and decentralization. It vests the power of making laws.

Ø Limitation on the powers of government: - the constitution of a country puts a limit on the powers of the government to impose restrictions on its citizens. These limits are fundamental in the governance of the country as the government can never trespass them.

Ø Aspirations and goals of a society :- the constitution of a country enables the government to fulfill the aspirations of a people and lay foundations of a just society.

· · Framing of indian constitution :-

Ans . the constitution of India was drafted by an indirectly elected constituent assembly, which had started working on 9 December 1946. The cabinet mission plan had provided for a constituent assembly to be elected indirectly by a system of restricted franchise, consisting of 20 to 24 percent of adult population.

§ Each province and princely state was allotted seats in proportion to their respective population in the ratio of 1:10,00,000 Thus, the provinces or states under direct British rule got 292 seats while 93 seats were allotted to princely states.

§ The seats of representatives from three communities – Hindu, Muslim and Sikh, were in proportion to their population in each province.

§ Members of each community in the provincial legislative assembly elected their own representatives through the system of proportional representation based on single transferable vote.

§ In princely states, the mode of selection was to be determined through consultation

· · Main objectives of Indian constitution :-

§ India is an independent , sovereign, republic;

§ India shall be a union of erstwhile British Indian territories, Indian states and other parts outside British India and Indian states as are willing to be a part of the union.

§ All powers and authority of sobering n and independent India and its constitution shall flow from the people;

§ All the people of India shall be guaranteed and secured social, economic and political justice; equality of status and opportunities and equality before law.

§ The minorities backward and tribal areas, depressed and other backward classes shall be provided adequate safeguards

§ The land would make full and willing contribution to the promotion of world peace and welfare of mankind.

v . The provisions borrowed from other constitutions of different countries include:-

· · British constitution :- American constitution

· First past of the post system of representation - chapter on fundamental rights

· Parliamentary system of governments - power of judicial review

· Rule of law - independence of judiciary

· Institution of speaker

· Law making procedure

Canadian constitution

· A quasi-federal from of government with a strong entre

· Idea of residuary powers

French constitution

· Principles of liberty, equality , and fraternity