Class 9 Science Chapter 1 Matter in Our Surroundings Notes In English


 Chapter - 1

Matter in Our Surroundings

️ Substance :-

The material of which everything in the universe is made of is called matter and everything around us has matter. 

Matter occupies space and has mass.

️ Physical properties of particles :-

  • Matter is made up of particles. 
  • It is not continuous. 
  • The particles of matter are very small.

Characteristic properties of particles of matter :-

  • Particles of matter are in constant motion. That is, they have kinetic energy.
  • There is a space between the particles of matter.
  • Particles of matter attract each other.

️ States of matter :-

Physically matter   is found in three states :-

  • (i) solid state 
  • ( ii ) Liquid phase 
  • (iii) gaseous state

We can also divide the human body into  three states of matter  . 

  • (i) Bones and Teeth – Solid State 
  • (ii) (Blood) Blood and water – liquid state 
  • (iii) Air in the lungs – gaseous state

️ Solid State :- 

  • has a certain size. 
  • There are clear boundaries in the solid state. 
  • Has a fixed or fixed volume. 
  • Their compressibility is negligible. 
  • They are strong.

❇️ Liquid state :-

  • Liquids are liquids, they have a flow. 
  • A liquid has no fixed shape. They take the shape of a pot. 
  • A liquid has a fixed volume. 
  • Liquids have very little compression.

️ Gaseous state :-

  • Gases flow. 
  • Compression is high in gases. 
  • Gases have no definite boundaries. 
  • Gases do not have a definite shape. 
  • Gases do not have a fixed volume.

️ Change in the states of matter :-

Water is found in all three states of matter.

  • solid ice 
  • water - liquid 
  • gaseous - vapor 

On heating, ice turns into water and water turns into vapour. The physical state of matter can be changed in two ways.

  • (a) change in temperature
  • (b) effect of pressure change

️ Change in temperature :-

Melting point :-

The temperature at which a solid melts into a liquid at atmospheric pressure is called its melting point. 

The melting point of ice is 273.16 K. For convenience, we take it as 0°C i.e. 273 K.

Latent heat of fusion :-

1 kgf at atmospheric pressure. The amount of heat energy required to convert a solid into a liquid at its melting point is called latent heat of fusion.

So the particles of water at 0°C have more energy than the particles of ice at 0°C. 

Boiling Point :- 

The temperature at which a liquid starts boiling at atmospheric pressure is called its boiling point. 

Boiling point is a population property. Boiling point of water = 373 K ( 100°C + 273 = 373K ) =

When water is boiled, its temperature does not increase, the temperature remains 100°C because the latent heat of vaporization breaks the force of attraction between the water particles. 

So  the particles of vapor  at 100°C have more energy than the particles of water at the same temperature. 

A change in temperature can change the state of matter from one to another, as shown in the diagram below.

🔶 Uplift :-

There are some substances which change directly from solid state to gas and back to solid without changing into liquid state. This process is called sublimation. 

️ (b) Effect of change of pressure :-

If we take a gas in the cylinder on decreasing the temperature and compress it, then the distance between the particles will decrease and the gas will turn into a liquid.

Increasing pressure + decreasing temperature → converting gas to liquid

  • By increasing the pressure, the particles of the gas come closer. 
  • Solid Carbondioxide (solid carbon dioxide) [dry ice] can be converted back to gaseous CO2 (carbon dioxide) without changing to the liquid state. For this, the pressure has to be reduced to 1 atmosphere. 

dry ice - solid carbon dioxide

️ Evaporation :-

A surface process in which surface particles in liquid substances change into vapor at any temperature below the boiling point. Such a process is called evaporation.

️ Factors affecting evaporation :-

Surface Area:  Increasing the surface area increases the rate of evaporation. 

Increase  in temperature:  The rate of evaporation increases with increasing temperature because the kinetic energy of the particles of matter increases. 

Humidity:  If there is humidity in the air then the rate of evaporation decreases.

Wind  speed:  If the wind speed increases, the rate of evaporation also increases.

️ Cooling by evaporation :-

During the evaporation process, the particles of the liquid absorb the energy from their surroundings to recover the lost energy. Due to this absorption the atmosphere becomes cooler.