Class 11th Sociology – II Chapter 3 Environment and Society Notes In Hindi & English Medium

Chapter - 3
Environment and Society

❇️ environment :-

🔹 The environment and surroundings around which we are surrounded is called environment.

❇️ Types of Environment :-

🔹 There are mainly  two types  of environment :-

  • the natural environment 
  • man-made environment

❇️ Ecology :-

🔹 The term ecology refers to a network where physical and biological systems and processes take place and human beings are also a part of it. Rivers, mountains, oceans, plains, animals are all ecological parts.

❇️ Social Ecology :-

🔹 The science that studies the relationship between the environment and living things is called social ecology.

❇️ Ecosystem :-

🔹 The ecosystem which consists of animals, plants and environment is called ecosystem.

❇️ Social Environment :-

🔹 The emergence of social environment is due to the interaction of bio-physical ecology and human intervention. It is a two-way process, just as society shapes society, in the same way society also shapes nature.

❇️ Two way process :-

🔶 Nature shapes society:  The fertile lands of the Indus, Ganges floodplains are suitable for intensive agriculture, making it a densely populated area due to their high productivity potential.

🔶 Society shapes nature:-  Capitalist social organizations have shaped nature around the world. Air pollution and congestion in cities, regional conflicts, wars for oil and global warming have affected nature.

❇️ Major problems and risks of environment :-

🔶 Scarcity of Resources:- 

🔹 The use of rejected natural resources is a serious problem of the environment. An example of this is the continuous decrease in the level of groundwater.

🔶 pollution :-

🔹 Environmental pollution is becoming a big problem in today's time. Air pollution, water pollution, land pollution, noise pollution etc. are such pollution which have polluted our environment so much that it has become impossible to get pure air and water.

🔹 Global temperature rise The biggest problem of pollution is facing us as global warming has turned our environment upside down due to global warming. It is getting hotter due to which the ice at the poles is melting and the amount of water in the oceans is increasing. This has put many islands at risk of sinking.

🔶 Genetically modified logics :-

🔹 Scientists use new techniques of gene splicing to transfer the properties of one type to another to create an object with the best properties.

❇️ Environmental problems are also social problems:

🔹 Environmental problems are also social problems because the environment directly affects the society. Man has been polluting the environment for a long time and exploiting the natural resources for his personal interest. Due to these actions of human beings, nature is moving towards destruction and man is facing various kinds of environmental problems.

❇️ Some controversial issues related to environment:-

  • Chipko Movement (Uttarakhand) 
  • Narmada Bachao Andolan (MP and Gujarat) 
  • Bhopal Industrial Accident (Madhya Pradesh)

❇️ The need for environmental protection :-

🔹 There is a great need to protect the environment because environment is the most important reason for living life. If the air gets polluted, then he will not be able to lead a healthy life and there will be a shortage of natural resources for the future generation.

❇️ Greenhouse :-

🔹 To protect the climate of plants from extreme cold, covered structure, which is also called green house. It has a higher temperature inside than outside.

❇️ Types of Pollution :-

🔶 Air Pollution:-  Poisonous gases emanating from industries and vehicles and burning of wood and coal for domestic use.

🔶 Water Pollution:-  Domestic drains, waste products from factories, bathing in rivers and water bodies and dumping of garbage. 

🔶 Noise Pollution :-  Loudspeakers, horns of vehicles, noise of means of transport, noises coming from means of entertainment, crackers etc.

🔶 Soil Pollution: -  Use of pesticides, chemical fertilizers in the fields, mixing of chemical substances in the soil due to urban garbage, sewerage, acid rain. 

🔶 Nuclear Pollution:-  Rays emanating from nuclear tests.

❇️ Administrator – Anthropologist :-

🔹 The term refers to British administrative officials who were part of the British Indian government in the late 19th and early 20th centuries, and who took great interest in anthropological research, especially surveys and conducting censuses. Some of them became well known anthropologists after retirement. Prominent names include: Edgar Thurston, William Crooks, Herbert Risley and JH Hutton.

❇️ Human science :-

🔹 The branch of anthropology that studied the human type by measuring the human body, especially the cranium (the volume of the skull, the circumference of the head, and the length of the nose).

❇️ Assimilation :-

🔹 A process by which one culture (usually larger or more dominant) gradually assimilates another, the integrated culture merges with the culture, so that it is no longer alive or visible at the end of the process.

❇️ Intergroup :-

🔹 A social institution that defines the extent of the social or relative group in which marriage is permitted, marriage outside these defined groups is prohibited. The most common example is caste intergroup, where marriage can take place only with a member of the same caste.

❇️ Exogamy :-

🔹 A social institution that defines the boundaries of a social or relative group with or within which marriage is prohibited, marriages outside these restricted groups must be contracted. Common examples include the prohibition of marriages with blood relatives (sapind exogamy), members of the same lineage (sangotra exogamy) or residents of the same village or region (village/region exogamy).

❇️ Licenses - Fair :-

🔹 A French phrase (literally let's or 'leave alone') that stands for a political and economic theory that advocates minimal state intervention in the economy and economic relations, usually based on a belief in regulatory powers and the efficiency of the free market. are associated with. And so go beyond your predecessors.

❇️ Emissions :-

🔹 Human-initiated processes give off waste gases, usually in the context of industries or vehicles.

❇️ Waste :-

🔹 Waste material in liquids produced from industrial processes.

❇️ Aquafers / Aquifers :-

🔹 Natural underground formations in the geology of an area where water is stored.

❇️ Monoculture :-

🔹 When plant life in one area or region is reduced to a single diversity.