Class 11th Sociology – II Chapter 2 Social Change and Social Order in Rural and Urban Society Notes In Hindi & English Medium

Chapter - 2
Social Change and Social System in Rural and Urban Society

❇️ social change :-

🔹 These are those changes which, after some time, bring differences in different units of the society and thus the form of human institutions, patterns, relations, processes, systems etc.

❇️ Internal Changes:

🔹 If there is some newness in the ideal and value in any era compared to the previous era, then it is called internal change.

❇️ External change or structural change:-

🔹 If there is a change in the forms and bases of any social part like family, marriage, kinship, class, caste transfer, groups, it is called external change.

✴️ nature of the process of social change ✴️

❇️ Evolution :- 

🔹 When there is a gradual change from simple to complex, it is called 'evolution'.

❇️ Charles Darwin's Evolutionary Theory :-

🔹 According to Darwin, every living being is simple in the beginning.

🔹 Over many centuries or sometimes millennia, humans keep on changing gradually by adapting themselves to the natural environment. 

🔹 Darwin's theory emphasized the idea of ​​'survival of the fittest'. Only those living beings who are able to adapt to their environment are able to survive, those who are not able to adapt themselves or do so slowly, perish in the long run. 

🔹 Darwin's theory shows natural processes.

🔹 It was quickly accepted in the social world, which emphasized the importance of Mahatma in adaptive change.

❇️ radical change :-

🔹 Change that is relatively quick or sudden. It is mainly used in political context. Where the former ruling class is displaced. Eg :- French Revolution, Russian Revolution of 1917 or Industrial Revolution, Communication Revolution etc.

❇️ Change in values ​​and beliefs: (Example - child labor)

  • Towards the end of the 19th century, it was assumed that children should go to work as soon as possible. 
  • The early factory system was dependent on the labor of children. 
  • Children used to start work from the age of five or six. 
  • During the 20th century, many countries outlawed child labor by law. 
  • Although there are some industries in our country which are still at least partially dependent on labor. 
  • Like weaving carpets, small tea shops, restaurants, making matches etc. 
  • Child labor is illegal and owners can be punished as perpetrators.

❇️ Sources or causes of types of social change:-

  • environment 
  • technical / economic 
  • Political 
  • cultural

❇️ Environmental and Social Change:-

🔹 Environment is an influencing factor in bringing about social change. 

🔹 The physical environment gives an impetus to social change. Man was incapable of preventing or withstanding the effects of nature. 

🔹 Geographical environment or nature completely changes the society. These changes are irreversible i.e. they are permanent and do not allow to come back to their previous state.


🔶 Technology:-  The advanced technology which a person uses for the fulfillment of material purposes, is called technology. 

  • Industrialization, urbanization, liberalization got a boost from the technological revolution. 
  • Sometimes changes in the economic system which are not directly technical can also change the society. 
  • The slave trade started from the 17th to the 19th century.

❇️ Political and social change :-

🔹 Political power has been the cause of social change. 

🔹 There are many such examples in the history of the world, when a country was victorious in a war, then its first task was to repair the social system there. 

🔹 During his reign, America made many changes along with land reforms and industrial development in Japan. 

🔹 We can see political changes not only on the international stage but also in our own country.

❇️ Example :-

  • India's replacement of British rule was a decisive social change. 
  • In the year 2006, the Nepalese people rejected the 'monarchy' system of governance in Nepal. 
  • Universal adult suffrage is the single biggest change in the history of political change. 
  • Universal adult suffrage means that persons 18 or over 18 years of age have the right to vote.

❇️ Culture and Social Change :-

  • When there is a change in the behavior or actions of a person, then there is a cultural change in life. 
  • The influence of religion on the socio-cultural institution is especially visible. 
  • Religious beliefs and norms helped to organize the society and it is not at all surprising that the change in these beliefs helped in transforming the society. 
  • The position of women in society can be seen as a cultural example.

❇️ social system :-

🔹 Social change can be understood only with social system. Social system is a tendency in a system which resists change and regulates it. 

🔹 Social order means the rapid maintenance and re-creation of a particular type of social relations, values ​​and parameters.

❇️ To achieve social order:-

🔹 Social order can be achieved in two ways:-

  • The members of the society should work according to the rules and values ​​of their own free will. 
  • People should be forced to follow these rules and values ​​in different ways. 
  • Every society uses a mixture of these two types to maintain the social order.

❇️ Influence, Power and Law :-

🔹 The actions of man are according to the human structure. In each group the elements of being are basically the Vimana. In organized group there are some ordinary members and there are some such members who have responsibility, they also have power. Another name for sovereignty is power.

🔹 According to Max Weber, power in society is based exclusively on economic grounds, although economic factors are not said to be the only factors in the creation of power. Like the dominant castes of North India.

🔹 It is closely related to power, influence and law. 

Law is a system of rules by which members in a society are controlled and their behavior is regulated.

The notion of dominance is related to power and power is vested in the being. 

An important function of power is to make laws and power is vested in power.

❇️ Types of Power:-

🔶 Traditional power -  that which is derived from tradition

🔶 Legal power -  that which is derived from law 

🔶 Charismatic Power – Power attained   by Pir, magician, artist, religious gurus 

❇️ Crime :-

🔹 Crime is the act which is done against the norms and ideals going on in the society. A criminal is a person who acts against the rules established by the society. For example, breaking Gandhi's salt law was a crime in the eyes of the British government.

🔹 Crime brings disintegration in the society because crime is an act done against the society and social order.

❇️ violence :-

🔹 Violence is the enemy of the social order and a violent form of protest that violates not only the law but also important social norms. Violence in society is a product of social tension and reflects the presence of serious problems. It is also a challenge to the authority of the state.

❇️ Due to increasing crime and violence system :-

🔹 Due to social change in rural and urban society and increasing crime and violence system among youth:

  • rising inflation 
  • Unemployment 
  • the feeling of revenge 
  • influence of movies 
  • Intoxication 
  • instill fear in people

❇️ village :-

🔹 The geographical area in which life is based on agriculture, where primary relations are plentiful and where there is ease with less population is called village.

❇️ town :-

🔹 A town is said to be a small form of a city, which is larger than the area but smaller than the city.

❇️ Town :-

🔹 A city is a geographical area where people do many types of work in place of agriculture. Where secondary relationships abound. And complex relationships are also found with more population.

❇️ Urbanization :-

🔹 It is a process in which a large part of the population leaves the village and migrates to the cities and towns.

❇️ Difference between rural and urban communities:

rural areaurban area
The size of the village is small. The size of the village is big. 
Relationships are personal. There are no personal relationships. 
Social institutions like caste, religion, customs are more influential.Social institutions like caste, religion, customs are not very influential.
Social change is slow. Social change is rapid. 
The density of population is low. The density of population is high.
The main occupation is agriculture.All business except agriculture.

❇️ Rural Areas and Social Change :-

  • Changes in new means of communication, therefore cultural backwardness is negligible. 
  • Change in land ownership – Rise of dominant castes. 
  • Dominant caste – which is powerful in economic, social and political society. 
  • Changes in the technical system of agriculture, the use of new machinery increased the gap between the landlord and the workers. 
  • Fluctuations in agricultural prices, droughts and floods forced farmers to commit suicide. 
  • For the development of poor villagers, the government started the National Rural Employment Scheme Act program in 2005.

❇️ Urban area and social change :-

  • Ancient cities supported the economy.  
  • Example: -  The cities which were situated on the banks of ports and ports were in a position of profit from the point of view of trade. 
  • Religious places like Ajmer in Rajasthan, Varanasi in Uttar Pradesh were more famous.

❇️ Problems arising due to high density of population:-

🔹 The following problems arise due to high density of population:- Immigration, unemployment, crime, public health, slums, filth, (lack of sanitation, water, electricity), pollution.

❇️ Separation :-

🔹 It is a process in which division takes place by group, race, ethnicity, religion and other factors.

❇️ Settlement: -

🔹 Generally this word is used for the settlement of Jews in Central European cities. In today's context, it refers to living with people of a specific religion, ethnicity, caste or similar identity. 

🔹 The process of ghettoisation involves the change from a neighborhood with mixed characteristics to a community neighborhood.

❇️ Mass Transit :-

🔹 Means of transport in cities in which a large number of people have to come, such as metro. 

❇️ Customs Duty, Tariff :-

🔹 Taxes imposed on goods entering or leaving a country, which increase its price and make it less competitive relative to domestically produced goods.

❇️ Prabhu Caste: M. N. According to Mr. Niwas :-

🔹 Bhumigat refers to the intermediate castes that are numerically larger and therefore enjoy political dominance in a given area.

❇️ Gated Community :-

🔹 Urban areas (usually upper class or affluent) are surrounded by fences, walls and gates with controlled entry and exit.

❇️ Judaism, Judaization :-

🔹 Originally used for the area where Jews lived in medieval European cities, today refers to any neighborhood with a concentration of people of a particular neighbourhood, ethnicity, race or other common identity. Judaizes. Judaization is the process of creating a ghetto through the conversion of a mixed composition neighborhood into a single community neighborhood.