Class 11th Sociology – II Chapter 1 Social Structure, Stratification and Social Processes in Society Notes In Hindi & English Medium

Chapter - 1
Social Structure, Stratification and Social Processes in Society

❇️ social structure :-

🔹 Within the term 'social structure', society is structural.

🔹 The term 'social structure' is used for social relations, a definite sequence of social events.

❇️ Socialization Stratification :-

🔹 Socialization Stratification refers to the existence of structural inequalities between groups in society, access to physical and symbolic rewards.

❇️ Social Stratification Process:-

🔹 It is a process in which the society gets divided into many groups under highness and diversity.

❇️ Social Processes:

🔶 Allies:  Contribution to balance and unity. example competition

🔶 Non-cooperative:  Obstacles in balance and unity. example conflict

❇️ Collaboration: -

🔹 Work done together to achieve a common objective such as helping in family work, supporting the government of the people in national calamity.

🔹 The idea of ​​cooperation is based on certain assumptions of human behavior:-

  • Without the cooperation of man, existence would be difficult for mankind. 
  • We can see evidence of cooperation in the animal world as well.

❇️ Mechanical Integration :-

🔹 It is a form of Samhita which is fundamentally based on uniformity. Most of the members of this society lead a similar life, at least the distinction or division of labor is always linked to age and gender.

❇️ Eternal Unity :-

🔹 It is that form of social cohesion which is based on division of labor and which results in co-dependence among the members of the society. Human beings not only adjust and harmonize for cooperation but also change society in the process. For example, Indians had to adjust, adjust and cooperate with the English language due to the experience of British imperialism.

❇️ Isolation :-

🔹 This notion is used by Marx to suggest that workers do not have any rights over their labor and products. Due to this, the interest of the workers towards their work ends.

❇️ Competition: -

🔹 It is a universal and natural action in which one wants to move forward without harming the other. It helps in personal progress. This is a continuous process.

❇️ Competition :-

🔹 It is a social process under which two or more persons try to achieve the same thing.

🔹 In our society the number of things is less and every person is unable to fulfill his needs. That is, when the number of items is less and the number of recipients is more, then the process of competition starts. Economic, social, religious, political, that is, every field is based on competition. 

❇️ Competition according to Fair Child :-

🔹 Efforts made for the consumption or rights of limited goods are called.

❇️ Capitalism :-

🔹 That economic system, where there is an individual right over the means of production, which is used to make profit in the market system where labor is done by the workers.

🔹 The way in which modern capitalist societies work, there is an easy development of both (individual and competition) together. 

❇️ Fundamental beliefs of capitalism:-

  • business expansion 
  • Division of labor – specialization of work, with the help of which different jobs are linked to the production system. 
  • specialization 
  • increasing productivity 

❇️ Conflict :-

🔹 Conflict of interests is called conflict. Conflict has always been an important part of any society. Lack of resources creates conflict in the society because every group struggles to get and capture the resources.

❇️ Conflict Type:-

  • racial conflict 
  • class struggle 
  • caste struggle 
  • political struggle 
  • international conflict 
  • personal conflict

❇️ benevolence :-

🔹 Working for the benefit of others without any benefit is called altruism.

❇️ Free Trade / Liberalism :-

🔹 That political and economic approach, which is based on the principle that the government should adopt a policy of laissez-faire in the economy and give full freedom to the market and property owners.

❇️ Social Obligation: -

🔹 The group or society we are a part of affects our behavior. According to Durkheim, social compulsion is a characteristic feature of social fact. 

❇️ Difference between cooperation and conflict :-

To cooperate means to cooperate.The word conflict means conflict of interest i.e. non-cooperation. 
is impersonal. is personal. 
It is a continuous process.It is a continuous process.
nonviolent form. violent form. 
Social rules are followed.Social rules are not followed.

❇️ altruism :-

🔹 The principle of acting to benefit others without any selfishness or self-interest.

❇️ Non-standard: -

🔹 For Durkheim, a social situation where norms of guidance break the norms, leaving individuals without social restraint or guidance.

❇️ Main ideology:

🔹Shared views or beliefs that serve to justify the interests of the dominant groups. Such ideology is found in all those societies. In which they keep the inequality of inequalities between the system and the group.

🔹 The concept of ideology is closely associated with power, as the ideological system works to legitimize the differing power of the group.

❇️ Personality: -

🔹 Theories or ways of thinking that focus on the autonomous individual rather than the group.