Class 11th Sociology Chapter 5 Sociology Research Methods Notes In Hindi & English Medium

Chapter - 5
Sociology Research Method

❇️ Social Research :-

🔹 The meaning of social research is the scientific method used to obtain new knowledge about social phenomena or various theories, is called social research.

❇️ Objectivity in Sociology:-

🔹 Sociology is a science because its research methods are based on objectivity. “Objectivity” means gathering facts neutrally without bias, objectivity in research comes only when the researcher, taking away from his personal feelings, prejudices and base-behaviour, collects real facts related to the research and gives his conclusion on it or Theory passes.

❇️ Subjectivity in Sociology :-

🔹 When a sociologist cannot completely discard his personal feelings, assumptions, prejudices etc. while studying a social problem, due to this it is difficult to come neutral in his conclusion, that is, his personal values ​​will have an impact on the research.

❇️ Methods of Social Research:-

🔹 Social research deals with social phenomena and social problems. It is not possible to study different types of events with one method. Therefore, many types of methods are used in sociology, in the selection of methods, the nature of the study subject, area and purpose of study, etc. play an important role, here we are mainly social survey observation / observation, interview and field study. Work) will be discussed.

❇️ Social Survey :-

🔹 Social survey is a scientific method of observation that is used in conducting scientific studies in relation to a social group or any aspect or phenomenon of social life. Survey is the most common example of "population" method.

❇️ Objectives of Social Survey :-

  • Collecting social facts. 
  • To study social problems. 
  • To study the conditions of workers.

❇️ Functions of Social Survey :-

🔶 Work :- 

  • To acquire knowledge of causal relationship.
  • To organize a re-examination of social principles.
  • Formulation and testing of hypotheses.
  • To acquire knowledge for the betterment of the society.
  • Conducting survey.
  • Collection of facts.
  • Analysis of facts.
  • Display of facts.

❇️ Types of Social Survey :-

🔶 Census Survey: -  A survey to get the population related data of the country like the 2011 census conducted in India.

🔶 Sampling Survey: -  When the area of ​​survey was wide, then surveying representative units from this vast area and surveying them is called sampling survey.

🔶 Government surveys: -  Many surveys are conducted by the government through its independent departments, such as poverty, unemployment, agriculture etc.

🔶 Non-Governmental Survey:-  Many social surveys are done by individual and non-governmental organizations. These surveys are called non-government surveys.

🔶 Qualitative survey:  Social events are qualitative in nature. In this the study of nature, goodness, evil etc. is done.

🔶  Objective of Quantitative Survey :- The purpose  of social survey is to obtain qualitative facts about the society. Therefore, in the modern era, there is a continuous increase in this type of survey. In this numerical survey of social life is done.

🔶 Frequency Survey:  Due to the dynamics of social life, surveys have to be done about the same event again and again. This type of survey is called frequency survey.

❇️ Features of Survey Method:-

  • The most important feature of the social survey method is that it provides deep information about the society. 
  • Get knowledge of the direction and impact of social mobility. 
  • The conclusions obtained through social survey are more reliable and universal.
  • We get information about new hypotheses through social surveys, which are further researched.
  • Through social survey we come in direct contact with the problem and thus get practical knowledge in that regard.
  • Through social survey, we get real information about the problem and thus the possibility of bias is reduced.
  • Information is not available on time due to the time taken in social survey.
  • Due to the wide scope of social survey, the survey lasts for a long time.
  • If social survey is done by unskilled researcher then the findings are unreliable.
  • Because of social survey being pre-planned and planned, the researcher cannot use his intelligence independently.
  • Social events are intangible, at the same time, due to their scattered nature, there is difficulty in social survey.
  • Social survey takes more money and time, so survey is done in a limited area rather than in a wide area.

❇️ Observation / Observation / Observation :-

🔹 Observation is such a method of social research in which the researcher directly examines the behavior of the community under study with his own eyes. The first to use this method in anthropology was the anthropologist Bensila Malinovas. From Anthropology, this research method has come to Sociology.

❇️ Features of Overview :-

  • Primary material is collected through inspection. 
  • The study is done directly through observation method.
  • The human senses are fully utilized in the observation technique.
  • The study of the original problem is done purposefully or thoughtfully through observation method. 
  • We can get information about causal relationship only through observation. 
  • The best method for studying group behavior is by observation method.

❇️ Types of Observation :-

🔹 Observation is done in two ways:-

  • Participant observation 
  • non-participatory observation

❇️ Participant Overview: -

🔹 Participatory observation is the observation in which the observer stays within the group being studied. He mixes in the group in such a way that he participates in all the activities of the group like the members of the group and simultaneously studies social relations.

❇️ Qualities of participatory observation:- 

  • Participatory observation helps the researcher to study the problem in detail. 
  • Participatory observation provides an opportunity for direct study.
  • Participants can not only study directly through observation, but can also get detailed information about social life. 
  • Through participatory observation, it is possible to study the unaffected and actual behavior of the informant. 
  • Participatory inspection is much simpler than non-participatory inspection.

❇️ Disadvantages of participatory observation:

  • Sometimes full participation of the observer in the study group is not possible. 
  • Participatory monitoring is an expensive system.
  • In participatory observation, the pace of the study progresses gradually. 
  • Through this method one can gain knowledge and experience in a limited area only. 
  • Sometimes the members of the study group change their actual social behavior with the arrival of the observer. As a result, the study of changed behavior becomes difficult. 
  • Due to the observer becoming a member of the group, there is a possibility of personal bias in the study of the researcher.

❇️ Non-participatory observation/inspection :-

🔹 In nonparticipatory observation, the researcher observes the group or community of which he or she is to study, in a scientific spirit, like a neutral eye.

❇️ Advantages of non-participatory observation/inspection :-

  • Truth and universality are more likely to come from nonparticipatory observation. 
  • Non-participatory inspection leads to reliable information. 
  • Non-participant inspection takes less time and less money as compared to participatory.

❇️ Non-participatory observation/loss of inspection :-

  • The non-participating observer fails to understand the importance of many events and actions.
  • This inspection is also purely non-participatory inspection.
  • The behavior of the people of the community towards the stranger is also natural to be suspicious, as a result, the behavior of the members of the community gets structured.

❇️ interview :-

🔹 The process of conducting formal conversation with a person or group for a specific purpose is called interview method. The main purpose of interview as a method of social research is to collect research information.

❇️ Objectives of Interview :-

🔶 Personal Information :-  Information is obtained from personal contact through interview method.

🔶 Direct Contact:-  More reliable information can be obtained by establishing a direct relationship between the researcher and the informant.

🔶 Knowledge of different aspects of problems: -  In this method, the researcher establishes contact with different types of people, which gives deep information about the problem.

🔶 For qualitative facts: -  Through interview method, personal and internal information of people's life, related qualitative nature such as ideal social values, special interests, temperament, feelings, thoughts, good-evil, intangible and invisible qualities and behaviors. it happens .

❇️ Type of Interview :-

🔶 Personal Interview :-  In this type of interview only two persons are researcher and informant. By this method real information is easily available.

🔶 Group Interview:-  In this type of interview, one or more interviewees collect information related to the problem in several respondents.

🔶 Direct Interview:-  In this method, the interviewer and the informant have a direct face-to-face conversation.

🔶 Indirect Interview:-  In this type of interview, information is received through phone, internet without sitting face to face directly.

🔶 Formal Interview :-  In formal interview the interviewer asks questions from the pre-prepared interview schedule and writes the answers to the informant.

🔶 Informal Interview:-  In this type of interview the researcher informant freely talks on various aspects of his research problem.

❇️ Importance of interview technique: -

  • Psychological study of a person is possible only through interview.
  • The study of abstract phenomena can be done only through the interview method, such as the study of social relations. 
  • A more poignant and secretive inner life can be studied by the interview method. 
  • Study of past events is possible only through interview method. Because society is changing. As a result, many incidents go silent in history. 
  • Through the interview method, we can study a person from any background. For example, uneducated, educated, rural, urban, etc. Those who do not understand the informant questions, the researchers get information by explaining them.
  • Interview is a flexible research methodology. 
  • The means of obtaining various information is the interview method.

❇️ Disadvantages of interview method:-

  • defective memory
  • lack of verification
  • lack of credibility 
  • freedom of thought 
  • inferiority complex 
  • spend more time and money

❇️ Census :-

🔹 A comprehensive survey involving every member of the population.

❇️ Genealogy :-

🔹 An extended family tree outlining family relationships across generations.

❇️ Sample :-

🔹 A subgroup or selection (usually smaller) taken from a larger population that represents it.

❇️ sampling error :-

🔹 The inevitable margin of error in survey results because it is based on information from only a small sample rather than the entire population.

❇️ Non – Sample Error:-

🔹 Errors in survey results due to mistakes in the form or application of methods.

❇️ Population :-

🔹 Large entities (individuals, villages, families, etc.) in the statistical sense from which the sample is drawn.

❇️ Possibility :-

🔹 The probability or expectation (in the numerical sense) of an event.

❇️ Questionnaire :-

🔹 A written list of questions to be asked in the survey or interview.

❇️ Probability :-

🔹 Ensuring that an event (such as the selection of a particular item in the sample) depends entirely on chance and nothing else.