Class 11th Sociology Chapter 4 Culture and Socialization Notes In Hindi & English medium

Chapter - 4
Culture and Socialization

❇️ Culture according to Tyrell :-

🔹 Culture is that complex whole which includes knowledge, beliefs, arts, ethics, laws, customs and other abilities and habits acquired by man as a member of society.

❇️ Culture :-

🔹 Culture is learned and developed through social interactions.

  • A way of thinking, feeling and believing. 
  • There is a complete way of life of people. 
  • Summary of behavior. 
  • Learned behavior. 
  • It is a storehouse of learned things. 
  • It is the social heritage that an individual receives from his group. 
  • There are a set of humanized directions for recurring problems.
  • It is a tool for normative regularization of behavior.

❇️ Dimensions of Culture :-

🔶 Cognitive aspect of culture:

🔹 Cognition is concerned with understanding, how we use the information we get from our environment.

🔶  Standard side: 

🔹 The normative side includes customs, ethos, customs, conventions and laws. It is the values ​​or rules that guide social behavior in different contexts. As with all social norms, standards are accompanied by acceptances that promote conformity. 

🔶 Physical aspect of culture:

🔹 The physical aspect refers to tools, techniques, buildings or means of transport, as well as the means of production and communication.

❇️ Culture has two main dimensions:-

🔶 physical :- 

🔹 Physical dimensions are important for increasing production and raising the standard of living.

🔹 Example:-  Tools, technology, instruments, buildings and means of transport etc.

🔶 Intangible: -

🔹 The cognitive and normative aspects are non-material. 

🔹 Example:-  Customs etc.

🔹 The physical and non-material dimensions should work in unison for the integrated functioning of culture.

🔹 When the physical dimensions change rapidly, the non-material aspects may lag behind in terms of values ​​and standards. This can lead to a situation of backwardness of culture.

❇️ Difference between material culture and non-material culture:

 material culture non-material culture
Material culture is tangible which we can see and touch. For example, book, pen, chair etc. Non-material culture is intangible which we cannot see or feel. Such as ideas, ideals, etc.
We can measure material culture qualitatively. We cannot easily measure non-material culture qualitatively. 
Changes in material culture come fast because changes in the world come fast.Changes in non-material culture come slowly because people's views change gradually.
In material culture something new is invented. So any individual and society can take advantage of it. The elements of non-material culture can be availed only by the members of that society. 
The elements of material culture are attractive so we take it for granted.The elements of non-material culture are not attractive, so we do not easily accept the changes coming in it.

❇️ Difference between law and model :-

  • Norms are vague rules while laws are clear rules. 
  • Law is the formal sanction defined by the government in the form of rules. 
  • Laws apply to the whole society and violation of laws can lead to fines and punishments. 
  • Laws are universally accepted, while the norm is according to the social situation. 

❇️ identity :-

🔹 Identity is not inherited, but it is acquired by the individual and the society through their relationships with other individuals.

🔹 In modern society each person plays many roles. Any culture can have many subcultures, such as elite and working class youth. Subcultures are characterized by style, interest and association.

❇️ Ethnicity :-

🔹 Ethnicity refers to the use of one's cultural values ​​to evaluate the behavior and beliefs of people of other cultures. Ethnicity arises when cultures come into contact with each other.

🔹 Ethnicism is the opposite of cosmopolitanism, which values ​​cultures because of their differences.

❇️ social change :-

🔹 It is the way by which the society changes the norms of its culture. Social change can be internal or external.

🔶 Internal:-  New methods of agriculture or farming. 

🔶 External:  Intervention can be in the form of victory or colonization.

🔹 Changes in the natural environment can be cultural changes through contact with other cultures or processes of adaptation.

❇️ Revolutionary Changes:

🔹 Revolutionary changes can be triggered by political intervention, technological discovery, ecological transformation 

🔹 Example: -  The French Revolution ended the monarchy, propaganda system, electronic and printing.

❇️ Primary Socialization :-

🔹 The primary socialization of a child begins in his infancy and childhood. This is the most important and crucial stage of the child. The child learns basic behavior at this stage in his childhood.

❇️ Secondary Socialization :-

🔹 Secondary socialization starts at the end of childhood and continues till maturity in life.

❇️ Major agencies of socialization :-

  • family 
  • Equivalent, group friend or sports group 
  • School 
  • Public medium 
  • other socialization agencies

🔹 The process of socialization is a complex process, in which many institutions or agencies contribute. The main agencies of socialization are as follows.

❇️ family :-

🔹 The importance of the family as a socializing institution or agency is indeed extraordinary. The child is first born in the family, and as such he takes the membership of the family.

❇️ Equivalent, Group Friend or Sports Group: -

🔹 Children's friends or groups that play with them are also an important primary group. Because of this, they have a very influential place in the process of socialization of children.

❇️ School :-

🔹 The school is a formal organization. Along with the formal curriculum, there is also some indirect curriculum to teach children.

❇️ Public medium :-

🔹 Mass media has become an essential part of our daily life. The importance of electronic media and printing media also remains constant. Information can be delivered more democratically through mass media.

❇️ Other Socialization Agencies :-

🔹 In all cultures, the workplace is an important place where the process of socialization takes place. 

🔹 Example:-  Religion, social caste/class etc.

❇️ Great tradition:

🔹 According to Robert Radifield, "Great Tradition" refers to such high intellectual effort which is born from outside. They are created consciously in the school and the temple.

❇️ Short tradition:

🔹 Small tradition refers to such mental effects which have their own origin in the local culture. These are known by the name of folk tradition in the society.

❇️ Cultural Evolution:-

🔹 It is a theory of culture, which argues that cultural diversity, like natural species, develops through natural selection.

❇️ feudal system :-

  • This was a system in feudal Europe.
  • It was a hierarchy according to occupations. 
  • The three classes were the nobility, the clergy and the third class.
  • The last were mainly professional and middle-class people. 
  • Each class chose its own representatives.

❇️ legacy :-

🔹 It includes cultural traits or traditions that are written that are widely accepted by the elite of the educated society.

❇️ Short tradition :-

🔹 It includes cultural features or traditions which are oral and operate at the village level.

❇️ Self image :-

🔹 An image of a person reflected in the eyes of others.

❇️ Social Roles :-

🔹 These are the rights and responsibilities associated with the social status or status of a person.

❇️ Socialization :-

🔹 It is the process by which we learn to be members of society.

❇️ Subculture :-

🔹 It refers to a group of people within a larger culture. They borrow from the symbols values ​​and beliefs of the larger culture to differentiate themselves and often distort, exaggerate or invert.