Class 11th Sociology Chapter 2 Concepts and their Use in Sociology Notes In Hindi & English Medium

Chapter - 2
Concepts and their Use in Sociology

❇️ social group :-

🔹 By social group, we mean any such collection of individuals who have social relations with each other.

❇️ Characteristics of social group :-

  • Being of two or more persons.
  • Common interests, aims or attitudes.
  • Normal Price . 
  • direct or indirect relationship.
  • Division of tasks into groups.

❇️ Difference between social group and semi group :-

  • Interrelationships are found among the members of a social group.
  • In a social group, there is no aggregation between individuals, but there is a mutual relationship between the members of the group itself.
  • We get the feeling. This is the reason why people are related to each other. Like sympathy, love etc.
  • A semigroup is a set or a combination. which lacks structure or organization.
  • An aggregate is just a gathering of people. Those who gather in one place at a time. which have no definite relation with each other. Example – Railway station, bus stop etc.
  • Semi-groups can become social groups under special circumstances. For example, same age and gender etc.

❇️ Types of Social Groups :-

  • Primary group, secondary group according to Charles Cooley 
  • ingroup and outgroup 
  • Reference group 
  • Peer group 
  • community and society

❇️ Primary Group :-

🔹 There are small groups of individuals expressing the completeness and closeness of relationships.

🔹 Example:-  Family, Children's Play Group, Permanent Neighborhood.

❇️ Secondary Group :-

🔹 Secondary groups are those groups that feel a lack of closeness.

🔹 Examples: -  Various political parties, economic federations.

❇️ Characteristics of primary group:-

  • smallness of group 
  • physical proximity 
  • the continuity and stability of the relationship 
  • general responsibility 
  • even purpose 

❇️ Characteristics of secondary group :-

  • big size 
  • indirect relationship 
  • fulfillment of special interests 
  • limited liability 
  • relationship temporary

❇️ End Group :-

  • We 'feeling' is found. 
  • closeness in relationships. 
  • Disregard for the members of the group. and sympathy. 
  • Inner feeling of happiness and sorrow.

❇️ Outgroup :-

  • We lack emotion.
  • distance in relationships.
  • A formal pretense of sacrifice and sympathy.
  • Happiness is the external form of sorrow.

❇️ Reference Group: -

  • A person or a group of people who aspire to look like.
  • Individuals or groups whose lifestyles are followed.
  • We do not belong to a reference group. But we identify ourselves with that group.
  • Reference groups are important sources of information about culture, lifestyle, aspirations and goal achievements.

❇️ Reference Groups in the Contemporary Period:-

🔹 From a marketing perspective, reference groups are groups that act as a frame of reference for individuals in their buying or consumption decisions.

🔹 In choosing clothes to buy and wear, for example, we usually refer to the people around us, such as friends or peer groups, colleagues or stylistic reference groups.

🔹 A diverse range of celebrities in various fields including sports, music, acting, and even comedy.

🔹 Peer pressure refers to the social pressure exerted by one's peers. For example, whether a work should be done or not.

❇️ Peer groups: -

🔹 It is a type of primary group, which is usually formed between people of similar age or people of common occupation.

❇️ Community and Society :-

🔶 Community :-

🔹 Community refers to those kinds of relationships which are very modern, more personal, intimately impersonal and enduring.

🔶 society :-

🔹 Here society or association means the opposite of every community. The relations of urban life, in particular, are clearly external and temporary.

❇️ social stratification :-

🔹 Social stratification is the division of different groups found within the society into different levels on the basis of high - low or small - big.

❇️ Features of Social Stratification:

  • Stratification is social in nature.
  •  Stratification is very old. 
  • Stratification is found in every society. 
  • The different forms of stratification are age, class, caste. 
  • Stratification leads to variation in lifestyle.

❇️ Stratification on the basis of caste :-

  • In the stratification of the caste system, Brahmins are at the highest level and Shudras are at the lowest level.
  • This stratification is now completely closed.
  • In the caste structure, the hierarchy of each caste is made on the basis of high and low. 
  • The caste in which a person is born, he gets the status of that caste in the society.
  • The society is divided into four varnas – Brahmins, Kshatriyas, Vaishyas and Shudras.

❇️ Changing Paradigms of Caste System :-

  • Change in dietary restrictions. 
  • Change in business restrictions.
  • Changes in marriage restrictions. 
  • Changes in education restrictions.

❇️ Stratification on the basis of class :-

🔹 Stratification on the basis of class is not based on birth but on the basis of work, ability, skill, education, science etc. 

🔹 The gates of class are open to all. A person can change his class and on making efforts can get a high position in the social stratification.

❇️ Class Type :-

  • High class 
  • the middle class 
  • Lower class 
  • farming class

❇️ Difference between caste and class :-

Caste is based on birth. based on social status.
Caste is a closed group. The class is an open system. 
There are strict rules for marriage, food and drink etc.There is no rigidity in the class. 
The caste system is a stable organization.The class system is less stable than the caste system.
This is against democracy and nationalism.It is a hindrance to democracy and nationalism.

❇️ Social Status :-

🔹 Status is the place an individual enjoys in society. 

❇️ Types of Social Status :-

🔹 Rolf Linton has mainly divided the status into two parts:-

🔶 Granted Status :-

🔹 This status is based on birth, which is automatically obtained without any effort. The following are the basis of the status granted:- 

  • Caste 
  • kinship 
  • Birth 
  • gender discrimination and 
  • age difference 

🔶 Earned Status :-

🔹 The positions or positions that a person holds on the basis of his personal qualities are earned statuses. of earned status. The bases are as follows:- 

  • education 
  • Training 
  • Funds 
  • wealth 
  • occupation 
  • political power

❇️ Social Status :-

🔶 Granted Status :-

  • Daughter
  • sister
  • Woman
  • 17 years
  • american african

🔶 Earned Status :-

  • Friend
  • lawyer
  • Workers
  • student
  • team member
  • teacher
  • Classmates
  • Doctor

❇️ Status and prestige are interrelated words :-

🔹 Each status has its own rights and values. The type of value attached to status or position is called prestige. On the basis of their prestige, people can give their status high or low. Example – The prestige of a doctor will be higher than that of a shopkeeper, even if his income is less.

❇️ Role :-

🔹 Which the person plays according to the situation. Role is the dynamic side of status.

❇️ Role Conflict:-

🔹 This is an inconsistency of roles associated with more than one status. It occurs when two or more roles create conflicting expectations. 

🔹 Example: - A middle class working woman who has to play the role of mother and wife at home and efficient business at work place.

❇️ Role stabilization: -

🔹 It is the process of consolidating certain specific roles for some members of the society. 

🔹 Example:- Often men play the stereotypical roles of earning and women running the household.

❇️ social control :-

🔹 It is a process by which order is established and maintained in a society.

❇️ Need or importance of social control :-

  • Establish a social order. 
  • controlling human behavior. 
  • To protect the fundamental elements of culture.
  • social Security . 
  • homogeneity in the group.

❇️ Types of Social Control :-

🔶 Formal Control :-

🔹 When codified, systematic and other formal means of control are exercised then it is known as formal social control.

🔹 Example:-  Law, State, Police etc. Depending on the gravity of the offence, this punishment can range from simple fine to death.

🔶 Informal Control :-

🔹 It is personal, non-government and uncoordinated. 

🔹 Example:-  Hookah water is stopped for violating caste rules in the rural community like religion, custom, tradition, custom etc.

❇️ Approach to Social Control :-

🔶 Functionalist Approach:  Using force to control the behavior of individuals and groups. To enforce values ​​and norms to maintain order in the society.

🔶 Conflictist Approach:- Sees  the influence of society as a means of social control over the class's control over the rest of the society. Seeing law as a formal document of the powerful and their interests in society.

❇️ Criteria :-

🔹 Rules of behavior that reflect or add to the values ​​of the culture. 

🔹 It can be prescribed, or a given behavior, or it can be refused. 

🔹 Norms are always supported in one way or another by acceptance, which varies from informal disapproval to physical punishment or performance.

❇️ Restrictions: -

🔹 A mode of reward or punishment that reinforces socially expected forms of behavior.

❇️ Conflict :-

🔹 It refers to some form of friction or disagreement arising within a group when the beliefs or actions of one or more members of the group are either competitive or unacceptable to those of one or more members of another group.

❇️ set of :-

🔹 They are simply collections of people who are in the same place, but do not share any definite relationship with each other.

❇️ Cough :-

🔹 They are a native ethnic group of Meghalaya in North-East India.

❇️ social control :-

🔹 Social control is the basic means of social cohesion and conformity rather than divergence. It controls the behavior, attitude and actions of individuals to balance their social status.