Class 11th Sociology Chapter 1 Sociology and Society Notes In Hindi & English Medium


Chapter - 1
Sociology and Society

❇️ society :-

🔹 According to sociologists, the network of relations found among the people of the society, which are related to each other, is the society and these relations are abstract relations.

❇️ Main features of society:-

  • Society is intangible.
  • There is equality and difference in society.
  • There is mutual cooperation and conflict.
  • Dependency rule.
  • Society is changing.

❇️ Relationship between individual and society :-

🔹 Man's activities are related to the society and his existence and development depends on the society itself.

🔹 It is the job of the society to provide personality to the human body with social characteristics or qualities.

🔹 From this point of view the individual is highly dependent on the society. 

🔹 The system of social relations cannot flourish without individuals, nor is the existence of society possible without the system of social relations.

❇️ Difference between human society and animal society :-

🔶 humane Society :-

  • Ability to speak and understand. 
  • It has its own culture. 
  • Uses language to express himself. 
  • He worries about the future and makes plans for it.

🔶 Animal Society :-

  • There is no power to speak, think or understand. 
  • There is no culture. 
  • There is no language to express itself. 
  • Currently won.

❇️ Pluralities and inequalities in societies:-

  • One society is different from another society. 
  • We are becoming members of more than one society.
  • Interact with other societies, adopting their culture. 
  • Thus today our culture is a mixed culture and our society is turning into a pluralistic society (more than one society). 
  • Inequality in our society is the central point between societies.
  • Example:  rich and poor

❇️ Sociology :-

🔹 Sociology is the only science that studies social relations in a systematic and systematic manner.

❇️ Types of Sociology :-

🔶 Macro Sociology:  The study of large groups, organizations and social systems.

🔶 Individual Sociology :-  The study of behavior of human beings in the context of face-to-face interaction. 

❇️ Origin of Sociology :-

🔹 Sociology was born in the 19th century. 

🔹 Participation in group activities requires that problems be solved. Sociology was born out of these efforts. 

❇️ Father of Sociology :-

🔹 In the early 19th century, the French thinker August Comte named sociology as social physics and in 1838 changed it to sociology. For this reason Comte is called the "Father of Sociology". 

🔹 In developing sociology as a subject, the ideas of scholars like Durkheim, Spencer and Max Weber have been a lot. 

❇️ Sociology in India :-

🔹 The origin of sociology in India has an ancient history of development. The Department of Sociology in India was started in 1919 at the University of Mumbai and formal studies began.

❇️ Need for study of Sociology in India :-

🔹 Sociological study is necessary to systematically solve the problems of regionalism, linguism, communalism, casteism etc. prevalent in India.

🔹 For this reason, the study of sociology is becoming more and more popular in India to solve various problems. 

🔹 Comparative study with other societies. about social mobility.

❇️ Main features of the nature of sociology:-

  • Sociology is a social science, not a natural science. 
  • Sociology is an absolute science, not a normative science. 
  • Sociology is relatively an abstract science, not a concrete science. 
  • Sociology is a general science and not a specialized science.

❇️ Intellectual ideas which have a role in the creation of Sociology:-

🔹 Influenced by the scientific theories of natural evolution and the discovery of pre-modern civilizations by ancient travelers, colonial administrators, sociologists and social anthropologists thought about societies with a view to categorizing them into different types to identify different stages of social development. Can go

❇️ Simple society and complex society :-

🔹 India itself is a complex amalgamation of tradition and modernity, of village and city, of caste and tribe, of class and community. Societies have been classified in the 19th century.

🔹 Types of societies before the modern period such as hunter-gatherers and gatherers, herders and farmers, farmers and non-industrial civilizations (simple societies)  

🔹 Types of modern societies, such as industrial societies (complex societies) 

🔹 Darwin's ideas of evolution had a strong influence on early sociological thought.

The Enlightenment, a European intellectual movement that began in the late seventeenth and early eighteenth centuries, emphasized reason and individualism.

🔹 There is no division of labor in a simple society, whereas a complex society is seen.

❇️ The position of sociology among other social sciences at a glance :-

  • All social sciences are related in some way to sociology and are also different in another way. 
  • The study of various fields is possible smoothly only through their mutual cooperation. 
  • The field of all social sciences is different, and the central point of all these is the social animal human. 
  • Sociology creates a collaborative system and brings all the sciences on a common platform.
  • In this way it is easily possible to study and analyze the complexities of social life.

❇️ Relationship between Sociology and Psychology :-

Sociology is concerned with learning human behavior. Psychology deals with the study of the human mind.
Sociology deals with a larger group or society.Psychology deals with individuals or small groups.
Sociology can be done as an observational process. Psychology can be characterized as an experimental process.
Sociology is concerned with the interaction of people. Psychology deals with human emotions.
Sociology is concerned with the interaction of people.In psychological studies, it is believed.
In sociology it is not an individual task. Sociology assumes that the work of an individual is influenced by his surroundings or group.Psychological studies assume that the individual is solely responsible for all activities.  

❇️ Relationship between Sociology and Economics :-

Sociology is a generalized science.Economics is a special science. 
Sociology studies all kinds of relationships.Economics deals with only those relations which are economic in character. 
Sociology is abstract and less precise in nature.Economics is concrete in nature, and more precise. 
In sociology, measuring social variables is very difficult.In economics, economic variables can be precisely measured and quantified.

❇️ Relationship between Sociology and Political Science :-

Sociologypolitical Science
Sociology is the science of society. Political science is the science of state and government. 
Sociology both study the unorganized societies.Political science studies only politically organized societies. 
Sociology has a wide scope.Political science is a narrow field science. 
Study Sociology basically deals with the individual as a social animal.Political science studies man as a political animal.
The approach to sociology is social.Here the point of view of the scientist is political. 
Sociology being a general social science, it follows its own methods apart from the usual method. Political science is a special social science as it focuses on human relations which are political in character.

❇️ Relationship between Sociology and History :-

Sociology is interested in the study of current social events.History is interested in past events.
Sociology is an analytical and interpretive science.History is a descriptive science. 
Sociology is a general science.History is a special science. 
Sociology makes use of questionnaires, surveys, interview methods etc. History uses chronology, coins, etc. to know about the unknown. 
It is possible to test and re-examine generalized facts by sociology.It is not possible to test and re-examine the events mentioned in history.
Sociology has a wide scope. The scope of history is narrow.
Sociology is a young science.History is the oldest science.

❇️ Capitalism :-

🔹 A system of economic enterprise based on market exchange. 

🔹 “Capital” refers to any asset, including money, property, machines, and so on, that can be used to produce goods for sale or to invest in the market with the hope of making a profit.

🔹 It is dependent on private ownership of property and the means of production.

❇️ dialectical :-

🔹 The action of opposing or existential social forces, for example social cognition and individual will.

❇️ empirical investigation :-

🔹 An actual investigation was conducted in a given area of ​​social studies.

❇️ Factual Inquiry :-

🔹 Factual or descriptive inquiries. Its objective is to get the facts necessary to understand and solve the values ​​issues.

❇️ Social Restrictions:

🔹 The groups and societies of which we are a part when they exert a customized influence on our behavior.

❇️ Value :-

🔹 Ideas of human individuals or groups about what is desirable, appropriate, good or bad. 

❇️ breed :-

🔹 Ethnicity refers to the shared cultural practices, attitudes and differences that differentiate people from others.


🔹 Ethnicity is a shared cultural heritage. The characteristics that differentiate different ethnic groups are lineage, sense of history, language, religion and form of dress.

❇️ Colonialism :-

🔹 It refers to the policy or practice of gaining full or partial political control of another country, capturing its settlers and exploiting it economically.

❇️ Factory Production :-

🔹 A factory production or manufacturing plant is another industrial site, usually consisting of buildings and machinery or more complex, consisting of many buildings, where workers manufacture goods or process machines from one product to another.