Class 12th History Chapter - 2 King, farmer and town Short and Long Question Answer English Medium NCERT CBSE

Chapter - 2 
King, farmer and town

2 marks answer question 
Question 1. Why is the sixth century BC considered an important transitional period in early Indian history? 
Answer 1.  Early kingdoms, kingdoms and princely states emerged during this period. 
2. During this period new cities were born. 
3.  The circulation of iron and coins increased during this period. 
4.  Various philosophical ideologies developed during this period including Buddhism and Jainism. 

Question 2. What do you mean by district? 
Answer –  By district we mean a land area where people of a clan or tribe come and settle. 

Question 3.  In how many Mahajanapadas was India divided in the 6th century BC? Write the names of any three. ,
Answer- 1.  In the 6th century BC, India was divided into 16 Mahajanapadas. 
2.  The names of any three Mahajanapadas were Magadha, Kosala and Gandhara. 

Question 4. Discuss the contribution of Prasenjit in the prosperity of Kosala kingdom. 
Answer- 1. Prasenjit encouraged agriculture and trade. 
2.  He strengthened the position of Kosala by marrying his sister to Bimbisara, the ruler of Magadha.

Question 5. Who was Chandrapradyot Mahasen? 
Answer –  Chandrapradyot Mahasen was the most powerful ruler of Avanti. The kingdom of Avanti developed a lot during his reign. He made a commendable contribution to the popularization of Buddhism. 

Question 6. Why was Gandhara famous in the 6th century BC?  Give any two reasons. 
Answer –  6th century BC Gandhara was famous for the following reasons. 
1.  Taxila, the capital of Gandhara, was famous as a university. 
2.  Gandhara was a famous trading center at that time. 

Question 7. Mention any two characteristic features of Mahajanapadas. 
Answer 1. Each Mahajanapada had a capital. It was often surrounded by forts. 
2.  For the security of the Mahajanapada, permanent armies were kept. 

Question 8. What was the capital of Gandhara? 
Answer- The capital of Gandhara was named Taxila. 

Question 9. Write any two reasons for the rise of Magadha Empire. 
Answer-  1.  In the rise of Magadha Empire, the huge iron deposits obtained from here made an important contribution. 
2 . Many powerful rulers ruled in Magadha. 

Question 10. What important reforms did Bimbisara make in the administration management? 
Answer- 1.  He had formed a cabinet for efficient governance. All ministers were capable and honest. 
2.  Panchayat system was made for the governance of the villages. 
3.  The criminals were given harsh punishments. 

Question 11. Give two reasons for the quarrel between Ajatasattu and Lichchhavis. 
Answer-  1.  The Lichchhavis were very powerful at that time. Ajatasattu was unprepared to bear their growing influence. 
2.  Ajatasattu wanted to increase his fame by capturing the Lichchhavis.

Question 12 Who was Ajata Sattu? why was he famous ? 
Answer- 1 . Ajatasattu was a powerful ruler of Magadha. 
2.  He defeated the mighty Lichchhavis. 
3.  He was a very tolerant ruler. He patronized both Jainism and Buddhism. 

Question 13. Which was the capital of Magadha in the beginning? Who was later made the capital of Magadha?
Answer- 1.   Initially the capital of Magadha was Rajgah. 
2.  Later Pataliputra was made the capital of Magadha. 

Question 14. Who was Mahapadmananda? 
Answer –  Mahapadmananda founded the Nanda dynasty in Magadha in 364 BC. He ruled for 28 years. He proved to be a powerful ruler. He made an important contribution to the expansion of the Magadha Empire. 

Question 15. Write two reasons for the unpopularity of the Nanda rulers. 
Answer - 1 . The Nanda rulers were very tyrannical. That's why the people hated him a lot. 
2.  The Nanda rulers were very greedy. Therefore, for the purpose of collecting money, he did many non-human works, as a result of which he became very infamous among the subjects. 

Question 16. How did the huge deposits of iron prove to be helpful in the expansion of the Magadha Empire? 
Answer –  Huge deposits of iron made a commendable contribution in the expansion of Magadha Empire. Due to iron, a good variety of weapons were made. Magadha rulers easily defeated their opponents with these weapons. 

Question 17. Name four sources of Maurya period. 
Answer –  The names of four sources of Mauryan period are Megasthenes' Indica, Kautilya's Arthashastra, Visakhadatta's Mudrarakshasa and Ashoka's inscriptions. 

Question 18 Who was Megasthenes? How long did he stay in India? 
Answer- 1.  Megasthenes was a Greek ambassador. He was sent by Selyakus to the court of Chandragupta Maurya. 
2.  He lived in India for five years (302 BC to 298 BC). Yes

Question 19. Name the Greek ambassador who came to the court of Chandragupta Maurya? Which book did he write? 
Answer- 1 . The name of that Greek ambassador was Megasthenes who came to the court of Chandragupta Maurya. 
2.  He wrote a book called Indica. 

Question 20 Who was Megasthenes? Which book did he write? What is its historical significance? 
Answer -1 . Megasthenes was a Greek ambassador who lived in the court of Chandragupta Maurya from 302 BC to 298 BC 
2 . He wrote a book called Indica. 
3.  From this we get important information about the reign of Chandragupta Maurya.

Question 21. Indica is the creation of 
Answer –  Indica is the creation of Megasthenes.

Question 22. Who was the Prime Minister of Chandragupta Maurya and which book did he write? 
Answer- (i) Kautilya was the prime minister of Chandragupta Maurya. 
(ii) The name of his book was Arthashastra. 

Question 23 Who was Kautilya? 
Answer-  Kautilya was the advisor and prime minister of Chandragupta Maurya. He is also known as Chanakya. He wrote a famous treatise called Arthashastra. It is considered an invaluable book on politics. 

Question 24 What should be the ideals of a king according to Kautilya? 
Answer- (i) He should consider his welfare in the welfare of the subjects. 
(ii)  He should not leave today's work for tomorrow. 
(iii)  His army should be strong. 

Question 25 Who was the author of Arthashastra? 
Answer-  (i)  Kautilya was the author of Arthashastra. 
(ii)  It gives certified information regarding Mauryan administration and economy. 

Question 26 Who was the author of Mudrarakshasa? What is its historical significance?  
Answer- (i)  Mudrarakshasa is a famous drama. Its author was Vishakhadatta. 
(ii)  From this we get information about the decline of the Nanda dynasty and the establishment of the Maurya Empire. 

Question 27. Who founded the Maurya Empire and when? 
Answer –  The Maurya Empire was founded by Chandragupta Maurya in 321 BC. 

Question 28. What were the two results of the struggle of Chandragupta Maurya with Seleucus? 
Answer- (i)  As a result of victory in this battle, Chandragupta Maurya liberated northwestern India from the slavery of Seleucus. 
(ii)  Seleucus gave the territories of Kabul, Kandahar, Hirat and Balochistan to Chandragupta Maurya. 

Question 29 When did Ashoka's coronation take place and for how long did he rule? 
Answer- (i)  The coronation of Ashoka took place in 269 BC. 
(ii)  He ruled till 231 BC. 

Question 30 When and why did Ashoka attack Kalinga? 
Answer-  Ashoka attacked Kalinga in 261 BC to expand his empire.

Question 31 Give two results of the Kalinga war.
 Answer- (i)  After the Kalinga war, Ashoka adopted the policy of Dhammaghosh in place of Bherighosh. 
(ii)  The Mauryan army weakened as a result of Ashoka's abandonment of the war policy. 

Question 32 Explain the meaning of the term Dhammaghosha. 
Answer –  The word Dhammaghosha means to declare Dhamma or Dharma. In other words, the adoption of the policy of Dhamma by the state. This policy inspires people to lead a pure and holy life. After Kalinga's War Ashoka followed this policy.

Question 33. Explain the meaning of the term 'teerth'. 
Answer –  In the Maurya period, the high officials related to the administration were called Tirthas. These included ministers, priests, generals and princes. Their main function was to advise the king regarding administration. 
Question 34. Explain the meaning of the term Sannidhata. 
Answer –  Sannidhata was the chief treasurer and treasury of the state during the Maurya period. 

Question 35. Who was the Collector? 
Answer –  Mauryan period, the highest tax-assessment officer was called Samaharta.

Question 36. Explain the meaning of the term . 
Answer -  In the Maurya period 'Pana' was a silver coin. Its weight was equal to 3/4 tola. High officials were given a salary of 48 thousand panas. Only 10 to 20 panas were given as salary to the following employees. 

Question 37. Name the provinces and their capitals during the period of Chandragupta Maurya. 
Answer -  Name of the province Name of the capital 
(1) Magadha 
(2) North-Western Provinces 
(3) Western Province 
(4) Southern Province 

Question 38. Which was made the fifth province of the Maurya Empire by Ashoka and what was the name of its capital? 
Answer- (1)  Ashoka made Kalinga the fifth province of the Maurya Empire. 
(2)  The name of its capital was Tosali. 

Question 39. Explain the meaning of the term Rajuk. 
Answer Mauryan period, Rajuk used to survey the land under agriculture and determine its land revenue. 

Question 40. How was the Mauryan Civil Management? 
Answer –  The civil management of Maurya was very good. The city administration of Pataliputra was in the hands of a committee of 30 members which was further divided into 6 parts. These committees efficiently worked for the maintenance of factories, protection of foreigners, accounts of births and deaths, rules of trade, census of population and collection of sales tax. 

Question 41. What do you know about the Maurya period intelligence system? 
Answer –  The intelligence system of Maurya period was very good. These spies were spread throughout the empire. He used to inform the king about the activities of the princes, government officials and subjects. A large number of women also worked in the intelligence department.

Question 42. Into how many parts was the Maurya army divided? Write the name 
Answer-  (i) The Maurya army was divided into four parts. 
(ii) Their names were - infantry, cavalry, elephant army and chariot army. 

Question 43 Explain the meaning of the word Dhamma Ghosh.
Answer –  The term Dhamma Ghosh meant those rules which were based on morality. Like loving the younger ones by respecting the elders, speaking the truth and leading a holy life etc. After the conquest of Kalinga, Ashoka propagated the Dhamma.

Question 44. Explain the meaning of the word Dhamma Mahamat. 
Answer –  The special officers appointed by Ashoka for the purpose of propagating Dhamma in his empire were called Dhamma Mahamat. These officers used to inspire people to live according to the Dhamma.

Question 45. State any two features of Ashoka's Dhamma. 
Answer  - (1) Children should have full respect for their parents. 
(2) It is the duty of the elders to love the younger ones. Q

Question 46. State any two important results of Ashoka's Dhamma. 
Answer-  (1) People started living a simple and pious life. 
(2) Ashoka did many things for the betterment of the subjects.
Question 47. Describe two works done by Ashoka for the spread of Buddhism.  
Answer- (1) He declared Buddhism as the state religion. (2) He sent his preachers abroad to propagate Buddhism. 
Question 48. Where was the third war meeting organized? 
Answer –  The third Buddhist assembly was organized in Pataliputra 

Question 49. How did Buddhism reach Sri Lanka? 
Answer -  Maharaja Ashoka made tireless efforts for the propagation of Buddhism in Sri Lanka. He sent his son Mahindra and daughter Sanghamitra to Sri Lanka to propagate Buddhism. Due to his efforts, Buddhism soon became popular in Sri Lanka. 

Question 50 In which script are most of the inscriptions of Ashoka? What was the script of the inscriptions found in his northwest? 
Answer - (1)  Most of the inscriptions of Ashoka are in Brahmi script. 
(2)  The script of the inscriptions found in his northwest is Aramaic and Greek.

Question 51. Who and when was successful in reading the inscriptions of Ashoka? 
Answer  - An English officer named James Prinsep succeeded in reading Ashoka's inscriptions in 1838 AD. 

Question 52 What was the historical significance of Ashoka's inscriptions?
Answer –  From these, important information is obtained about the life of Ashoka, the expansion of his empire, his governance, his Dhamma, the efforts made by him for the spread of Buddhism, his character, his international policy and Mauryan art.

Question 53. Give any two reasons for the greatness of Ashoka. 
Answer- (1)  Ashoka's administration was of a high order. 
(2)  He founded the Dhamma with the aim of establishing unity among the people of different religions. 

Question 54. State two main functions of categories during the Maurya period. 
Answer- (1)  They used to inspect the goods prepared by the traders. 
(2)  They used to search for new areas to encourage trade. 

Question 55.  With which four countries did more trade go on during the  Maurya  period?
In the post -  Mauryan period, more trade was conducted with Rome, Greece, Sauria and Mill.

Question 56. Name any four goods exported to foreign countries during the Maurya period. 
The four items exported to foreign countries during the post- Mauryan  period were cotton and silk cloth, ivory items, hot spices and indigo. 

Question 57. Name any four goods imported from abroad during the Maurya period. 
Answer –  During the Mauryan period, the four items imported from abroad were gold, silver, precious stones and aromatic goods. 

Question 58. What were the two reasons for the decline of the Maurya Empire? 
Answer- (i)  Ashoka's successors turned out to be weak and useless. 
(ii)  Foreign invasions sounded the death knell of the Maurya Empire. 

Question 59. When and who founded the Shunga dynasty? 
Answer –  The Shunga dynasty was founded by Pushyamitra Shunga in 185 BC. 

Question 60. Who was Pushyamitra Shunga? 
Answer:  Pushyamitra was the founder of the Sunga dynasty. He was the general of Brihadratha, the last Mauryan ruler. In 185 BC, Pushyamitra himself took power after killing Brihadratha. He ruled till 149 BC. He proved to be a capable ruler.

Question 61. Why is Kharavela considered the greatest ruler of the Chedi dynasty? Give any two reasons. 
Answer- (i)  He greatly increased the boundaries of the Chedi kingdom. 
Of . 
(ii)  He did many commendable works for the welfare of the subjects. 

Question 62. Why are the Satavahanas called Andhrabhritas? 
Answer –  The Satavahanas are called Andhrabhrtya because their ancestors previously worked as feudatories under the Andhra rulers. 

Question 63. Who were the Satavahanas? Describe two major rulers of the Satavahanas.  
Answer- (i)  There is a difference of opinion among historians regarding who were the Satavahanas. He probably belonged to the Andhra caste. 
(ii) The two famous rulers of the Satavahanas were Satakani I and Gotami-Putta Satakani.

Question 64 Why was Gotami-Putta Satakani famous? 
Answer- (i)  He defeated the Shaka, Yavana and Pallava rulers. 
(ii)  The main objective of his rule was to do welfare of the subjects. 
(iii)  He revived the pride of Satavahana dynasty. 

Question 65. State two main features of Satavahana administration. 
Answer- (i)  The king used to run his rule according to the principles of Dharma Shastra. 
(ii)  Although the Satavahana rulers believed in Hinduism, they adopted a policy of tolerance towards other religions.

Question 66. What is called megalithic? 
Answer –  Megaliths were called such monuments which were built by some communities of South India on the dead body of a dead person. These monuments were made of huge stones. Their excavation gives us important information about the life of the people of Iron Age. 

Question 67. Explain the meaning of the term Tamilakam. 
Answer –  In ancient times, the remote southern parts of India were named Tamilakam. From the 4th century onwards, close trade relations were established between northern India and Tamilakam. 

Question 68. Where is the first mention of Pandyas found? From where was his kingdom spread? 
Answer- (i)  The first mention of the Pandyas is found in the Sangam literature. 
(ii)  It was spread from the southern end of the Indian peninsula to the middle of the south-eastern part. It included the districts of Madura, Tinevali and Ramnad in modern Tamil Nadu. 

Question 69. Which was the capital of the Pandya kingdom? Who was its most famous ruler?
Answer- (i)  The name of the capital of the Pandya kingdom was Madura or Madurai. 
(ii)  Its most famous ruler was Nedu Jillian. 

Question 70. Why was the Pandya ruler Nedu Gelian famous? 
Answer- (i)  He had jointly defeated the Cholas, Cheras and five other rulers. 
(ii)  He was also a great scholar. 
(iii)  He patronized art and literature.

3 Marks Answer Questions 
Question 1. After the Harappan civilization, during about 1500 years, many types of development took place in different parts of the subcontinent. Give an example. 
Answer- (i)  Rigveda was composed by the people living on the banks of river Indus and its tributaries during this period. 
(ii)  Agricultural settlements emerged in many areas like North India, Deccan Plateau region and Karnataka etc. 
(iii)  Shepherd settlements were established in the areas of Deccan and South India. 
(iv)  New methods of cremation of dead bodies came into existence in Central and South India. Various tools and weapons made of iron were also buried along with the dead bodies at many places. 

Question 2. What was the condition of Kashi district in the 6th century BC? 
Answer – The first of the 16 Mahajanapadas that became famous was Kashi. The name of the capital of this state was Varanasi, which was situated on the banks of the river Ganges, this state was very powerful in the beginning and was famous for its trade. During the reign of King Brahmadatta, this state had reached the peak of its development. Later the power of this kingdom was weakened due to constant battles with the kingdoms of Kosala, Anga and Magadha. As a result, in the sixth century BC, the kingdom of Kosala took control of Kashi. 

Question 3. Why was the Kosala district famous in the 6th century BC? 
Answer –  In the sixth century BC, Koshal included Faizabad, Gonda and Bahraich districts of modern Uttar Pradesh. Sravasti was the capital of this state. Ayodhya and Kapilvastu were the two major cities of this state. Ayodhya was famous as the birth place of Lord Rama and Kapilvastu as the birth place of Mahatma Buddha. Prasenjit was the most powerful ruler of the Kosala kingdom. During his reign, the Kosala kingdom made multi-faceted development. To strengthen his position, he married his sister to Bimbisara, the ruler of Magadha. He was a contemporary of Mahatma Buddha. He made a commendable contribution to popularize Buddhism.

Question 4. Why was the Gandhara district famous in the 6th century BC? 
Answer  – In the 6th century BC, the state of Gandhara included the districts of modern-day Peshawar and Rawalpindi in Pakistan. The name of its capital was Taxila. Taxila was well known as a university of that time. Here students from different states of India and abroad used to come to get education. Apart from this, it was also a famous trading center. In the 6th century BC, it was ruled by King Purusati. He was a contemporary of Bimbisara, the ruler of Magadha. He sent an emissary to the court of Magadha whose purpose was to establish friendship between the two kingdoms. He defeated the ruler of Avanti, Chandapradyot Mahasen, in a battle.

Question 5. What was the condition of Magadha district in the 6th century BC? 
Answer  – The sixth century BC Magadha kingdom was the most powerful. It included some areas of present-day Patna, Gaya and Shahabad. The capital of this state was named Rajgah (Rajgir). The kingdom of Magadha was surrounded by the Ganges River from the north, Vindhyachal Mountains from the south, Champa from the east and Son river from the west. Bimbisara and Ajatasattu were the two most famous rulers of this state. During his reign, the Magadha kingdom made remarkable progress. According to Buddhist texts they were both great patrons of Buddhism and according to Jain texts they were both great patrons of Jainism.

Question 6. What do you know about the Magadha ruler Bimbisara? 
Answer –  Bimbisara was a famous ruler of Magadha. He ruled from 544 BC to 492 BC. In order to consolidate his power, he established matrimonial and friendly relations with famous and powerful rulers. He gave a severe defeat to the ruler of Anga. He established an efficient government system. Panchayats were given special importance in the system of governance. He developed the means of transport and trade. During his reign, the criminals were punished severely. He declared Rajagah as his capital.

Question 7. Who was Ajata Sattu? why was he famous ? 
Answer –  Ajatasattu was a powerful ruler of Magadha. He ruled from 492 BC to 460 BC. During his period, there was a long-standing dispute between Magadha and Kosala kingdoms over Kashi. In this, Ajata Sattu had the upper hand. Ajatasattu defeated the mighty Lichchhavis. He was a very patient ruler. He patronized both Jainism and Buddhism. He organized the first Mahasabha of Buddhism in 487 BC at Vaishali. 

Question 8. What do you know about the Nanda ruler Mahapadmananda? 
Answer –  Mahapadmananda established the Nanda dynasty in Magadha in 364 BC. He belonged to a low lineage. He ruled for 28 years. He proved to be a very powerful ruler. His military power was huge and strong. That is why he was called 'Ugrasen'. He is also called 'Sarvakshatrantak' because of the destroyer of Kshatriyas. During his reign, he greatly expanded the boundaries of the Magadha Empire by defeating the rulers of Ikshvaku, Panchala, Kuru, Shurasen, Mithila and Kalinga etc. As a result, he is called the first great emperor of northern India.

Question 9. What were the main reasons for the rise of Magadha Empire?
Answer- (i)  Its geographical location proved to be quite helpful in the expansion of Magadha Empire. This kingdom was secure from all sides. Being surrounded by rivers, its capital Pataliputra was also very safe.
(ii)  The huge iron deposits obtained from here made an important contribution to the rise of this empire. 
(iii)  Many powerful rulers ruled in Magadha. 
(iv)  Magadha rulers had a large and efficient army. 
(v)  Magadha Empire was very prosperous from the economic side. 

Question 10. Describe the distinctive features of Mahajanapadas. 
Answer- (i)  Most of the Mahajanapadas were ruled by the king, but in the Ganasangh, a group of people ruled. 
(ii)  Each Mahajanapada had a capital. It was often surrounded by forts. 
(iii)  The function of the rulers was to collect taxes and gifts from the farmers, traders and craftsmen. 
(iv) Invading  neighboring states for the purpose of collecting money was considered lawful. 
(v)  Some states had prepared their own standing armies and bureaucratic systems. Other states still relied on auxiliary forces 

Question 11. What are the main historical sources of Maurya period? 
Regarding the post -  Mauryan period, we get information from many historical sources. Prominent among these are Megasthenes' Indica and Kautilya's Arthashastra. Megasthenes' Indica throws important light on the reign of Chandragupta Maurya and the Indian society of that time. Kautilya's Arthashastra gives a detailed description of the politics of the Maurya period. Apart from these, the Mudrarakshas of Visakhadatta, Jain and Buddhist texts, Puranas, inscriptions, buildings and monuments also throw a lot of light on the Maurya period. 

Question 12 Write a short note on Indica who was Megasthenes. 
Answer – Megasthenes was a Greek. He was sent by the Greek ruler Seleucus as his ambassador to the court of Chandragupta Maurya. He lived in Pataliputra, the capital of Maurya rule, from about 302 BC to 298 BC. During this time, what he saw in relation to India, he described it in a book called Indica. It is true that there are some errors in this account but still it is a valuable source for us to know the history of Mauryan period. From this we get important information about Chandragupta Maurya and his palace, capital, military and civil management and Indian society.

Question 13. What did Megasthenes write about Indian society? 
Answer –  According to Megasthenes, Indian society was divided into seven classes at that time. Brahmins and Shramanas held the highest position in the society. At that time the moral standard of the people was very high. He lived a simple and honest life. Thefts and dacoities were rare. They used less meat and alcohol. The position of women in the society was good. Slavery was not prevalent at that time. 

Question 14. What did Megasthenes describe about Pataliputra, the capital of the Maurya Empire? 
Answer –  Megasthenes writes that Pataliputra, which was the capital of the Maurya Empire at that time, was the largest city in India at that time. It was situated on the banks of the confluence of the Ganges and Son rivers. Its length was 80 stadia and width was 15 stadia. The city was surrounded by a wooden wall with 64 gates and 570 bastions. There was a huge moat around this wall which was always filled with water. It was managed by 6 committees. Each committee had five members.

Question 15. Who was Kautilya? 
Answer-  Kautilya was also known as Vishnugupta or Chanakya. He was the advisor and prime minister of Chandragupta Maurya. The great book 'Arthashastra' written by him is related to politics. In this, it has thrown light on the duties of the king, the qualities of ministers, methods of warfare, rules of diplomacy, principles of governance and other political subjects. This book is divided into 15 parts and in each part information has been given about different subjects related to governance. Undoubtedly, Arthashastra is a valuable resource of the Maurya Empire.

Question 16. What ideals did Kautilya give to the king? 
Answer -  According to Kautilya, the greatest ideal of the king should be the welfare of the subjects. He should consider his welfare in the welfare of the subjects. He should not do what pleases him, but should do what pleases his subjects. He should always be ready to listen to the grievances of the subjects and should make every effort to redress them. The king should be fully capable of maintaining and keeping peace and order in the empire. His army should be strong so that the kingdom can also be expanded.

Question 17 What is the historical significance of Mudrarakshasa? 
Answer –  Mudrarakshas was composed by the famous playwright of the Gupta period, Visakhadatta. In this book, he has given a detailed description of the destruction of the Nanda dynasty and the establishment of the Maurya dynasty by Chandragupta Maurya with the help of Kautilya. Apart from this, we get knowledge of the social, economic and religious condition of the time from this play. Although some things are concocted in it, yet we cannot ignore its historical importance. 

Question 18. State the importance of inscriptions as sources of the Maurya period. 
Answer –  Ashoka's inscriptions are an invaluable source to know the history of the Maurya period. These inscriptions are inscribed on rocks and stone pillars. From these inscriptions, we can get to know about the expansion of Ashoka's empire, governance, the work done for public welfare, the instructions given to the state employees, the principles of Dhamma, the duties of Dhamma Mahamattas, the war of Kalinga, Ashoka's religious tolerance, his character, Very important information is obtained regarding the efforts made for the spread of Buddhism, the language of the people, the level of education and the Mauryan art.

Question 19. How did Chandragupta Maurya establish the rule of the Maurya dynasty? 
Answer –  Chandragupta Maurya first paid attention to the Punjab located in the north-west to establish his kingdom. Philips, the representative appointed by Alexander in Punjab, was assassinated. Taking advantage of such a situation, Chandragupta Maurya attacked Punjab in 322 BC. He easily captured this. Encouraged by the conquest of Punjab, Chandragupta Maurya turned his attention to Magadha. At that time the king of Magadha was Dhananand. He was very infamous among the subjects because of his atrocities. Because of this Chandragupta Maurya attacked Magadha and won. Chandragupta Maurya performed his coronation at Pataliputra. 

Question 20. Describe the battle of Chandragupta Maurya with Seleucus. 
Answer -  The most important battle of Chandragupta Maurya took place with Seleucus. Seleucus was a great general of Alexander and he had captured many important areas of West and Central Asia. In order to further expand his kingdom, Seleucus invaded India in 305 BC. In the battle of Il, Chandragupta defeated Seleucus. According to the treaty between the two, Seleucus ceded his four provinces Kabul, Kandahar, Hirat and Balochistan to Chandragupta. He married his daughter to Chandragupta and sent Megasthenes to his court as an ambassador. Chandragupta presented 500 elephants to Seleucus in honor. This was a great victory for Chandragupta. 

Question 21. What do you know about Bindusara? 
Answer - 298 BC After the death of Chandragupta Maurya, his son Bindusara sat on the throne in 298 BC. He ruled till 273 BC. We have not got any specific information regarding his reign. He established friendly relations with foreign states. The Greek ruler Antiox sent Demex as his ambassador to his court. Similarly, the Egyptian emperor Ptolemy Philadelphus II sent Dionysius as his ambassador to his court. Bindusara died in 273 BC. 

Question 22 What do you know about the Kalinga war?
Answer –  Ashoka attacked Kalinga in 261 BC to expand his empire. This war was very fierce. In this 1 lakh people were killed and 11 lakh were taken prisoner. Ashoka was victorious in this war and Kalinga was included in the Maurya Empire. Ashoka's heart was deeply affected by the fierce bloodshed in this war. Therefore Ashoka gave up wars forever. After this he decided to win the minds of the people rather than the territories. 

Question 23. What were the effects of the war of Kalinga on Ashoka? 
Answer- (i)  Ashoka gave up the war policy forever. 
(ii)  Ashoka founded and spread the Dhamma. 
(iii)  Ashoka was so impressed by the Kalinga war that he adopted Buddhism. He made it a popular religion of the world by his tireless efforts. 
(iv)  After the Kalinga war, Ashoka devoted his whole life to the welfare of the people. 
(v)  Ashoka stopped playing hunting and eating meat.

Question 24. What was the position of the king during the Maurya period? 
Answer- (i)  The king was the supreme authority of the regime. 
(ii)  Every word that came out of his mouth was considered law. 
(iii)  He used to make appointments to all the important posts of the state. 
(iv)  He could punish or reduce or pardon any offender with the harshest possible 
(v)  Only the king had the right to fight or make a treaty with anyone. 

Question 25. What was the provincial management of the Maurya Empire? 
Answer –  Chandragupta Maurya had established a huge empire. Therefore, for the efficiency of governance, he divided his empire into four provinces. The names of these provinces were- (1) Magadha (2) North-Western Province Gandhar (3) Eastern Province Avanti. (4) Southern Province. Ashoka conquered Kalinga and made it the fifth province of the Maurya Empire. The name of its capital was Tosli. The head of the province was called 'Kumar'. Often princes were appointed to this post. His main task was to maintain peace in his province and work for the welfare of the people there. Many other officers were appointed to assist him.

Question 26. What were the main features of city management in the Maurya Empire? 
In the post- Mauryan  period, special arrangements were made for big cities like Pataliputra, Taxila and Ujjain etc. The head of the city was called the city president. A committee of 30 members was appointed to assist him. It had 6 committees and each committee had 5 members. These committees used to collect the work of craftsmen, factories, interests of foreigners, rules of birth and death and trade and sales tax. Apart from this, these committees used to jointly manage the institutions related to public welfare. 

Question 27. How was the intelligence management of the Maurya Empire? 
Answer -  The basis of the success of the Maurya rulers was their excellent intelligence management. Chandragupta Maurya had spread the network of spies throughout the empire. He used to send secret information related to the affairs of princes, government officials, general public and foreign events to the emperor. Detectives who worked in one place were called Sanstha and those who used to move from one place to another were called Sanchar. Women were also appointed in the intelligence department. They were more adept than men in gathering information. 

Question 28. What do you know about the military management of the Maurya Empire? 
Answer-  Maurya kings arranged a huge army to expand their empire and to keep it safe from foreign invasions. The total number of soldiers of Chandragupta Maurya was 6,90,000. The main parts of the Maurya army were footmen, cavalry, elephants and chariots. These soldiers were paid good salaries. A committee of 30 members was appointed by the Maurya rulers for good management of the soldiers. This committee used to manage ships, means of transport, foot soldiers, cavalry, elephants and chariots. The main weapons of the soldiers were arrows, swords, tridents, shields and spears etc. 

Question 29 What were the main principles of Ashoka's Dhamma? 
Answer-  We should respect our elders and love the younger ones. We should always speak the truth. We should follow the policy of non-violence. We should give charity to the poor and saints. Our life should be simple and pure. We should give up useless customs. We should adopt a policy of tolerance towards other religions. Man definitely gets the fruits of his actions. Only by doing good deeds one can attain heaven.

Question 30. What steps did Ashoka take to spread his Dhamma? 
Answer –  Ashoka took the following steps for the spread of Dhamma –
(i)  He set an example before the people by molding his life according to the principles of Dhamma. 
(ii)  He made Dhamma Yatras for the propagation of Dhamma. 
(iii)  He got the principles of Dhamma inscribed on inscriptions so that people could read them. 
(iv)  He appointed Dhamma Mahamattas to propagate the Dhamma. 

Question 31. What efforts did Ashoka make for the spread of Buddhism?  
Answer-  Ashoka declared it the state religion for the spread of Buddhism. He himself adopted this religion. He traveled to important places related to Buddhism. He appointed officers named Dhamma Mahamatt. He got Buddhist viharas and monasteries built. He organized the third council of Buddhists at Pataliputra. He sent Buddhist preachers for the purpose of propagating Buddhism abroad. 

Question 32. List some problems of archivists. 
Answer- (i)  Sometimes the letters are engraved very lightly on the inscriptions which are difficult to read. 
(ii)  Records are destroyed due to which the letters engraved on them disappear. 
(iii)  It was difficult to know the language of the inscriptions and understand their meanings. 
(iv)  Sometimes the same event is shown separately in different records. Therefore, it is difficult to know the nature of the actual event.
(v)  The inscriptions always used to describe the same persons who made it. They did not have any information about the general public. 

Question 33. What were the reasons for the greatness of Ashoka? 
Answer –  Ashoka established a huge empire. He implemented a high degree of administration. Its main objective was the welfare of the people. He established the Dhamma to establish unity among the people of different religions. It included the good principles of all the major religions, he propagated Buddhism not only in India but also abroad. Unparalleled progress was made in the fields of art, education and literature during his reign. He gave up wars forever. He established friendly relations with the neighboring states.  

Question 34. How was the economic life of the Mauryas? 
The main occupation of the people in the post -  Mauryan period was agriculture. The Maurya rulers provided special facilities to the farmers to encourage agriculture. Therefore, there was a lot of production of crops during this period. The main crops of this period were rice, wheat, barley, cotton and sugarcane. Industry and business were also very advanced during this period. The textile industry was the most popular of this period. In this period, many tribes used to do the work of animal husbandry. The internal and foreign trade was very advanced during the Maurya period. As a result the economic life of the people was very prosperous. 

Question 35. How did the Maurya Empire promote trade and commerce? 
The internal and external trade was very advanced during the post -  Mauryan period. Trade was done by water and land routes. Most of the trade of the Maurya Empire was with Syria, Egypt, Rome, Greece and the countries of South-East Asia. The major trading centers of the Maurya Empire were Taxila, Ujjain, Kaushambi and Pataliputra. Diamonds, pearls, aromatic articles, cotton and silk cloth, ivory, wooden articles, medicines, hot spices and indigo were exported from the Maurya Empire to foreign countries. India used to import goods like gold, silver, valuable gems etc. from abroad.

Question 36. What was the development in the field of art during the Maurya period? 
There was a lot of progress in the field of art during the post- Mauryan period. The Maurya rulers had a great love for the art of building construction. Foreign travelers were astonished to see the royal palace built at Pataliputra. He thought that it was not created by humans but by the gods. Ashoka started using stones instead of wood to strengthen the buildings. Ashoka got a large number of stupas built. Among these, the Sanchi Stupa was most famous for its exquisite art. The art of making jewelery also made a unique development during the Maurya period. 

 Question 37. Describe any three reasons for the decline of the Maurya Empire.
Answer – Many reasons were responsible for the decline of the Maurya Empire. Ashoka's successors turned out to be weak. The palace became the center of conspiracies. Due to this the condition of the state started to fluctuate. After the death of Ashoka, revolts started everywhere in the Maurya Empire. Due to the lack of means of transport, it became very difficult to control them. Due to the empty state treasury, there was a lot of laxity in the administrative management. The staggering foreign invasions inflicted a deep blow on the Maurya Empire.

Question 38. Explain what is the importance of the Maurya Empire in Indian history? 
Answer- (i)  The Maurya rulers established a huge empire in India for the first time. 
(ii)  The Maurya rulers established a high order administration.
(iii)  The Maurya rulers made remarkable contributions in the field of art. 
(iv)  The Maurya rulers gave open-hearted patronage to the spread of education. 
(v)  The Maurya rulers encouraged internal and external trade. 

Question 39. What is the importance of Shunga dynasty in Indian history? 
Answer- With the establishment of the Sunga dynasty, a new era was ushered in Indian history. The rulers of this dynasty defeated the Yavanas and saved India from being under foreign rule. He kept the disruptive forces under control. Apart from this, he organized Indian political life in a new way. Because the Sunga rulers followed Hinduism, Hinduism flourished during their period. With the declaration of Sanskrit as the language of the court, this language once again acquired its proud place. The Sunga rulers were great patrons of art and literature. As a result, unparalleled progress was made in both these areas during his time. 

Question 40. Why is Kharavela considered the most important ruler of the Chedi dynasty? 
Answer -  Raja Kharavela was the greatest king of Orissa. He ascended the throne of Kalinga at the age of about 24 years. He was a great conqueror. He annexed the Pandya kingdom in the south and Magadha and Anga kingdom in the north. In this way he had established a huge empire. He was a great patron of Jainism but he was also tolerant towards other religions. He did many commendable works for the welfare of his subjects. During his reign there was a lot of development in the field of music. He had decorated his kingdom Kalinga with many beautiful palaces, gardens and fountains.