Class 12th History Chapter - 12 Colonial City Short and Long Question Answer English Medium NCERT CBSE

Chapter - 12

Colonial City

2 marks answer questions

Question 1. When did the agents of the East India Company settle in Madras and Calcutta? How and when was Bombay Company acquired?
Answer-  (i) Agents of the East India Company settled in Madras in 1639 AD and Calcutta in 1690 AD.
(ii) The Bombay Company was received from the British ruler in 1668 AD.

Question 2. What were the three major cities of India till the middle of the 19th century?
Answer  – By the middle of the 19th century, the three big cities of India were Madras, Calcutta and Bombay.

Question 3. What is meant by town? Why was it famous?
Answer-  (i) A small town situated in the Kasba countryside was called.
(ii) They were famous centers of economic activities and cultures. 1

Question 4. Write any two differences between countryside and town.
Answer-  (i) The people of the countryside used to do agriculture and animal husbandry. The people in the towns did the work of craftsmanship, trade and administration.
(ii) Towns were often fortified while the countryside was not.

Question 5. The separation between towns and villages used to be uncertain. How ?
Answer- (i) The farmers of the villages used to pass through many towns for pilgrimage.
(ii) The people of the villages used to migrate to the towns during the time of famine.
(iii) The merchants of the towns used to go to the villages to sell their goods.

Question 6. Name any four capitals of the Mughal period.
Answer –  The names of any four capitals of the Mughal period were Agra, Delhi, Fatehpur Sikri and Lahore.

Question 7. Why were Mughal cities famous? Give any two reasons.
Answer -  (1) They were important centers of power and administration.
(ii) There was a concentration of population in these.

Question 8: Write the names of any two famous cities of South India.
Answer  – The names of two famous cities of South India were Madurai and Kanchipuram.

Question 9. State any two features of the cities of South India. 

Answer-  (1) There used to be a grand and huge temple in the center of the cities.
(ii) These cities were also famous trading centers.

Question 10. Write any two functions of Kotwal.
Answer  (i) He was responsible for maintaining law and order in the city.
(ii) He used to make arrangements for the security of the city.

Question 11. Name any two regional capitals of 18th century. Write any one reason for their importance.
Answer –  (i) Lucknow and Hyderabad were the names of any two regional capitals of the 18th century.
(ii) The reason for their importance was that many people had come here from the Mughal cities in search of employment.

Question 12. What is meant by town and ganj?
Answer-  (1) The town was a small town situated in the rural area. (ii) Ganj was called a small permanent market.

Question 13. When did which European company set up its trading center in Panaji?
Answer-  The Portuguese established their trading center in Panaji in 1510 AD.

Question 14. Which were the three famous trading centers of the East India Company in India? When were they established?
Answer-  (1) The East India Company had three famous trading centers in India Madras, Bombay and Calcutta.
(ii) They were established in 1639 AD, 1668 AD and 1690 AD respectively.

Question 15. How did the British East India Company get Bombay?
Answer –  The British East India Company acquired Bombay from the Emperor of England in 1668 AD.

Question 16. Which three famous cities developed in the 17th century declined in the 18th century?
Answer-  In the 18th century, the cities named Surat, Machilipatnam and Dhaka, developed in the 17th century, had become degraded.

Question 17. When was the Survey of India formed? What was its purpose?
Answer –  (i) Survey of India was formed in 1878 AD.
(ii) Its purpose was to get the maps prepared carefully.

Question 18. When was the first tenth census held in India?
Answer- The first tenth census in India was done in 1881 AD.

Question 19. What is the importance of census in colonial cities? 

Answer- (i) It shows the level of education of the people.
(ii) It gives information about the health of the people.

Question 20. Why did most people look at people with suspicion?
Answer- (i) People used to think that the government is getting them investigated for the purpose of imposing new taxes.
(ii) Some people did not like to give information about the women of their household.

Question 21. Why should historians be careful about using people like the census?
Answer-  (1) Census data can be inspired by any bias.
(ii) These figures do not give accurate information about many important facts.

Question 22. Why are municipal records considered important?
Answer-  (1) To tax the people.
(ii) For the development plans of the cities.

Question 23. When was the railway started in India? Which city lost its importance with the advent of railways?
Answer-  (1) Railway started in India in 1853 AD.
(ii) The city of Mirzapur lost its importance with the advent of railways.

Question 24. Who and when started the railway service in India?
Answer- Lord Dalhousie started the railway service in India in 1853 AD.

Question 25. What was the importance of railways in colonial cities?
Answer  (1) This gave a new direction to urbanization in India.
(ii) This gave impetus to the establishment of modern industries in India.

Question 26. What were the two important effects of the Industrial Revolution in Britain in the 18th century on India?
Answer-  (i) The goods manufactured in British factories started coming to India in large quantities.
(ii) India ceased to be a raw material exporter country.
Question 27. Which were the three famous ports of India in the 18th century?
Answer  – In the 18th century, the three famous ports of India were Bombay, Madras and Calcutta.

Question 28. What was the importance of ports in colonial cities?
Ans-  (i) Due to the establishment of ports, the Company established its factories in the colonial cities.
(ii) From here the raw materials sent to England were exported.

Question 29. What do you mean by White Town and Black Town? 
Answer: -  (i) White town meant the city where the white Europeans lived.
(ii) Black Town meant the city where the Black Bhava Indians lived.

Question 30. Which were the two major industrial cities of India in the 19th century? Why was he famous?
Answer-  (1) In the 19th century, the two major industrial cities of India were Kanpur and Jamshedpur.
(ii) Kanpur was famous for cotton and woolen cloth and leather goods.
(iii) Jamshedpur was famous for steel production. 

Question 31. Which Indians had an important place in the new cities?
Ans-  Interpreters, traders, intermediaries and Indians who supplied goods in the new cities were important.

Question 32. What was the Writers Building? Where was it made?
Answer  (1) The Nations Building was an administrative office of the East India Company.
(ii) It was made in Calcutta.

Question 33. What did Indians do for their high position in society even in colonial cities?
Answer-  (i) They used to organize sumptuous banquets to impress their British masters.
(ii) They built temples and provided their protection to them.

Question 34. What was the Civil Line?
Answer – (1) Civil lines were new urban areas where only whites were settled.
(ii) Their purpose was to keep the British away and safe from the danger of Indians.

Question 35. Write any characteristic features of European cantonments.
Answer-  (i) These cantonments were always commanded by European officers.
(ii) Grand bungalows were built for the military officers.

Question 36. What was the attitude of the British towards black cities?
Answer - (1) They considered them to be the center of chaos and unrest.
(ii) They considered them to be a great source of filth and disease.

Question 37. Why were hill stations built during the colonial rule?
Answer-  (i) To meet the requirements of the British Army.
(ii) For an ideal place for Europeans to stay.

Question 38. Which hill stations were built during the colonial rule and were their initial purpose?
Answer –  (i) Hill stations named Shimla Mount Abu and Darjeeling were built during the colonial rule.
(ii) Their initial purpose was to meet the needs of the British army.

Question 39. Where did the British build the first hill station?
Answer-  The first hill station was built by the British in Darjeeling.

Question 40. When and from which rulers did the British get Darjeeling?
Answer-  The British got Darjeeling from the rulers of Sikkim in 1835 AD.

Question 41. Which Viceroy changed his capital to Shimla and when?
Answer- John Lawrence changed his capital to Shimla in 1864 AD.

Question 42. What were the two important effects of the arrival of railways in hill stations?
Ans-  (i) Due to this, the movement of railways became easy in the hill stations.
(ii) Due to this mountain resorts now came within the reach of Indians also.

Question 43. How did hill stations become important for the colonial economy?
Answer – (i) Hill Stations Tea and coffee plantations were established in colonial hill stations.
(ii) A large number of laborers got employment in the plantations.

Question 44. What were the two important effects of the advent of transport in the colonial cities?
Answer –  (i) Due to this it became easy for the people living far away to come to the cities.
(ii) The caste system was hurt by traveling and working together.

Question 45. When and which theater was established in Calcutta by Vinodini Dasi?
Answer –  Vinodini Dasi established Star Theater in Calcutta in 1883 AD.

Question 46. What was the name of the autobiography of Vinodino Dasi? when was it composed
Answer - (1) The name of the autobiography of Vinodini Dasi was Amar Katha.
(ii) It was composed between 1910 AD to 1913 AD.

Question47. Urban life was a struggle for poor laborers Give any two reasons.
Answer-  (1) His job was not sure.
(ii) Food was expensive in the cities.

Question48. Give two reasons for the coming of the working class people to the big cities.
Answer- (i) He got new job opportunities.
(ii) He was attracted by the charm of the city lifestyle.

Question 49. When did the East India Company establish a trading post at Madrasapatam? By what name did you know it?
Answer-  (i) The East India Company established a trading post at Madraspatam in 1639 AD.
(2) It was called Chenapatnam by the local people.

Question 50. Where did the East India Company establish Fort St. George? Any two of its characteristics.
Answer  (1) The East India Company established Fort St. George in Madras.
(ii) Only Europeans lived here.
(iii) Walls and bastions gave it the form of a special siege.

Question 51. What were Chintadripeth and Washermanpeth in the Black Town of Madras?
Ans- Chintadripeth  was the neighborhood of weavers and Washermenpeth in the Black Town of Madras, for the painters and washermen.

Question52. Who was Bellalar?
Ans- Bellalar  was a local village caste of Madras. Initially they had a role in the company's jobs.

Question 53. Write a note on Fort St. George.
Answer- Fort St. George was established by the East India Company in Madras. Only Europeans were allowed to stay inside the fort.

Question 54. When and how did the Inst India Company establish Calcutta by merging three villages?
Answer- Inst India Company established Calcutta in 1690 AD by joining Sutanati, Kolkata and Govindpur.

Question 55. Why did the British take over the task of town planning in Bengal from the very beginning? Write a reason.
Answer-  ( ) The British merchants were dissatisfied with the sovereignty of Sirajuddila, the Nawab of Bengal.
(ii) After the Battle of Plassey, the British wanted to build a fort in Calcutta which could not be easily attacked.

Question 56. When did the Battle of Plassey take place? Which Nawab of Bengal was defeated by the British in this?
Answer-  (1) The Battle of Plassey took place in 1757 AD.
(ii) In this, the British defeated Siraj-ud-daula, the Nawab of Bengal.

Question 57. Write a note on the city of Calcutta.
Answer – The city of Calcutta was established by the East India Company in 1690 AD. He built Fort William here in 1757 AD. The officers of the East India Company made a remarkable contribution to the development of the city of Calcutta.

Question 58. Where did the East India Company establish Fort William? Write any one feature of it.
Answer-  (1) The East India Company established Fort William in Calcutta in 1757 AD.
(ii) A huge space was left empty around this fort from the point of view of security.

Question 59. When and who built the Government House in Calcutta?
Answer-  (i) The Government House in Calcutta was built in 1803 by Lord Wellesley.
(ii) It was a symbol of British power.

Question 60. When and where was the lottery committee established? 
Answer-  The Lottery Committee was established in 1817 in Calcutta.

Question 61. Write any two functions of lottery committee.
Answer  (1) It collected money by selling lotteries for the development of the city of Calcutta.
(ii) It destroyed many huts for the purpose of keeping the city clean.

Question 62. Which two rules were made to avoid fire in Calcutta?
Answer  (1) In 1836, the construction of thatched huts was banned.
(ii) The roof of bricks was made mandatory in the houses.

Question 63. For what did the Indian representatives present in the Municipal Corporation of Calcutta oppose the company? What was the result of this?
Answer  (1) The Indian representatives present in the Calcutta Municipal Corporation opposed the company for not putting much effort into the development of Black Town.
(ii) As a result, anti-colonial and nationalist sentiments spread among Indians.

Question 64. Which was called the commercial capital of colonial India?
The commercial capital of post- colonial India was called Bombay.
Question 65. By the end of 19th century, which port of India used to export half of it? What was the main item exported from here?

 Answer- (1) By the end of the 19th century, half of India's exports were from the Bombay port.
(ii) The main commodity exported from here was opium.

Question 66. When was the Suez Canal opened? What was its effect on Bombay?
Answer- Suez Canal was opened in 1869 AD. For this reason Bombay was declared as the Sartaj city of India.

Question 67. Throw light on the neoclassical style.
Answer- (i) In the neoclassical style, geometric structures were built behind large pillars.
(ii) The Town Hall and Elphiston Circle were constructed in Bombay according to this style.
Question 68. Write any two main features of the Neo-Gothic style. 

Answer- (i) In this the roofs of the buildings were raised high.
(ii) The arches were notched in it.
Question 69. Name any two buildings built in Bombay according to the Neo-Gandic style.
Answer-  According to the Neo-Gothic style, any two buildings built in Bombay were the Bombay University and the High Court.

Question 70. Which styles of buildings were built by the British in Bombay?
Answer- The British had built buildings of European Neo  - Gathic  and Indo-Saracenic styles in Bombay.

3 marks answer questions

Question 1. What was the precarious separation between towns and villages? 

Answer- Farmers of villages used to pass through many towns for pilgrimage. Villagers also used to come to towns to get essential goods. Apart from these, they used to move towards the towns even when there was a famine. The reason for this was that although the towns and villages were separate, the separation between them was uncertain due to many reasons. used to go to the villages for When there was any attack on the towns, people used to go to the rural areas and take shelter. That many facilities were available in towns as compared to villages. On the other hand merchants from towns used to go to villages to sell their goods. When there was an invasion in the towns, people used to go to the rural areas and take shelter.

Question 2. What were the main features of the Mughal city?

Answer –  (i) The Mughal cities were important centers of power and administration. 

(ii) Known for the concentration of population, many grand buildings, royal splendor and prosperity. ,

(iii) The emperor lived in a huge fortified palace. This fort was often built on the banks of the river. 

(iv) These cities were decorated with various types of gardens, grand mosques and temples etc.

 Question 3. Who was the Kotwal? What were his main tasks?

 Answer-  In India, the head of the cities was the police officer. He was responsible for maintaining law and order in the city. He used to make arrangements for the security of the city. He used to make proper arrangements for the watchman. He used to get information about important events of the city from the informers. He used to make arrangements for proper cleanliness and lighting of the city. He is the name of the city's miscreants, prostitutes and other drug dealers. He kept a close watch on the activities. He used to prevent crimes and arrange prisons in the cities. He used to make arrangements for the care of foreigners and travelers coming to the city. 

Question 4. Why were the records of colonial cities maintained?

 Answer-  (i) He used to throw important light on the development and pace of urbanization.

 (ii) They show the rate of growth in the cities.

(iii) They get information about the social and economic development coming in urban life. 

(iv) They helped in making defense related plans. (v) It helped in controlling the speed of these cities. 

Question 5. Why did the colonial government prepare maps? 

Answer-  (i) To prepare the development plan of the cities. 

(ii) To consolidate his power. 

(iii) To understand the texture and landscape of a place 

(iv) To explore business possibilities.

 (v) To prepare defense related plans.

 Question 6. To what extent are census data useful for urbanization trends in the colonial context?

Answer-  (i) These figures show the pace of urbanization. 

(ii) They reveal the education level, gender, religion and caste of the people. 

(iii) They tell about the health of the people.

 (iv) Know the birth and death rates of people from them.

 (v) They tell about the occupations of the people.

Question 7. What trends emerge from careful use of the census? 

Answer- (i) After 1800 AD, the pace of urbanization in India was very slow. 

(ii) The share of urban population in the total population of the country was very less.

 (iii) Small towns could not develop much due to lack of economic resources.

 Question 8. Who started the railway service in India? Which three railway towns came into existence because of this?

Answer-  (i) Lord Dalhousie started the railway service in India.

 (ii) Due to this the cities named Jamalpur, Voltaire and Bareilly came into existence.

 Question 9. What was the impact of the introduction of railways on the cities?

 Answer –  The introduction of railways had a profound effect on the cities. Due to this the bonds of caste started breaking. This gave impetus to the development of industries. This made the movement of goods faster and cheaper from one place to another. The unemployed got employment due to the development of industries. Now it has become easy for the people of the cities to go to the hill stations. 

Question 10. Why were industries established in Bombay, Calcutta and Madras in the 19th century? 

Answer-  (i) These cities were connected by railways.

(ii) There was no shortage of raw materials and labour.

 (iii) Famous ports were located here. Write the reason 

Question 11. Why did India not become a modern country during the colonial rule? Write any three reasons. 

 Answer-  (i) The British government did not provide protection to Indian industries. 

(ii) Special facilities were provided to the goods coming from Britain. 

(iii) Forcibly started sending raw materials from India to Britain at low prices. 

Question 12. What were the main features of the urban environment during the colonial rule?

Ans-  (i) These cities reflected the commercial culture of the new rulers.

(ii) Separate settlements were built outside the fort for the Indians. These were known as Black Towns.

(iii) More secure and separate settlements were built for the British away from the Indians, these were named as Civil Lines.

(iv) The British took many steps for the cleanliness of the black cities.

Question 13. Write the main features of civil lines.

Answer-  (1) Only white people were settled here.

 (ii) They were settled in more secure places. 

(iii) Their command was always under European officers. 

(iv) Here grand bungalows were built for the military officers.

(v) The roads here were very wide.

 Question 14. What were Black Towns? 

Answer-  Separate settlements were built outside the fort for Indian merchants, artisans and workers, these were known as Black Town or Black City. Here rich Indians built traditional hallway houses. Make it He had also bought huge land here. He had bought these lands for the purpose of investing money in future. They used to organize grand feasts during festivals to impress their British masters. In order to establish their high status in the society, they used to build temples. The working class people worked for their European and Indian masters as cooks, palanquin carriers, watchmen, porters, construction and dock workers. They used to build kutcha huts in different places of the city.

Question 15. What steps did the British take for the cleanliness of the black cities?

Answer  (1) Curb construction activities in cities.

 (ii) Special attention was paid to the cleanliness of the cities.  

(iii) Drains were arranged to drain the dirty water.

 Question 16. Why were hill stations built during the colonial rule?

Answer  (1) To meet the requirements of the British Army. 

(ii) For an ideal place for Europeans to stay. To play an important role in the colonial economy. 

Question 17. Describe the role of hill stations in urban development during the colonial period.

Hill  stations played an important role in urban development during the post-colonial period. The hill stations were established for the needs of the British Army. These hill stations were also developed as sanatoriums. Soldiers were sent here for rest and also for treatment. The British loved the climate of the hill stations. So he built European style buildings here. 

Question 18: What were the main features of social life in the new cities?

 Answer-  (1) In these the old identities lost their importance. 

 (ii) The importance of the middle class increased significantly in these. ( iii ) 

 In these women got new opportunities to move forward. 

(iv) There was a rapid rise of the working class in the cities. 

Question 19 Write a note on Madras city.

 Answer-  The East India Company had established a trading post at Madraspatam in 1639 AD. The East India Company built Fort St. George in Madras for its protection from the French. Only Europeans lived here. Indians lived outside the fort in the Black Town. As the power of the British continued to strengthen, European settlers started settling outside the fort as well. 

Question 20. Describe Fort St. George.

Answer-  The fort built by the East India Company in Madras was known as Fort St. This White became their nucleus. Most of the Europeans lived here. The walls and bastions gave it the appearance of a special siege. The decision to stay inside the fort was made only on the basis of morality and religion. Company people were not allowed to marry Indians. Apart from the British, only the Dutch and the Portuguese were allowed to live inside the fort.

 Question 21. Who was Dubash? 

Answer  – Due to the increasing importance of Madras, many villages were included in it. Therefore, different types of communities related to economic work had come and settled here. Dubash was the most important of these. These were people who knew how to speak both local and English languages. They worked as agents and traders. He acted as a mediator between the Indians and the British. They used their access to the government to collect property. He did charitable work in Black Town and patronized the temples. This showed his respect in the society. 

Question 22. Write a note on Fort William.

 Answer –  East India Company wanted to increase its influence in Bengal. In 1757 AD, he defeated Siraj-ud-daula, the Nawab of Bengal, in the Battle of Plassey. After this the company built Fort William. The purpose of the construction of this fort was that it could not be easily attacked. From the point of view of security, a huge space was left empty around this fort. The local people called it Maidan or Garer Math. This ground was kept empty for safety's sake. If any enemy attacked this fort, then heavy damage was done by firing on it. In this way the huge open space around the fort became an identity here. It was undoubtedly the first remarkable work from the point of view of planning in Calcutta.

 Question 23. Write a note on the city of Calcutta. 

North-  East India Company established Calcutta in 1690 AD. He built Fort William here in 1757 AD. It was built for safety. In 1803, Lord Wellesley got the Government House built here. It became a symbol of British power. The Lottery Committee was formed in 1817 for the purpose of development of the city of Calcutta. In 1836, the construction of thatched huts was banned in Calcutta.

 Question 24. What were the major works done by Lord Wellesley for the purpose of making it clean? 

Ans-  (i) He removed ghats, cemeteries, tanning units from the city.

(ii) He got many roads and drains constructed.

(iii) He got many streets widened. 

(iv) He paid special attention to the cleanliness of the city. 

Question 25. What do you know about Lottery Committee? 

Answer-  The Lottery Committee was established in 1817 AD. It removed illegal encroachments built on the banks of the river. This led to the construction of roads in the populated parts of India. It was given the purpose of making the city clean. It built many roads, streets and parks. Many huts were wiped out. It drove the poor out of the city. He was awakened out of Calcutta. In this, many roads, streets and parks were constructed.

 Question 26. What were the reforms introduced by Lord Dalhousie with the aim of modernizing Calcutta? 

Answer-  (i) He made arrangements for clean water for the residents of Calcutta to drink.

 (ii) He also made proper arrangements for lighting in Calcutta.

 (iii) He arranged for underground drains to drain the dirty water.

 (iv) He appointed three commissioners to oversee the cleanliness of Calcutta. 

Question 27. Write a note on Bombay city. 

Answer-  In 1668 AD, Bombay was acquired by the East India Company from the Emperor of England. This railway was expanded by the company in 1674 AD. There, the construction of grand buildings started at a rapid pace. These buildings were declared the European neoclassical, commercial capital of New India. As Bombay's economy strengthened, it was shipping and built according to Gothic and Indo-Saracenic styles. Chal buildings were also constructed here. 

Question 28. What European style did the British adopt for building in Bombay? Write any three reasons.

 Answer: -  (1) Agrata wanted to feel at home in a stranger's country.

 (ii) He thought that European style was superior. 

Q29 What were the main features of the colonial bungalow? Answer-  (1) This bungalow used to be built on a huge land.

(ii) Due to this style, the difference between the colonial rulers and the Indian subjects will be clearly visible.

(iii) The verandah built around them kept the bungalow cool. 

(iv) The people living in these got privacy. Beautiful gardens were built in these. 

Question 30. What was the neoclassical Sally?

Answer –  The British initially used the neo-classical style for the construction of buildings in Bombay. The specialty of this style was the construction of geometric structures behind large pillars. This style was originally derived from the building style of ancient Rome. The British adopted this style in India because they thought it would reflect the pride of colonial India. According to this style, the Town Hall of Bombay was built in 1833 AD and Elphiston Circle in 1860 AD. 

Question 31. What was the Neo-Gothic style? 

Answer-  Neo-Gothic style was also used a lot in the buildings built by the British in Bombay. The main features of this style were high raised ceilings, pointed arches and elaborate decorations. According to this style the discussion was specially constructed in the Middle Ages, Northern Europe. This style was re-adopted in England in the mid-19th century. Hence this style was adopted in Bombay also. According to this style, magnificent buildings like Bombay Secretariat, Bombay University and High Court were built.

 Question 32. What do you mean by Indo-Saracenic style?

 Ans-  The British adopted a new mixed architectural style in Bombay in the early 20th century. This was called the Indo-Saracenic style. The reason for this was that elements of both Indian and European styles were present in this style. The main features of this style were domes, chhatris, jaalis and arches. The British wanted to show that they were the legitimate rulers of India by mixing Indian and European styles.