Class 12th History Chapter - 1 Bricks, Beads and Bones - Harappan Civilization Short and Long Question Answer English Medium NCERT CBSE

Chapter - 1
Bricks, Beads and Bones – Harappan Civilization

2 marks questions 
 1. Harappa is situated on the bank of which river?
Ans-  Harappa is situated on the banks of Ravi river in Mintgumri district of Pakistan, it was the first site discovered of Harappan civilization.

2. Who discovered the Harappan Civilization?
Answer- It was discovered in 1921 AD by RB Dayaram Sahni.

3.Why is the Harappan Civilization called the Bronze Civilization?
Ans-  Harappan civilization is called bronze civilization because the people of this civilization used bronze on a large scale.

4. Why is the Harappan civilization known as the Indus Valley Civilization?
Ans- Harappan Civilization is known as Indus Valley Civilization because the early centers of this civilization were found from the valley of Indus River.

5. What was the advanced stage of Harappan Civilization?
Ans –  The developed phase of Harappan civilization was from 2600 BC to 1900 BC.

6. How old is the Indus Valley Civilization?
Answer –  The Indus Valley Civilization is 5000 years old.

7. Write the names of four major sites of Harappan culture. 
Answer –  The names of the four major sites of Harappan culture were Mohenjodaro, Harappa, Lothal and Sanghol.

8. Name any three states of India where Harappan culture spread.
The names of the three states of North  India where the Harappan culture was spread were - Punjab, Rajasthan and Gujarat.

9. Write any two features of Harappa city.
Any two features of North  Harappan city are as follows 
1. It was the largest city found in the Harappan Civilization. 
2. For the protection of this city from the enemies, a huge wall was built around it.\

10. What is meant by Mohenjodaro? Who and when started the work of the first discovery of this center? 
Answer  : Mohenjodaro means the mound of the dead. The work of the first discovery of this center was started by Rakhal Das Banerjee in 1922 AD. ,

11. Why is Mohenjodaro famous?
Answer 1. Mohenjodaro was the second largest city of the Harappan Civilization. 
2. This city was most famous because of the huge bath found there.
3. Mohenjodaro was famous for the bronze dancer's idol and the large number of seals found here.

12. Name any four archaeologists who made remarkable contribution in the excavation of Mohenjodaro.
Ans-  Sir John Marshall, Ernest Mackay, H. Hargreens and G. F. Dales made significant contributions in the excavation of Mohenjodaro.

13. How many wells have we got from Mohenjodaro? What was their importance?
Answer-  (1) We have got 700 wells from Mohenjodaro. 
(2) They were used for refreshment and bathing. 

14. Where is the huge bathroom found? Write the size of its lake.
Answer  - 1. There was a well near it, from which water was filled in the lake. 
2. The floor of the lake and the stairs leading to the lake were made of solid bricks.

16.What do you know about the Rajpath at Mohenjodaro?
Answer   1. The main road at Mohenjodaro was called Rajpath. 
2. This Rajpath was 10 meters wide. 
3. Adequate arrangement of illumination was made on both sides of it.

17. What is meant by Kalibangan? Where is it located?
 Answer  1. Kalibangan means black colored bangles. 
2. It is located in Ganganagar, Tila, Rajasthan.

18.Why is Kalibangan famous?
 Uttar  Kaliban is famous for making black colored bangles.

19. Why is Lothal famous?
 Answer  1. This city was famous for its very large port. This port used to conduct a lot of trade with the countries of West Asia. 
2. Bead making industry has also been found here.

20. Where is Dholavira located? When and who discovered this city?
Answer  1. Dholavira is located in Gujarat. 
2. This city was discovered in 1967-68 by J.P. Joshi.

21. Why is Chanhudaro famous? 
Answer - 1. A large number of beads were made here. 
2. Conch cutting, seal making and weights were also made here. 
3. It was also known for metallurgy.

22. What do you know about Harappa town planning?
Answer-  1. Harappa cities were built in a special way. The roads to these cities were wide open and wide. 
2. The houses of the people were made of the same type. These houses were pucca, open and airy. Some houses were of two or more storeys. 
3. Every house had a kitchen, wells and a bathroom. 

23. Write any two features of buildings of Harappan civilization.
Answer  1. Their buildings were made of solid bricks. 
2. Their buildings were open and airy. 

24. What do you know about the roads of Harappan Civilization? 
Answer- 1. These roads were built on each side of the city.
2. These roads were very wide. The width of the roads ranged from 13 feet to 34 feet.
3. Roads were built in such a way that the dirt lying on them was automatically cleared by the air.

25. Write two features of the drainage system of Harappan civilization.
Answer - 1. At the time of Harappan civilization, people had arranged drains in a scientific way to drain the dirty water.
2. These drains used to fall in some big drain outside the city.

26. Name any four famous centers of craft production of Harappan civilization. 
Answer  – The names of the four famous centers of craft production of Harappan civilization were Mohenjodaro, Dholavira, Nageshwar and Balakot. 

27. Name any two centers of Harappan civilization which were famous for bead making 
Answer –  Name of two centers of Harappan civilization which were famous for making beads – Chanhudaro and Lothar

28. Name any four materials with which the people of Harappan civilization used to prepare beads. 
Answer –  The people of Harappa civilization used to prepare beads from cannelian, jasper, conch, ivory, gold, coco, copper, shale and rhinestone etc.

29. From which material we have received the maximum number of beads from the Harappan civilization? What was the most popular size of these parameters? 
Answer  -1. In the Harappan civilization, we have got the maximum number of beads made of hardwood material. 
2. The most popular shape of these beads was cylindrical. 

30. Name four types of raw materials used by the people of Harappan civilization for the production of crafts. 
Answer –  The names of the four types of raw materials used by the people of Harappan civilization for craft production were gold, silver, ivory and lajavard gem. 

31. Which two sites of Harappan civilization were famous for the objects made of conch shell? 
Answer –  The places named Nageshwar and Balakot of Harappan civilization were famous for the items made of conch shell.

32. The people of Harappan civilization were proficient in technical science. Give any two examples. 
Answer - 1. The people of Harappan civilization knew how to make different types of utensils and ornaments.
2. At that time the art of making seals and beads was very advanced. 

33. From where did the people of Harappan civilization get Lajavard gems and copper? 
Answer –  People of Harappan civilization used to get Lajvard Mani from Shortughai in Afghanistan and copper from Rajasthan and Gagan (Oman). 

34. Mention any two characteristics of agriculture of Harappan civilization. 
Answer  - 1. Agriculture was the main occupation of the people of the Harana civilization. 
2. At that time oxen were used to plow the fields.

35. From which sites of Harappan civilization we have got evidence of canals and water bodies? 
Answer –  We have got evidence of canals from the Shortughai site of Harappan civilization and reservoirs from the Dholavira site.

36. The people of Harappan civilization did not have knowledge of which animal? 
Answer -  The people of Harappan civilization did not have knowledge of horse. 

37. What do you mean by Ganeshwar - Jodhpura culture? 
Answer- Archaeologists named it Ganeshwar-Jodhpura culture on the basis of the evidence found from Khetri area The pottery here was different from the Harappan pottery. 

38. Name any two countries with which the Harappan people traded.
Answer- The trade of the people of North  Harappan civilization was carried on with Magan (Oman) and Dilmun (Bahrain Island). 

39. What items did the people of Harappan civilization get from abroad? 
Answer –  The people of Harappan civilization used to get gold, silver, copper, precious stones and make-up items from abroad.

40. What items did the people of Harappan civilization export to foreign countries? 
Answer  – The people of Harappan civilization used to export cotton clothes, jewellery, pearls and ivory to foreign countries. 

41. Write any two features of the religious life of the people of Indus Valley Civilization. 
Answer- The people of Indus Valley Civilization used to worship Mother Goddess the most.

42. What kind of social life did man lead before the Vedic period?
Answer - 1.  Women had a high position in the society. 
2. He was very fond of eating and drinking and making necklaces. 
3. They used to entertain themselves by various means.

43. How did the people of Indus Valley perform the rites of the dead? 
Answer – Three customs were prevalent among the people of Harappan civilization for immersion of dead bodies. According to the first method, the body was completely burnt, the ashes that were left were put in a vessel and medicine was given. According to the second method, the whole body was buried in the tombs. According to the third method, the dead body was kept in an open place for some time. After eating the animals and birds, if his ashes were left, then he was buried.

3 marks questions 
1. What are the sources of information about Harappan civilization?
Answer  - There are many sources available to us of information about Harappan civilization. From the excavation of the Harappan civilization, we get important information about the city plan of the Harappan civilization from the many types of buildings, roads and baths, from the sculptures, seals, toys and ornaments from the Harappan civilization, we know about the art of the Harappan period. information is received. The antiquities of the Harappan period also throw important light on this period.

2. What do you know about the nomenclature of the Harappan Civilization? 
Answer –  Harappan civilization is known by different names. The Harappan civilization has been given this name because the earliest signs of the Indus Valley Civilization have been found at the site of Harappa. It is also known as the Indus Valley Civilization because the earliest centers of this civilization have been found in the Indus River Valley region. This civilization is also known as Bronze Age civilization because the people of this civilization mainly used bronze to make their utensils, idols and tools. It is also called Sindhu-Saraswati or Saraswati civilization because about 80 years of this civilization. The centers were situated on the banks of the Saraswati river (which has now dried up), which flowed between the Indus and the Ganges.

3. What do you know about the town planning of the Harappan Civilization?
Answer –  The cities of Harappan civilization were built in a special way. The roads of these cities were wide open and wide. Lights were also arranged on the roads. Cities were divided into small parts, which were protected. The houses of the people were also made the same. These houses were pucca, open and airy. Some houses were of two or more storeys. Each house had a kitchen, a well and a bathroom. There was a good arrangement of drains to drain the dirty water.

4. Describe the main centers of Harappan culture.
Answer –  We have got many sites of Harappan culture from Pakistan and India. In 1921, R. B. Dayaram Sahni made the first discovery of the Harappan site. It was the largest site of Harappan culture. Mohenjodaro was another famous site of Harappan culture. It was famous for the largest bathrooms, warehouse houses, bronze seals found in the Harappan culture. Lothal site was famous for its port, Kalibangan for its bangles and Dholavira for its bead industry. 

5. What do you know about Harappa city?
Ans-  Harappa was the largest of the cities meeting the Indus Valley Civilization. The Mintgumri roads and lanes of western Punjab were wide. There was a good arrangement of lighting during the night. From this city we have got many warehouse houses, statues, utensils and seals which throw a lot of light on this civilization. To protect the city from its enemies, a huge wall was built around it.

6. What were the main features of Mohenjodaro city?
Answer –  Mohenjodaro is the second important city of Harappan civilization. It is located in Larkana district of Sindh (Pakistan). The literal meaning of Mohenjodaro is 'Mound of the Dead'. This city was discovered by  R.D.Banerjee   in  1922 AD . This city was situated on the banks of the river Indus. Seven layers of this city have been found. From this it is estimated that this city was built and ruined seven times. This city was famous for the largest bathhouse of the Indus Valley Civilization, warehouse house, bronze dancer statue and a number of seals obtained from here. It was also a major trading center. 

7. What is Mohenjodaro famous for? 
Answer –   Mohenjodaro was the second largest city of Harappan civilization. This city was most famous because of the huge bathroom found there. It is astonishing that how the people of Harappan civilization built such a huge bathing 5000 years ago. Apart from this, Mohenjodaro was famous for the bronze dancer's idol found here and the seals found in large numbers. It was also a famous trading town of the Harappan civilization.

8. What were the main features of the huge bath at Mohenjodaro?
Answer - 1.  It was made of solid bricks. 
2.  It is 180 feet Lanka and 108 feet wide. In the middle of it was a 39 feet long, 23 feet wide and 8 feet deep pond.
3.  Stairs were made for descending and climbing into the bathing pond. A well was built near it to fill water in the pond.

9. Why is Lothal famous?
Answer  : This city is located in Ahmedabad district of Gujarat province. This city was discovered  by S. R. Rao in  1955  .  The city was famous for its large port. This port used to conduct a lot of trade with the countries of West Asia. Apart from this, evidence of bead making industry has also been found from here. From the ruins found here, we have got knowledge about the baths, roads and drains of the Harappan culture. Like other cities, the fort of Lothal was not surrounded by a wall. It must have been built at some height.

10. What do you know about Dholavira? 
 Answer –  This city is located in Gujarat. This city was discovered  by J. P. Joshi  in  1967-68  . This city was extensively excavated  by R.S.Bisht  in 1990-91 AD. The city was spread over an area of ​​100 hectares. It was the largest city of Harappan civilization in India. This city was famous for its building art, drainage system and bead making. From here special tools for piercing beads have become available in large quantities. Evidence of large amount of water bodies has been found here. They were used to irrigate the fields.