Class 12 Sociology Chapter 7 Suggestions for Project Work Notes In English

 Chapter - 7

Suggestions for Project Work


The main goal of project work is to acquire knowledge at practical level. Project work is made up of two words.

Project – Plan + Work – Methodology or Method

Project work is a new way of acquiring knowledge through which one gets practical and creative knowledge and experience. Under the project work, research or survey of a real problem is done by the researcher or students of sociology under the direction of experts by the methods of research.

️ Project Work According to Kilpatrick :-

Project is that heartfelt purposeful work which is done with full involvement in social environment.

️ Project work According to Ballard :-

Project is a part of real life which is used in school.

️ Project Working Method :-

^ Scholar W.H. Kilpatrick's. 

️ Importance of planning in project work :-

It is necessary to prepare a plan before starting the project work, otherwise time, money and labor is wasted in vain. Therefore it is necessary that the researcher or researcher should start the project work in a planned manner.

️ Major phases of project work :-

  • problem selection or choice
  •  subject or problem of interest, prior knowledge essential, problem or subject practical, attention to purpose
  • goal setting
  • study area selection
  • sample selection 
  • budget formulation
  • selection of study methods 
  • Study - Survey, Observation, Schedule, Questionnaire, Interview, Personal
  • study equipment 
  • Selection and training of workers 
  • community survey information
  • A collection of facts or material (primary facts and secondary facts) 
  • Editing, Classification and Tabulation of Facts 
  • analysis of facts 
  • Report creation and publication 

️ Benefits or merits of project work :-

  • self development opportunity 
  • equal opportunity for development 
  • psychological satisfaction 
  • development of social consciousness 
  • increase in practicality 

️ Defects or drawbacks of project work :-

  • Very expensive method.
  • The problem of selecting the appropriate project method.
  • Lack of systematic and systematic study.
  • Lack of knowledge of proper planning work.
  • Other practical problems Lack of money, material, resources.

️ Major Methods / Methods of Social Research :-

  • Survey 
  • Overview 
  • the schedule 
  • questionnaire 
  • Interview 
  • individual study

️ Survey

The English word Survey is called Survey in Hindi. Which is the sum of two words. Sur which means above and Vey means to see that means to see an event from above, to observe it, to observe.

️ Social Survey :-

Social survey is the scientific method of social research by which social facts are collected in relation to the people living in a certain geographical area. So that by getting real information about their social problems, they can be diagnosed or solved.

️ Surveyor and Respondent :-

Where does the person who does the survey work, where does the researcher, researcher, surveyor go and from whom the information is obtained, where does the respondent go. 

️ Use of questionnaire or schedule :-

Questionnaires or schedules are used to obtain facts or information from the people (respondents) during the survey.

️ Survey Method :-

It is the method in which systematic and detailed study of a particular community, organization, group is done. This study is done to analyze a social problem. in order to find its solution. Such as poverty, increase in crime, child labour, academic environment in school, usefulness of curriculum etc.

Benefits :-

At present, internet and e-mail are also used for survey work, which saves labor, time and money.

An important advantage of the survey method is that information can be obtained by this method when there is a wide study area on a large scale.

Fault :- 

An important drawback of this method is that the questions to be asked to the respondent are already prepared, no changes can be made in them while asking the questions, due to which it is not possible to ask supplementary questions as well as many times the respondents The question cannot be changed even if the person does not understand the question, due to which there is also a possibility of giving wrong answer to the question by the answerer.

Example: - Survey of results in elections, survey of use of objects, survey for favorite program or leader, to know the views of school students (by questionnaire) etc.

️ Survey Types :-

Publicity survey, fact-finding survey, descriptive experimental, census survey, regular and functional survey, final and recurring survey, qualitative and quantitative, public and secret survey.

️ Schedule :-

Schedule is that list of questions which the researcher himself fills by going to the study area and asking the respondents.

️ Questionnaire :-

Questionnaire is a list of questions which the researcher sends to the respondent by post and the respondent fills it up and returns it to the researcher again by post.

️ Interview :-

It is a quantitative method.

English interview is made up of two words. In which intar means inside or inside and vyu means to see or vision means to see inside, insight. 

Interview is a method of collecting facts under social research and survey. Through which the interviewer tries to know the feelings, tendencies, thoughts, emotions, trends and opinions of the informant through conversation and collects the facts.

Interview is such a systematic method in which two or more persons interact, talk and answer each other face to face with a specific objective in front.

In this method, the person concerned is discussed sitting face to face. So this method is limited to 5, 10, 20, 40 people only.

By this method the researcher can get information related to the external and internal life of the respondent.

Interview can be done on the basis of the questions set earlier and new supplementary questions arising during the interview can also be included in the interview.

Interview can be done by direct contact or through phone or internet also.

Key Features of Interview :-

  • Direct conversation between two or more people.
  • Building primary relationships.
  • social process.
  • Specific purpose of the interview.
  • Collection of information.
  • Detailed discussion on related topic.

️ Types of Interview :-

  • Controlled (structured)
  • Uncontrolled
  • focused
  • Frequent

Interview can also be divided into individual and group interview, short-term and long-term interview, diagnostic, remedial, investigative interview.

️ Qualities or benefits of interview :-

  • Psychological importance – In-depth study of the feelings, perceptions, thoughts of the respondent is possible.
  • Getting information from people of all levels – educated, uneducated, children, youth, old age 
  • Study of past events is possible.
  • The study of abstract phenomena is possible.
  • Information more reliable and authentic. 
  • Flexibility.
  • Changes in questions are possible as needed.

️ Limitations or demerits of interview :-

  • Possibility of bias – There can be bias of both the respondents and the researcher. 
  • Possibility of error due to recall 
  • Not helpful for large or large-scale events – not many people involved at once
  • Requires a lot of labor, money and time. 


It is a qualitative method.

Overview is the Hindi version of the English language observation. Which means to observe, observe, observe, observe.

Observation is a method of research in which the researcher collects information by direct participation in an event. The researcher observes or observes any one group, community, tribe.

 Observations according to Mrs. Young: -

Observation is the systematic and deliberate study of self-developed events by one's own eyes at the time of their occurrence.

This method is more suitable in the study of lifestyle, cultures, customs, groups, organizations, populations.

️ Features :-

  • use of human senses 
  • collection of primary facts 
  • meticulous and objective study 
  • practical and experience based and direct study 
  • study of group behavior 

 Types of observation: -

  • Participants 
  • Non-participant 
  • semi-participant 
  • Uncontrolled
  • Collective observation
  • Controlled observation

️ Possible topics and topics for small research projects :-

Use of public place :-

People grow vegetables on vacant grounds, roadsides or footpaths, vacant plots in residential colonies, vacant places outside public offices, etc. They organize pandals in marriages and religious festivals. Public meetings are held.

Changing aspirations of different age groups :-

In every age group, the ambition of a person keeps on changing. Therefore, by selecting the children of students of different age groups (students of class 5, 8, 12), studying in different schools, their ambitions can be known through them.

Autobiography of an object :- 

Write an autobiography of items used in the land like TV, bike, mobile, furniture, computer freeze etc.

Public Transport :-

Role of public transport like rickshaw, tonga, bus, taxi, auto, rail etc. Impact of Delhi Metro on society.

Role of media in social life :-

Communication media is a broad and broad term which includes mass communication such as newspapers, magazines, TV, movies, computers, internet, radio etc. and telecommunications services such as letters, telephones, mobiles, e-mails, internet, computers etc. . Study of their role in life and society and their impact on age groups.

Home, household appliances and household work :-

Household appliances like gas, lighter, gas stove, mixer, grinder, cooker, toaster, oven, washing machine, press etc. are very useful in daily life. What the user thinks about them Studying about their usefulness or lack.