Class 12 Sociology Chapter 5 Forms of Social Inequality and Boycott Notes In English

 Chapter - 5

Forms of Social Inequality and Boycott

️ Social inequality and exclusion :-

Social inequality and exclusion are natural and reality in our daily life.

The social status of every person is not the same in every society. Some people in the society have excess of resources like wealth, property, education, health, power and power, while on the other hand some people have a complete lack of them and some people have a middle position.

Social inequality and exclusion are social because –

  • It pertains to the group, not the individual. 
  • They are systematic and structural. 
  • These are not economic.

️ Division of social resources :-

Social resources can be divided into three forms:-

  • Economic capital in the form of material assets and income.
  • Cultural capital in the form of prestige and educational qualification. 
  • Social capital as a network of social associations and contacts.

️ Social Inequality :-

The method of unequal access to social resources is called social inequality.

️ Social Stratification :-

The system that divides the groups found under a society into different levels on the basis of high, low or small is called social stratification.

 three main feature principles of social stratification: -

  • Social stratification is not a function of variation among individuals but a characteristic of society. 
  • Social stratification persists from generation to generation. 
  • Social stratification is supported by belief or ideology.

️ Prejudice :-

Prejudice is the preconceived idea or belief held by the members of one group about another group. Like Jews and Marwaris are miserly. 

Prejudices are based on unchanging, rigid and stereotyped assumptions. 

️ Concepts :-

Such a public belief, any immovable thought or feeling accepted by the group, which are generally verbal and emotional, is called stereotype. It is mostly used in relation to women, ethnic groups.

️ Discrimination :-

The denial of opportunities and facilities to the members of a group on the basis of their gender, caste or religion is called discrimination.

️ Social boycott :-

The methods through which a person or group is prevented or kept apart from fully assimilating into society, it is systematic and involuntary rather than accidental.

Social exclusion is not accidental, it is systematic and involuntary. Due to prolonged inequality, a feeling of vengeance and hatred arises in the expelled society, due to which the expelled societies do not try to connect themselves with the main stream. Such as - Dalits, tribal communities, women and otherwise able people.

️ Caste is a discriminatory system :-

  • The caste system is determined by birth and not what is the status of that person. 
  • The caste system determines the occupation of the individuals. The social and economic status correspond to each other.

️ Untouchability :-

In common parlance it is called untouchability. From the religious and ritualistic point of view, very harsh social punishments are enacted against the lowest castes on the scale of purity and impurity. This is called untouchability.

The word untouchability has been used for people who were considered impure, dirty and impure. Such people were prohibited from entering wells, temples and public places.

Gandhiji had used the word Harijan for these people but nowadays the word Dalit is used.

The literal meaning of Dalit is 'crushed by the feet'. ,

According to the Indian Constitution (1956), caste untouchability is prohibited.

Mahatma Gandhi, Dr. Ambedkar and Jyotiba Phule did remarkable work in the direction of the removal of untouchability.

️ Dimensions of untouchability :-

Exclusion  or exclusion: - Water is not allowed to be taken from normal sources of drinking water. Cannot participate in social festivals, celebrations. Playing of drums and drums on religious festivals.

Disrespectful and submissive: - Taking off the hat or turban, taking off the shoes: taking it off and holding it in the hand, carrying it, standing with the head bowed, not wearing clean or shining clothes.

Exploitation  and Dependency: - They have to do 'Begar' for which they are not given any money or are given very little wages.

Dalits:- The people who are on the lower rung (in the caste system) and are exploited are called Dalits.

Steps taken by the state to eradicate discrimination against castes and tribes :-

  • Reservation for Scheduled Castes and Scheduled Tribes in State and Central Legislatures.
  • Reservation in government jobs.
  • Untouchability (offence) 1955.
  • The Prevention of Ethnic Disability Act of 1850.
  • Under the 93rd amendment of the Scheduled Castes and Scheduled Tribes Abolition of Untouchability Act 1989, higher educational institutions, to give reservation to other backward classes.

️ Non-government efforts and social movements :-

Pre-independence – Jyotibaphule, Periyar, Sir Syed Ahmed Khan, Dr. Ambedkar, Mahatma Gandhi, Raja Ram Mohan Roy etc. have made important contributions.

Bahujan Samaj Party in Uttar Pradesh, Dalit Sangharsh Samiti in Karnataka.

Contribution from literature of different languages.

️ Other Backward Classes :- 

The socially, educationally backward classes of castes, are called Other Backward Classes, it includes the people of the serving artisanal castes.

The main feature of these classes is their backwardness in culture, education, and social point of view. These classes neither come in the forward caste nor do they come in the backward caste.

️ Backward Classes Commission :-

The first "backward classes commission" was formed under the chairmanship of Kakasaheb Kalelkar. The commission submitted its report to the government in 1953. 

In 1979, the Second Backward Classes Commission (Mandal Commission) was constituted.

️ Tribal Life in India :-

According to the Indian Constitution, there is a social group suffering from poverty, powerlessness and social stigma. They are also called tribes.

The tribes are often known as 'vanvasi' and tribals.

 Internal Colonialism: -

The tribal society faced internal colonialism in the name of progress. The Government of India acquired their land in the name of exploitation of forests, mining, construction of dams and their migration took place. 

️ Major issues related to the problems of tribals :-

  • National Forest Policy Vs Tribal Displacement.
  • Policy of rapid industrialization in tribal areas.
  • Philosophy of homogeneous political awareness among the tribals.

️ Women's rights and their status :-

Inequality between men and women is social, not natural, if women and men are unequal on a natural basis, then why some women reach the top position in the society. There are societies in the world or country where women's power prevails in families, such as in the 'Nair' families of Kerala and the 'Khasi tribe' of Meghalaya. 

If a woman was considered unfit on biological or physical grounds, how would she be able to successfully run agriculture and business In short, it would be fair to say that biological / natural or physiological factors do not play many roles in determining inequality between men and women. .

Reform movement in the nineteenth century to improve the condition of women :-

  • Raja Ram Mohan Roy opposed the practice of Sati and child marriage and supported widow remarriage. 
  • Jyotiba Phule campaigned against caste and gender atrocities. 
  • Sir Syed Ahmed Khan opened girls' schools and colleges for social reforms in Islam. 
  • Dayanand Saraswati contributed to the education of women. 
  • Ranade emphasized on widow remarriage.
  • Tarabai Shinde wrote "Stree Purush Comparison" in which it was wrongly said to give high status to men.
  • Begum Rokeya Hussain wrote a book titled 'Sultan's Dream', which discusses giving equal rights to every gender.
  • In 1931, an ordinance was issued by the Indian Congress in Karachi emphasizing on giving equal rights to women. shall not be disqualified in respect of public employment, power or honour.
  • In the 1970s, emphasis was placed on very important issues such as dowry in police custody. Rape, dowry murder etc. Women will have the right to vote, to hold public office.

️ Disability (Disability) :- 

Physically, mentally handicapped persons, are called disabled because they do not fulfill the need according to the customs and thinking of the society.

Disability is considered a biological weakness. Whenever many problems arise in front of a disabled person, it is assumed that these problems have arisen due to his handicap or weakness.

It is believed that the disability is related to the person's own perception of the disabled. 

The relationship between disability and poverty :-

A very close relationship has been observed between disability and poverty because due to poverty, mothers suffer from malnutrition and give birth to weak and underdeveloped children. Which increases the number of disabled people when they grow up.

What does the government do for them?

The government provides various programs for these – such as education, employment, vocational