Class 12 Sociology - II Chapter 3 Stories of Indian Democracy Notes In English

Chapter - 3

Stories of Indian Democracy

️ Democracy :-

Democracy is government of the people, by the people, for the people. 

️ Types of Democracy :-

There are two types of democracy  :-

Direct Democracy: - In this, all citizens themselves participate in public decisions without the mediation of any elected or nominated official. For example- a community organization or tribal council, a local unit of a trade union. Every democracy is business in a small group where the whole public is involved in the decision and there is no representative in the middle. For example, tribal councils: labor unions etc.

Indirect Indirect / Representative Democracy :- Representative democracy is adopted in large and complex community. Citizens themselves choose their representatives for taking political decisions, making and implementing laws, etc. from the point of view of public interest. We have a representative democracy in our country.

Participatory Democracy:- It is such a democracy in which all the people of a group and community together take a big decision.

Decentralized Democracy:- Panchayati Raj system as an example of grassroots democracy which is an important step towards decentralisation.

️ Central Values ​​of the Indian Constitution :-

Absolute-Dominant, Socialist, Secular, Democratic Republic, Justice, Freedom, Equality, Fraternity etc.

Democratic values ​​are not only the gift of the western but epics, works and various folk tales are full of dialogues, discussions and contradictory situations. Like Mahabharata epic.

️ Karachi Congress Resolution 1931 :-

Karachi Congress Resolution 1931 outlines values ​​that seek to ensure political justice, social and economic justice as well.

️ Interest Competitive Constitution and Social Change :-

The competition of interests does not always reflect a clear class division. The reason for the closure of a factory is that the toxic waste coming out of it is injurious to the health of the people around. In this way people will become unemployed due to the termination of many things.

️ Law :-

The essence of law is its power. Law is law because it uses coercion or means of coercion.

️ Justice :-

The essence of justice is fairness, any system in law works only through the hierarchy of officers.

❇️ Constitution: -

The Constitution is the basic norm of India. It is a document from which the principles of a nation are formed. The main criteria by which rules and officers are governed is called constitution. All other laws are made under the procedure prescribed by the Constitution. 

These laws are made and implemented by the officials by the constitution. In case of any dispute, the law is interpreted by the level of courts empowered by the constitution. The 'Supreme Court' is the supreme and at the same time the final interpreter of the Constitution.

️ Panchayati Raj:-

The literal translation of Panchayati Raj is 'rule by five persons'. It means flexible democracy functioning in the village and on other ground.

️ Dr. Ambedkar's argument on local :-

Dr. Ambedkar argued that the local elite and upper caste people are surrounded by a secure periphery in such a way that local self-government would mean continued exploitation of the downtrodden in Indian society. No doubt the upper castes will silence this part of the population.

️ Mahatma Gandhi on local :-

The concept of local government was also popular to Gandhiji. He considered each village as a self-sufficient and sufficient unit to direct itself. He considered village swaraj as ideal. And wanted that this rule should continue in the villages even after independence.

️ 73rd and 74th Constitution Amendment 1992 :-

One-third reservation was given to women in all the selected posts of permanent bodies in both rural and urban areas.

Out of these, 17 percent seats are reserved for women belonging to Scheduled Castes and Scheduled Tribes.

This amendment is important because it included women in elected bodies for the first time. Which gave them the power to make decisions.

800,000 women in the 1993–1994 election soon after the 73rd Amendment was actually a major step forward in giving women human rights in the political process. 

The constitutional amendment providing for the three-tier Panchayati Raj system for local self-government is applicable from 1992-93 throughout the country.

️ Three tier system of Panchayati Raj system :-

Zilla Parishad at the district level → → Panchayat Samiti at the block level → → Village Panchayat at the village level

Powers and Responsibilities of Panchayats :-

Panchayats have the following powers and responsibilities:-

  • To make plans and programs for economic development.
  • Promoting social justice.
  • To levy and collect duty, passenger tax, fine, other taxes etc.
  • To assist in the devolution of government responsibilities.
  • Maintaining the statistics of births and deaths.
  • Maintenance of crematoriums and cemeteries.
  • Control of livestock ponds.
  • Promote family planning.
  • To conduct Integrated Rural Development Programme, Integrated Child Development Scheme etc.

Main sources of income of Panchayat :-

Taxes levied on property, business, animals, vehicles etc., octroi, land revenue etc. are the main sources of income of Panchayats. The grants received by the Zilla Panchayat increase the resources of the Panchayat, it is mandatory for the Panchayats to put up boards outside their offices. In which the data related to the utilization of the financial aid received is written.

️ Justice Panchayat :-

Nyaya Panchayat has been established in some states. They have the right to hear some petty civil and criminal cases. If they can be fined. But no one can punish. 

These rural courts are often successful in making settlements between some of the parties in mutual disputes. This is especially effective when a woman is harassed by a man for dowry or rampant action is taken against him.

️ Panchayati Raj in Tribal Areas :-

The Garo, Khasi, Jaintia tribals have a political culture dating back hundreds of years. It worked efficiently at the village and state level, each dynasty had its own council called the Durbar Kur, which acted under the direction of the head of that dynasty.

Tribal areas have a rich tradition of early stage democratic work.

For example, the tribal castes of Meghalaya have hundreds of years old political institutions.

These political institutions were so well developed that they functioned efficiently at the level of village, dynasty and state. For example, the Khasis had their own traditional council called the Durbar Kur.

Democratization and Equality: - 

There has been caste, community and gender based inequality in our country. Democracy is not easy in such a society. Only influential people have been running the Gram Sabha. Most of the people just stare. These people ignore the majority and decide to distribute the developmental works and the assistance amount.

️ Forest Panchayat :-

Most of the work is done by women. The women of the Van Panchayat maintain small plants by building nurseries.

The members of the Van Panchayat also protect the surrounding forests from illegal felling.

️ Political parties :-

A political party is such an organization. Which establishes the grab of power and the use of power for the purpose of accomplishing some specific tasks. In a democratic system, the interests of different groups are represented by political parties. who raise their issues.

A political party is an organization that exercises complete control over the government through the electoral process, which aims to seize power and use power to accomplish certain tasks. In a democracy, the interests of different groups are represented only by political parties. When any group does not see its interest being fulfilled, then it forms a separate party and tries to get its point of view by forming a pressure group.

️ Interest Group :-

These are groups that try to get their point across to the government. Interest groups are formed to fulfill certain interests in the political sphere. These are primarily created to get the support of the members of the statutory organs.

️ Pressure Group :-

When a group feels that its interest is not being talked about, then they form a separate party which is called pressure group.