Class 11 Geography Chapter 16 Biodiversity and Conservation Notes In English

 Chapter - 16

Biodiversity and Conservation

️ Introduction :-

The biodiversity we see today is the result of 2.5 to 3.5 billion years of evolution.

With the arrival of humans, there was a rapid decline in biodiversity, because due to excessive use of one or the other species, it starts becoming extinct. 

Today there are 66 national parks, 368 sanctuaries, 14 biosphere reserves in India . Where efforts are on to keep diversity intact.

️ Biodiversity :-

Biodiversity is made up of two words Bio (Bio) and Diversity (Diversity), 'Bio' means - Bio and Diversity means - Diversity means the number of organisms found in a certain geographical area and their diversity. called biodiversity.

Biodiversity is high in tropical regions. Species diversity decreases as we move towards the polar regions. But the number of living beings increases.

At what levels can biodiversity be understood? 

Biodiversity can be understood at the following three levels. 

Genetic Biodiversity :- Genetic Biodiversity describes the organisms of a species. Gene is a fundamental unit for the formation of life. Genetic biodiversity is the diversity of organisms in a species. 

Species Biodiversity: - Species diversity refers to the diversity of species in a given area and is related to the number of species. Areas where species diversity is high are called hotspots of diversity. 

Ecosystem Diversity: - Ecological diversity is related to the number of ecosystems and their distribution. Ecological processes, habitats and differences in locations make up the diversity of ecosystems.

️ Economic importance of Bio-diversity :-

Biodiversity is an important resource in daily life for all human beings. Biodiversity can be understood as those reserves of resources which are used in making food, medicines and cosmetics etc. This hypothesis of biological resources is also responsible for the destruction of biodiversity.

At the same time, it is also the father of new disputes arising on the division and distribution of resources. Food crops, animals, forest resources, fish and pharmaceutical resources are some of the major economic products that are available to humans as a result of biodiversity.

️ Ecological importance of Bio-diversity :-

Organisms and species take in and store energy, generate and decompose organic matter and help in maintaining the cycle of water and nutrients in the ecosystem. These stabilize atmospheric gas, and help in controlling the climate. 

These ecological activities are important activities for human life. The greater the diversity in an ecosystem, the more likely a species is to survive in adverse conditions. The more species there are in an ecosystem, the more stable that ecosystem will be. 

Scientific importance of Bio-diversity :-

From the studies of scientists, we can know from the present-day biological species that how life started and how it will develop in the future? The role of each species in maintaining the ecosystem can also be assessed through the study of biodiversity.

️ Measures suggested for biodiversity conservation in the resolutions taken in the Convention on Biodiversity :-

Efforts should be made for the conservation of endangered species. 

Proper planning and management is required to save the species from extinction. 

The varieties of food grains, varieties of fodder plants, timber trees, varieties of livestock, animals and their wild species should be protected.

Every country should identify the habitat of wild animals and ensure their protection. 

Places for the growth and development of species should be safe and protected. 

International trade of wildlife and plants should be in accordance with the rules.

️ Measures to stop the decline of Bio-diversity :-

Efforts should be made for the conservation of endangered species. 

Save the species from extinction. 

Plants should be protected by afforestation. Control of pollution, use of pesticides should be controlled. 

The habitat of wild animals should be identified and protected.

International trade of wild animals and plants should be banned.

Due to (destruction) by biodiversity :-

The following are the reasons for the destruction of biodiversity: -

  • change of residence
  • increase in population
  • foreign castes
  • Pollution 
  • overexploitation of forests
  • Hunt 
  • Floods and earthquakes etc.

️ Species :-

A group of organisms having similar physical characteristics is called a species. 

According to an estimate, the total number of species in the world is between 20 lakh to 100 million, but so far only one crore has been correctly estimated.

According to an estimate, about 99% of the species, which once lived on the earth, have become extinct today.

️ Great Diversity Center :-

These tropical areas, where the world's highest species diversity is found, are called great-diversity centers. The number of these countries is 12 and their names are: Mexico, Colombia, Ecuador, Peru, Brazil, Democratic Republic of Congo, Madagascar, China, India, Malaysia, Indonesia and Australia. Centers of rich great diversity are located in these countries.

 I.U.C.N :-

Full Name :- International Union For The Protection Of Nature 

Establishment: - 5 October 1948 - In France 1956 it was renamed as IUCN 

IUCN :- International Union For Conservation Of Nature (International Union for Conservation of Nature)

️ Species classification by IUCN :-

Endangered Species: - It includes all those species, which are in danger of extinction. The International Union for the Conservation of Nature and Natural Resources (IUCN) publishes information about all of the world's threatened species in the name of the Red List.

Vulnerable Species: - This includes all those species, which are in danger of becoming extinct in the near future if they are not protected or if they continue to contribute to their extinction. Since their numbers are extremely small, their survival is not certain. 

Rare Species :- The number of these species in the world is very less. These species are confined to a few places or are rarely scattered over a large area.

️ Measures taken by the Government of India to save, preserve and expand different types of species :-

The Government of India has taken the following measures to protect, preserve and expand various types of species within the natural boundaries:-

Wildlife Protection Act 1972 is passed. Under which National Parks, Animal Sanctuaries have been established. 

Biosphere Reserves have been declared where wild animals can live fearlessly in their natural habitat. and develop the species.

️ Hot-spot :-

Areas where species diversity is high are called diversity hot-spots.

️ Ecological hotspots in the world located on different continents :-

Continenthot spot
South and Central America1. Highlands of Central America, 
Lowlands 2. West Ecuador and Colombian Cacao 
3. Tropical Andes 
4. Atlantic Forest Brazil
Africa1. Eastern Madagascar 
2. Eastern Arc Mountains + Tanzania 
3. Upper Guinea Forest
Asia1. Western Ghats, Eastern Himalayas, India 
2. Lion King Forest, Sri Lanka 
3. Indonesia 
4. Peninsular Malaysia 
5. Philippines 
6. North Bornia
Australia1. Queens Land 
2. Melanesia (New Caledonia)