Class 10th Geography Chapter - 1 || Resources and Development Notes in English

Chapter - 1 

" Resources and Development "

 ❇️ Resources :-

🔹Every thing available in our environment which can be used to meet our needs and for which technology is available which is economically feasible and culturally valid is called resource.

❇️️ Classification of Resources :-

🔹On the basis of origin: - organic and abiotic 

🔹On the basis of expiry :- Renewable and non  

🔹On the basis of ownership :- Individual, Community, National and International 

🔹On the basis of level of development :-  potential, potential developed reserves and accumulated funds

❇️ Classification of resources on the basis of origin :-

🔹Bio  -resources:- The resources which we get from the biosphere, and in which there is life, are called bio-resources. For example:- Human beings, animals etc.

🔹Abiotic Resources:- All those resources which are made up of non-living things are called abiotic resources. Eg:- Rocks and metals.

❇️️ Classification of resources on the basis of availability :-

🔹Renewable Resources:- Those resources which can be made useful again by various physical, chemical or mechanical processes are called renewable resources. Eg :- Air, water etc.

🔹Non-renewable Resources:- Those resources which cannot be used again after being used once, they have been created and developed over a long geological interval, are called non-renewable resources. Eg:- Minerals.

❇️ Classification of resources on the basis of ownership :-

🔹Personal Resources:- Such resources are called personal resources which are owned by private persons. Example:- A farmer's land, house, etc.

🔹Community Resources:- The resources which are used by all the people of the community are called community resources.

🔹National Resources:- Any kind of resources which are present within the geographical limits of the nation are called national resources.

🔹International Resources: - No country has any right over the open ocean resources beyond 200 miles of the coast line. It is under the supervision of international organizations. These are called international resources.

❇️ Classification of resources on the basis of level of development :-

🔹Potential Resources: The resources which are present in a region but have not been utilized are called potential resources.

🔹Developed Resources:- Those resources whose quality and quantity of use have been determined are called developed resources.

🔹Stored Resources:- The resources available in the environment which are currently out of reach of human due to lack of technology are called stored resources.

🔹Accumulated Resources:- Those resources which can be put to use by the use of technical knowledge, but their use has not started yet are called accumulated resources.

❇️️ Resource Development :-

🔹Resources are very important for human existence. It was believed that the resource is a gift of nature, so it was used indiscriminately by humans, due to which the following main problems have arisen.

  • The depletion of resources due to the greed of some persons. 
  • Resources have come in the hands of only a few people of the society, due to which the society is divided into two halves resource rich and resource less i.e. rich and poor.
  • Indiscriminate exploitation of resources has led to a global ecological crisis such as: - Global warming, ozone layer depletion, environmental pollution and land degradation etc.

🔹The equitable distribution of resources in society has become essential for the quality of human life and global peace. 

❇️️ Sustainable Development :-

🔹Such judicious use of resources so that not only the needs of the present generation but also the needs of future generations are met, is called sustainable development.

❇️️ Agenda 21 :-

🔹In 1992, under the auspices of the United Nations Environment and Development Conference in the Brazilian city of Rio de Janeiro, the Heads of State passed Agenda 21.

❇️ Purpose :-

🔹The aim of which is to tackle environmental damage, poverty and diseases through world cooperation according to common interests, mutual needs and shared responsibilities.

❇️️ Resource Planning :-

🔹Such measures or techniques by which the proper use of resources can be ensured is called resource planning.

❇️️ Resource planning in India :-

🔹For proper development with the help of resources, it is necessary that technology, skill and institutional considerations should be kept in mind while planning. 

🔹Resource planning has been a major goal in India since the first five year plan. 

🔹Following are the main points of resource planning in India:-

  • Identifying and making a table of resources of different regions of the whole country. 
  • To create a planning framework using appropriate skills, technology and institutional framework. 
  • To strike a good balance between resource planning and development planning. 

❇️️ Resource Conservation :-

🔹Proper management of resources so that water, land and - use of vegetation and soil in such a way that the needs of future generations are also taken care of.

❇️️ Land Resources :-

🔹Land is an important natural resource. 

🔹Natural vegetation, wildlife, human life, economic activities, transport and communication systems are based on land. 

🔹Land is a limited resource, so we should use it carefully and in a planned manner. 

❇️️ Land – Resources in India :-

🔹About 43 percent of the land area is plains which are convenient for the development of agriculture and industry. 

🔹About 30 percent of the land area is extensively covered by mountains, which ensure the flow of perennial rivers, provide favorable conditions for tourism development and are important for ecology. 

🔹About 27 percent of the area is plateau area, which has a huge accumulation fund of minerals, fossil fuels and forests.

❇️️ Land use :-

🔹Geographical process according to which land is used for various economic activities.

🔹The factors that determine land use are :-

❇️Forest :-  

🔹 A vast area covered by trees.

🔹Land unavailable for agriculture: -  Barren and uncultivable land, land used for non-agricultural purposes - buildings, roads, industries .

🔹Fallow land: - Present fallow - where agriculture has not been cultivated for less than one year.

🔹Other fallow:- Other fallow where cultivation has not been done for 1-5 years.

🔹Other cultivable land:-  Permanent pastures and other inhospitable lands under various trees, tree crops and groves. Cultivable barren land which is vacant for 5 years or more.

🔹Net sown area:- The area  sown more than once in an agricultural year is called net sown area.

❇️️ Types of land use patterns in India :-

🔹The factors that determine land use include physical factors such as landform, soil and climate and human factors such as population density, technological potential, culture and traditions, etc.

❇️️ Due to land degradation :-

  • mining
  • trespassing
  • over-irrigation
  • industrial pollution
  • deforestation

❇️️ Land Conservation Measures :-

  • Plantation
  • pastoral control
  • protector mekhela
  • mining control
  • industrial water refining

❇️️ Soil Resources :-

🔹Soil is an important natural resource. Cultivation takes place in the soil itself. Soil is also the natural habitat of many organisms.

❇️ Soil formation: -

🔹The process of soil formation is very slow. This can be gauged from the fact that it takes thousands of years to form just one cm of soil.

🔹Soil is formed by the decomposition of rocks. Many natural factors play an important role in the formation of soil; Such as temperature, water flow, wind.

🔹Many physical and chemical changes also contribute to this process.

❇️️ Soil Types :-

  • red and yellow soil
  • alluvial soil
  • black soil
  • forest soil
  • desert soil
  • laterite soil

❇️️ Alluvial soil :-

  • It is found on about 45 percent area of ​​India. 
  • There is abundance of potash in this soil. 
  • Developed by the Indus, Ganga and Brahmaputra river systems.
  • Found in different proportions of sand, silt and clay.
  • Old alluvial (Bangar) and new alluvial (Khadar) on the basis of age 
  • Very fertile and useful for crops like sugarcane, rice, wheat etc.

❇️️ Black Soil :-

  • Color black and other names regar soil.
  • Presence of titaniferous magnetite and fossils.
  • Formation due to break-up of basalt rocks.
  • Plenty of iron, lime, aluminum and magnesium.
  • Best suited for cotton cultivation.
  • It is found in the plateaus of Maharashtra, Saurashtra, Malwa, Madhya Pradesh and Chhattisgarh.

❇️️ Red and Yellow Soil :-

  • Due to the excess of iron particles, the color is red and sometimes yellow. 
  • Soil of acidic nature. 
  • Fertility can be increased by using lime. 
  • It is found in Orissa, Chhattisgarh, the Middle Ganges plain and in the mountains of Garo, Khasi and Jaintia.

❇️️ Laterite Soil :-

  • Developed in areas with high temperature and high rainfall.
  • The result of excessive leaching from heavy rains.
  • Suitable for tea and cashew nuts. 
  • Suitable for hilly areas of Karnataka, Kerala, Tamil Nadu, Madhya Pradesh, Orissa and Assam.

❇️️ Desert soil :-

  • Color red and brown.
  • Sandy and saline.
  • Due to dry climate and high temperature, the rate of water evaporation is high.
  • Humus and moisture content is low.
  • Can be made fertile by proper irrigation management.

❇️️ Hill Post (Piedmont Zone) :-

🔹The area found at the foot of a mountain or mountain range. For example, the mountain range of the Western Ghats means the area found at the foot of the Western Ghats.

❇️️ Deccan Trap :-

🔹Black soil area of ​​peninsular plateau. It is formed by lava clay. Very fertile area and suitable for cotton cultivation.

❇️️ Forest Soil :-

  • Found in mountainous regions. 
  • Variation in formation according to mountain environment.
  • Soils in river valleys are loamy and silty.
  • Adisilk and humus free.

❇️️ Difference between Khadar and Bangar :-

New alluvial soil.Ancient alluvial soil.
More fine and sandy.Pebbles and calcium carbonate.
Frequent renewal possible No frequent renewal. 
It is found near river deltas and flood plains.  Found at higher levels away from the river.

❇️️ Soil erosion :-

🔹The reaction of soil erosion and its flow is called soil erosion.

❇️️ Causes of soil erosion :-

  • Deforestation.
  • Excessive pastoralism. 
  • Construction and mining process. 
  • Natural elements such as falls, glaciers and water.
  • Wrong farming methods (plowing methods). 
  • The blown away of the soil by the wind in the plain or sloping area.

❇️️ Soil Erosion Solutions :-

  • By running the plow parallel to the contour lines on sloping land. 
  • Cultivation by making steps on the sloping land. 
  • By dividing the large fields into strips, by growing strips of grass in the middle of the crops. 
  • To make a continuous line of trees in a row around the field. Afforestation.
  • By controlling overgrazing.

❇️️ Tubes :-

🔹The flowing water cuts through the clay soils to form deep channels called tubules. 

❇️️ Excavated land :-

🔹Such land which is not cultivable is called excavated land. 

❇️️ Khad land :-

🔹It is called Khad land in Chambal basin. 

❇️️ Wind Erosion :-

🔹The process of carrying away the soil from the plains and slopes by the wind is called wind erosion.