10th Class Ch - 8 Challenges to Democracy Social Science Pol. Science MCQ Questions with Answers English Medium

1. Which of the following represents a challenge to democracy?

(a) Women not allowed to take part in public activities in Saudi Arabia.
(b) Renewed violence in Sri Lanka following the breakdown of talks between the government and the LTTE.
(c) Money and muscle power during election.
(d) All of the above


Answer: d

2. In the context of the “Challenge of Expansion”, which of the following ideas is correct?
(i) Ensuring greater power to local government.
(ii) Establishing a sovereign and functional state.
(iii) Extension of federal principles to all the units of federation.
(iv) Inclusion of women and minority groups.
(a) (i), (ii), (iii)
(b) (ii), (iii), (iv)
(c) (i), (iii), (iv)
(d) (i), (ii), (iv)


Answer: c

3. Which one of the following situations represents the success of democracy?
(a) US as the only Super power disregards the UN and takes unilateral action.
(b) General Pinochet government defeated, but army is still under control of many institutions.
(c) The King of Nepal Birendra accepted constitutional Monarchy.
(d) Integration of French speaking and Dutch speaking people in Belgium.


Answer: d

4. “Foundational challenge includes:
(a) Bringing down the existing non- democratic regimes.
(b) Strengthening of the institutions and practices of democracy.
(c) Establishing a sovereign and functional state.
(d) All of these


Answer: a

5. Democracy does not stand for:
(a) Democratic Right
(b) Elections
(c) Violence
(d) Accommodation of diversity


Answer: c

6. In Bolivia, Morales a supporter of water struggle, becomes Prime Minister, MNCs threaten to leave the country.
(a) Foundational challenge
(b) Challenge of democracy
(c) Deepening of democracy


Answer: c

7. In Belgium, one round of constitutional change takes place, but the Dutch speakers, not satisfied, want more autonomy.
(a) Foundational challenge
(b) Challenge of expansion
(c) Deepening of democracy


Answer: b

8. In Nepal, Constituent Assembly about to be elected, unrest in Terai areas, Maoists have not surrendered arms.
(a) Foundational challenge
(b) Challenge of expansion
(c) Deepening of democracy


Answer: a

9. Looking at the expanded definition, which one of the following statements is not correct about democracy?
(a) The rulers elected by the people must take all the major decisions.
(b) Elections must offer a fair choice to the people to change the current rulers.
(c) The choice should be available to all people on an equal basis.
(d) To exercise this choice government must not be limited by basic rules of the Constitution and citizens’ rights.


Answer: d

10. All suggestions or proposals about overcoming various challenges to democracy are called _____________ .


Explanation: political reforms

11. The rule by the officials and organisations is known as _____________ .


Explanation: bureaucracy

12. _____________ takes the major decision in a democracy.


Explanation: Elected Leaders

13. Difficulties which are very significant and which can be overcome signify _____________ .


Explanation: challenges

14. Carefully devised changes in law are called legal-constitutional changes. (True/False)


Explanation: True

15. Every established democracy faces foundational change. (True/False)


Explanation: False

16. The Right to Information Act empowers people to carry out democratic reforms. (True/False)


Explanation: True

17. First priority of democracy is to form the government. (True/False)


Explanation: False

18. Match the columns.

Column AColumn B
(a) Communist party adopts economic reforms but maintains monopoly over political power.(i) Sri Lanka
(b) Women not allowed to take part in public activities, no freedom of religion for minorities(ii) US Civil Rights
(c) The peace talks between the government and the LTTE breakdown.(iii) China
(d) Black have won equal rights but are still poor, less educated and marginalised.(iv) Belgium
(e) One round of constitutional change taken place, but the Dutch speakers were not satisfied they want more autonomy.(v) Saudi Arabia

(a) (iii)
(b) (v)
(c) (i)
(d) (ii)
(e) (iv)

19. Explain the meaning of ‘challenge’ [Delhi 2017]


A challenge is a difficulty, which carries within it an opportunity for further progress and which can be overcome.

20. If a non-democratic country wants to change into a democratic set up, then which kind of challenge would it face? [Delhi 2017(C)]


Explanation: Foundational challenge

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