10th Class Ch - 7 Outcomes of Democracy Social Science ( Pol. Science ) MCQ Questions with Answers English Medium

1. Economic growth depends on which of the following?

(a) Size of the population of the country
(b) Territory or area of the country
(c) Global scenario
(d) Co-operation among various nations


Answer: d

MCQ on Outcomes of Democracy Class 10 Question 2. Social outcomes cover the areas like
(i) Dignity and freedom of citizens
(ii) Untouchability and discrimination
(iii) Gender equality
(iv) Ban on child labour
(a) (i), (iii) and (iv)
(b) (ii), (i) and (iv)
(c) (ii) and (iv)
(d) (i) only


Answer: b

3. The basic outcome of democracy is
(a) Political, social and economic outcome
(b) Military outcome
(c) Restricted and limited welfare policies.
(d) Elimination of poverty


Answer: a

4. If a government provides its citizens a right and means to examine the process of decision, it is
(a) An accountable government
(b) A responsible government
(c) A transparent government
(d) A stable government


Outcomes of Democracy Class 10 Questions and Answer: a

5. What do democracies ensure regarding decision making?
(a) Process of transparency
(b) Decisions taken by the head of the country
(c) Decision by the Council of Ministers
(d) Restricted popular participation in decision making


Answer: a

6. Which of the following is not true about democracy?
(а) It always worries about majorities and public opinion.
(б) It improves the quality of decision making.
(c) Decision making is faster and quicker.
(d) It allows a room to correct mistakes.



Outcomes of Democracy Class 10 MCQ With Answer: c

7. Why is democracy considered as the better form of government than dictatorship?
(a) Promotes equality and enhances dignity of the individual.
(b) Never allows room to correct mistakes.
(c) Majority community rule
(d) Provides methods to resolve conflicts


Answer: a

Outcomes of Democracy MCQ Question 8. Political outcome signifies:
(i) Accountable and responsible government .
(ii) Military rule
(iii) Legitimate government
(iv) Restricted popular participation
(a) (z), (iii) and (iv)
(b) (iii), (i) and (ii)
(c) (i) and (ii)
(d) (i) and (iii)


Answer: d

9. A government that takes decision by following norms and a proper procedure is:
(a) An accountable government
(b) A responsible government
(c) A transparent government
(d) A stable government


Answer: c

10. A democratic government is:
(a) An accountable government
(b) A responsive government
(c) A legitimate government
(d) All of the above


Answer: d

MCQ of Outcomes of Democracy Question 11. When was democracy introduced in India?
(a) 1952
(b) 1950
(c) 1947
(d) 1949


Answer: b

12. Among the following which country tops in inequality of income?
(a) Hungary
(b) Russia
(c) South Africa
(d) UK


Answer: c

Multiple Choice Questions on Democracy Question 13. Among the following regimes which tops the rate of economic growth?
(a) All democratic regimes
(b) All dictatorial regimes
(c) Poor countries under dictatorship
(d) Poor countries under democracy


Answer: b

14. To measure democracies on the basis of expected outcomes, which of the following practices and institutions would one look for?
(a) Regular, free and fair elections
(b) Open public debate on major policies
(c) Citizens’ right to information about the government
(d) All of the above


Answer: d

15. The basic elements of democracy are:
A. Universal Adult Franchise
B. Fraternity and national unity
C. Liberty and equality
D. Dignity and freedom of an individual
(a) A, B & D
(b) A, C & D
(c) B, C & D
(d) A, B, C & D



Class 10 Civics Chapter 2 MCQ With Answer: d

16. In a democracy, a citizen has the right and means to examine the process of decision¬making. This is known as (a) Dictatorship
(b) Transparency
(c) Legitimacy
(d) Equality


Answer: b

17. Consider the following statements. Which of these do not hold true for non-democratic regimes?
(a) These do not have to bother about public opinion.
(b) These take less time at arriving at a decision.
(c) Principle of individual dignity has legal force.
(d) These often suppress internal social differences.


Answer: c

18. The most basic outcome of democracy is:
(a) It provides accountability to citizens.
(b) It addresses socio-economic and political problems.
(c) It produces good government.
(d) It accommodates religious differences.


Answer: a

19. Democratic government is better than non-democratic because
(a) it is a legitimate form of government.
(b) overwhelming support for the idea all over the world.
(c) it leads to a just distribution of goods and opportunities.
(d) it ensures faster economic growth.


Answer: a

20. ‘Equal treatment of women’ is a necessary ingredient of a democratic society. This means that:
(a) women are actually always treated with respect.
(b) it is now easier for women to legally wage struggle for their rights.
(c) most societies across the world are now increasingly women dominated.
(d) women are now treated as equals in the political arena.


Answer: b

21. Growth and development of the country in the way of providing better facilities and services to the individual signifies _____________ .


Explanation: economic development

22. Denial of opportunities to lead a long health, creative life and to enjoy a decent standard of living is related to _____________ .


Explanation: poverty

23. Decisions taken through the correct procedure by involving the people is known as _____________ .


Explanation: transparency

24. The government ruled by the monarch or king of the country is known as _____________ .


Explanation: monarchy

25. Privileges and rights to be valuable and important for the functioning of democratic society are called _____________ .


Explanation: civil liberties

26. A democratic government is an accountable government. (True/False)


Explanation: True

27. Democracies have successfully eliminated conflicts among people. (True/False)


Explanation: False

28. The disadvantaged and discriminated castes have gained in strength due to democracy. (True/False)


Explanation: True

29. Political outcome signifies Military rule. (True/False)


Explanation: False

30. Match the columns.

Column AColumn B
(a) A democratic government is a(i) idea of political inequality
(b) A democracy is attentive to the needs of(ii) improves the quality of decision making
(c) Democracies have successfully eliminated(iii) legitimate government
(d) Democracy is considered a better form of government as it(iv) all citizens

(a) (iii)
(b) (iv)
(c) (i)
(d) (ii)

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