10th Class Ch - 5 Popular Struggles and Movements Social Science Pol. Science MCQ Questions with Answers English Medium

1. How did King Gyanendra take advantage of the weak democratically elected government ?

(a) He dissolved the Parliament
(b) He dismissed the Prime Minister
(c) Both (a) and (b)
(d) He rigged the elections


Answer: c

2. The word MNC is related to which issue:
(a) Nepal’s popular struggle
(b) Bolivia water war
(c) Environmental movement
(d) Narmada Bachao Andolan


Answer: b

3. Which one of the following is the ‘Third Wave’ country that had won democracy in 1990? [Delhi 2012]
(a) Bolivia
(b) Belgium
(c) Bangladesh
(d) Nepal


Answer: d

4. What were the aims of the movement started by SPA?
(a) Restoration of Parliament
(b) Unlimited power to monarch
(c) Power to an all-party government
(d) A new Constituent Assembly


Answer: a

5. Who were Maoists?
(a) Communists who believe in the ideology of Mao
(b) Democrats who believe in the democratic form of government
(c) Members of SPA group
(d) Members of royal family


Answer: a

6. Which pressure group seeks to promote collective good?
(a) Sectional Interest (Pressure Group)
(b) Public Interest Group
(c) Movement Groups
(d) Loose Organisation


Answer: b

7. In which two ways, the Public Interest Groups achieve their aims? [CBSE 2012]
(i) They organise meetings to win the Public Support.
(ii) They raise slogans against the Government and disrupt public.
(iii) They try to influence the media by drawing their attention to their cause.
(iv) They set up the public property on fire.
(a) (i) and (ii)
(b) (i) and (iii)
(c) (i) and (iv)
(d) (ii) and (iii)


Answer: b

8. In Bolivia protest against water privatisation was led by: [CBSE 2012]
(a) Trade Unions
(c) Human Rights Organisation
(d) Anti-liquor movement


Answer: b

9. To which one of the following Continents, Bolivia belongs? [CBSE 2012]
(a) Africa
(b) Europe
(c) South America
(d) Asia


Answer: c

10. Backward and Minorities Community Employees Federation (BAMCEF) is an example of which one of the following? [Delhi 2011]
(a) Public interest group
(b) A movement for equality
(c) A sectional interest group
(d) A political party


Answer: a

11. Pressure groups are either formed or led by
(a) Political parties
(b) Trade Unions
(c) Students organisations
(d) Business groups


Answer: a

12. In most cases the relationship between political parties and interest groups is
(a) direct
(b) not opposed to each other
(c) in dialogue and negotiation
(d) opposed yet in dialogue


Answer: d

13. Which of the following statements is not true about democracy?
(a) Democracy evolves through popular struggle.
(b) Democratic conflict is resolved through mass mobilisation.
(c) Role of popular struggle comes to an end with the establishment of democracy.
(d) Public participation becomes effective with the help of organised politics.


Answer: c

14. Which of the following is not good for democracy?
(a) Demonstration
(b) Mass mobilization
(c) Multinational company
(d) Political organisation


Answer: c

15. Pressure groups and movements have deepened democracy by
(a) putting pressure on the public
(b) countering undue influence of the government
(c) non-accommodation of conflicting interests
(d) controlling and sharing political power


Answer: b

16. In a democracy direct participation in competitive politics is done by:
(a) forming organisations
(b) promoting interests
(c) contesting elections
(d) mobilising masses


Answer: c

17. Nepal witnessed an extraordinary popular movement in
(a) April 1990
(b) February 2005
(c) April 2006
(d) April 2004


Answer: c

18. Maoists are people who believe in
(a) absolute monarchy
(b) constitutional monarchy
(c) rule of peasants through armed revolt
(d) democratically elected government


Answer: c

19. People’s struggle in Bolivia was
(a) to establish democracy
(b) about foundation of country’s politics
(c) against privatisation of water
(d) against privatisation of electricity


Answer: c

20. In a democracy, spontaneous public partici-pation becomes effective with the help of

(a) Parliament
(b) Judiciary
(c) Organised politics
(d) Executive


Answer: c

21. In 2006 the party that came to power in Bolivia was
(a) SPA —Seven Party Alliance
(b) Socialist Party
(c) Communist Party
(d) Nationalist Party


Answer: b

22. In dealing with popular struggles and conflicting demands, which one of the following statements is not correct about democracy?
(a) Democracy almost invariably involves conflicts of interests and viewpoints.
(b) The conflicts and mobilisation are expressed in organised ways based on new political organisations.
(c) In a democracy significant decisions take place through consensus and do not involve any conflict at all.


Answer: a

23. ____________ led the struggle against ‘privatisation of water’ in Bolivia.


Explanation: FEDECOR

24. Democracy evolves through ____________ .


Explanation: Popular Struggles

25. The government of ____________ sold water right to the MNC.


Explanation: Bolivia

26. ____________ are groups that attempt to influence government policies.


Explanation: Pressure Groups

27. The movement in Nepal was to establish Democracy, while the struggle in Bolivia involved claims on elected democratic government. (True/False)


Explanation: True

28. Interest Groups are organisations that do not attempt to influence government policies. (True/False)


Explanation: True

29. Narmada Bachao Andolan is a good example of Pressure group. (True/False)


Explanation: False

30. On 24th April, 2004 the SPA chose King Birendra as the new Prime Minister of the interim government. (True/False)


Explanation: False

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