10th Class Ch - 3 Social Science Geography Water Resources MCQ Questions with Answers English Medium

1. Which one of following is not the cause of water scarcity ?

(a) Rapid growth of population
(b) Uneven distribution of water resources
(c) Construction of dams and reserves
(d) Increase in demand


Answer: c

2. Which state has made roof top rainwater harvesting structure compulsory to all the houses across the state? [CBSE 2011]
(a) Kerala
(b) Karnataka
(c) Tamil Nadu
(d) Andhra Pradesh


Answer: c

3. Which one of the following is not the example of Hydraulic structures in Ancient India?
(a) Bhopal Lake
(b) Lake Hauz Kauz
(c) Construction of dams, Lakes
(d) Damodar Valley Project


Answer: d

4. Oceans contain _____________ volume of water.
(a) 90 per cent
(b) 75 per cent
(c) 96.5 per cent
(d) 98 per cent


Answer: c

5. Water is a renewable resource because
(a) it is being recycled by human beings.
(b) it is renewed and recharged through hydrological cycle.
(c) it is being renewed through reduction.
(d) it can be reused again.


Answer: b

6. Water scarcity occurs due to
(i) low rainfall in a region
(ii) large population
(iii) over-exploitation
(iv) unequal access
(a) (i) and (ii)
(b) (ii) and (iii)
(c) (i) and (iv)
(d) All of the above


Answer: d

7. In semi-arid regions of Rajasthan the traditional system of storing drinking water in underground tanks are called
(a) Dugwells
(b) Johads
(c) Tankas
(d) None of the above


Answer: c

8. Nagaijuna Sagar Dam is located in the state of
(a) Orissa
(b) Karnataka
(c) Kerala
(d) Andhra Pradesh


Answer: d

9. On which river is the Bhakra Nangal Dam located?
– (a) Jhelum
(b) Chambal
(c) Satluj
(d) Chenab


Answer: c

10. The diversion channels of the Western Himalayas are called
(a) Canals
(b) Inundation channels
(c) Kuls
(d) Khadins


Answer: c

11. Which one of the following statements is not an argument in favour of multi-purpose river projects?
(a) Multi-purpose projects bring water to those areas which suffer from water scarcity.
(b) Multi-purpose projects by regulating water flow help to control floods.
(c) Multi-purpose projects lead to large-scale displacements and loss of livelihood.
(d) Multi-purpose projects generate electricity for our industries and our homes.


Answer: c

12. Which is not a source of fresh water?
(a) Glaciers and ice sheets
(b) Groundwater
(c) Surface run off
(d) Oceans


Answer: d

13. According to Falkan Mark, water stress occurs when:
(a) water availability is less than 1000 cubic metre per person per day.
(b) there is no water scarcity.
(c) there is flood.
(d) water availability is more than 1000 cubic metre per person per day.


Answer: a

14. Which of the following are not causes of water scarcity?
(a) Growing population
(b) Growing of water intensive crop
(c) Expansion of irrigation facilities
(d) Individual wells and tubewells in farms
(e) Water harvesting technique
(f) Industries
(g) Roof top harvesting system


Answer: (e) and (g)

15. Bhakra Nangal River Valley Project is made on the river:
(a) Sutlej-Beas
(b) Ravi-Chenab
(c) Ganga
(d) Son


Answer: a

16. Hirakud Dam is constructed on the river:
(a) Ganga
(b) Manjira
(c) Manas
(d) Mahanadi


Answer: d

17. Water of Bhakra Nangal Project is being used mainly for:
(a) hydel power and irrigation
(b) fish breeding and navigation
(c) industrial use
(d) flood control


Answer: a

18. The diversion channels seen in the Western Himalayas are called:
(a) Guls or Kuls
(b) Khadins
(c) Johads
(d) Recharge pits


Answer: a

19. Agricultural fields which are used as rainfed storage structures are called:
(a) Kuls
(b) Khadins/Johads
(c) Recharge pits
(d) None of the above


Answer: b

20. Underground tanks seen in Rajasthan to store rainwater for drinking is called:
(a) Tankas
(b) Khadin
(c) Ponds
(d) Kuls


Answer: a

21. In Western Rajasthan today plenty of water is available due to:
(a) rooftop water harvesting
(b) perennial Rajasthan Canal
(c) construction of Tankas
(d) none of the above


Answer: b

22. Bamboo drip irrigation system is prevalent in:
(a) Manipur
(b) Meghalaya
(c) Mizoram
(d) Madhya Pradesh


Answer: b

23. The only State which has made rooftop rainwater harvesting structure compulsory to all the houses is:
(a) Andhra Pradesh
(b) Karnataka
(c) Tamil Nadu
(d) West Bengal


Answer: c

24. The remote village that has earned the rare distinction of being rich in rainwater?
(a) Gari
(b) Kaza
(c) Gendathur
(d) none of the above


Answer: c

25. Which one of the following is not an adverse effect of irrigation?
(a) Irrigation changes cropping pattern
(b) Water intensive crops are grown in dry areas
(c) Salinisation of soil
(d) Increases crop yield


Answer: d

26. Which of the following social movements is/ are not a resistance to multi-purpose projects?
(a) Narmada Bachao Andolan
(b) Tehri Dam Andolan
(c) Navdanya
(d) Chipko Movement


Answer: (c) and (d)

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