10 Class Social Science Economics Ch 3 Money and Credit MCQ Questions with Answer


1. Which one of the following statements is most appropriate regarding transaction made in money?

(a) It is the easiest way.
(b) It is the safest way.
(c) It is the cheapest way.
(d) It promotes trade.


Answer: a

2. Which one of the following is a modem form of currency?
(a) Gold
(b) Silver
(c) Copper
(d) Paper notes


Answer: d

3. Which among the following authorities issues currency notes on behalf of the government?
(a) Government of India
(b) The State Bank of India
(c) National Bank for Agriculture and Rural Development
(d) Reserve Bank of India


Answer: d

4. In which of the following systems exchange of goods is done without use of money?
(a) Credit system
(b) Barter system
(c) Banking system
(d) Collateral system


Answer: b

5. Banks provide a higher rate of interest on which of the following accounts?
(a) Saving account
(b) Current account
(c) Fixed deposits for long period
(d) Fixed deposits for very short period


Answer: c

6. Banks use the major portion of the deposits to:
(a) Keep as reserve so that people may withdraw
(b) Meet their routine expenses
(c) Extend loans
(d) Meet renovation of bank


Answer: c

7. What percentage of their deposits is kept as cash by the banks in India?
(a) 25%
(b) 20%
(c) 15%
(d) 10%


Answer: c

8. The informal source of credit does not include which one of the following?
(a) Traders
(b) Friends
(c) Cooperative Societies
(d) Moneylenders


Answer: c

9. Which one of the following is the new way of providing loans to the mral poor?
(a) Co-operative societies
(b) Traders
(c) Relatives and friends
(d) SHGs


Answer: d

Question 10. Why is currency accepted as a medium of exchange?
(a) Because the currency is authorised by the government of the country.
(b) Because it is liked by the people who use it.
(c) Because the use of currency has its origin in ancient times.
(d) Because the currency is authorised by the World Bank.


Answer: a

11. Who issues the currency notes in India?
(a) Currency notes are issued by the Finance Commission.
(b) All the nationalized banks can issue the currency notes.
(c) Only Reserve Bank of India can issue currency notes.
(d) Any individual or organization can issue cur¬rency notes with the permission of the govt.


Answer: c

12. Which among the following banks issues currency notes on behalf of the Central Government in India?
(a) RBI
(b) State Bank of India
(c) Bank of India
(d) Central Bank of India


Answer: a

13. What do the banks do with the deposits which I they accept from the customers?
(a) Banks use these deposits for charitable activities.
(b) Banks use a major portion of deposits to extend loans.
(c) Banks use deposits to give bonus to their employees.
(d) Banks use deposits to set up more branches in the country.


Answer: b

14. What is the main source of income of a bank?
(a) Bank charges that the depositors pay for ; keeping their money safe is the main ; source of the bank’s income.
(b) The difference between what is charged from the borrowers and paid to the depositors is the main source of bank’s income.
(c) Banks earn huge amounts of money by investing the money of the depositors in various company shares.
(d) The Government of India gives huge amounts of money to the banks to help their smooth functioning.


Answer: b

15. An agreement in which the lender supplies the borrower with money, goods or services in return for the promise of future payment refers to
(a) Debt
(b) Deposit
(c) Credit
(d) Collateral


Answer: c

16. Which body (authority) supervises the functioning of formal sources of loans?
(a) Finance Ministry
(b) Head Office of each Bank
(c) Reserve Bank
(d) Cooperative Societies


Answer: c

17. Money-lenders usually demand a ‘security’ from the borrower. What is the formal word used for the ‘security’, such as land, vehicle, livestock, building, etc.?
(a) Deposit
(b) Collateral
(c) Credit
(d) Guarantee


Answer: b

18. Which among the following options will be the cheapest source of credit in rural areas?
(a) Bank
(b) Cooperative Society
(c) Money-lender
(d) Finance Company


Answer: b

19. In which country is the Grameen Bank meeting the credit needs of over 6 million poor people?
(a) Bhuta
(b) Sri Lanka
(c) Bangladesh
(d) Nepal


Answer: c

20. A typical Self Help Group usually has
(a) 100-200 members
(b) 50-100 members
(c) less than 10 members
(d) 15-20 members


Answer: d

21. Which of the following is not an informal source of credit?
(a) Money-lender
(b) Relatives and Friends
(c) Commercial Banks
(d) Traders


Answer: c

22. According to Crowther, “____________ can be defined as anything that is generally accepted as a means of exchange and at the same time acts as a measure and as a store of value.”


Explanation: Money

23. The modern forms of money include ____________ and ____________ .


Explanation: Paper notes; coins

24. A ____________ is the apex institution of monetary system of a country.


Explanation: Central Bank (RBI in case of India)

25. Currency (coins and notes) is a ____________ which cannot be refused in payment for transactions.


Explanation: Legal tender money

26. The deposits in a bank which are payable on demand are called ____________ .


Explanation: Demand deposits

27. ____________ is an agreement whereby a financial institution agrees to lend a borrower a maximum amount of money over a given period of time.


Explanation: Credit

28. ‘Low rate of interest’ is a feature of ____________ credit.


Explanation: Formal

29. ____________ includes details regarding interest rate, collateral and documentation requirement, and the mode of payment.


Explanation: Terms of Credit

30. The situation when it becomes impossible to repay the loan and the borrower adds on a new debt to pay the existing one is known as _________ .


Explanation: Debt-trap

31. Money eliminates the need for double coincidence of wants. (True/False)


True, as money acts as the medium of exchange.

32. Credit card is a paper instructing the bank to pay a specific amount from the person’s account to the person in whose name it has been made. (True/False)


False, as it is cheque which is a paper instructing the bank to pay a specific amount from the person’s account to the person in whose name it has been made.

33. Informal sector credit includes loans from banks and cooperatives. (True/False)


False, as informal sector credit includes loans from friends, relatives, moneylenders, traders etc.

34. Rich households largely depend on informal sources of credit. (True/False)


False, as rich households largely depend on formal sources of credit.

35. In formal sector, higher rate of interest is charged. (True/False)


False, as higher rate of interest is charged in informal sector and not in the formal sector.

36. In rural areas, the main demand for credit is for building houses. (True/False)


False, as in rural areas, the main demand for credit is for crop production.

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