The End of Bipolarity || Class 12th Ch-2 Pol. Science (Book-1) || MCQ Term - I || CBSE

 The End of Bipolarity 

1. Which was the first Soviet Republic to declare its independence from Soviet Russia? 
(a) Georgia                                                    (b) Moldova
(c) Lithuania                                                (d) Armenia

2. Bolshevik Communist Party was founded by ..... in ...... year?
(a) Vladimir Lenin, 1912                            (b) Leon Trotsky, 1913 
(c) Joseph Stalin, 1912                               (d) Adolf Hitler, 1913 (c) Joseph Stalin, 1912

3. Arrange the following events in sequence and select the correct codes.
A. Second World War
B. Fall of Berlin Wall
C. Russian Revolution
D. Soviet invasion in Afghanistan
(a) A, B, C, D                                             (b) C, A, D, B
(c) A, C, B, D                                             (d) C, B, D, A 

4. Consider the following statements regarding features of Soviet system and select the correct statements.
(i) The Soviet system was very bureaucratised and authoritarian in nature.
(ii) The Soviet economy witnessed huge development and growth.
(iii) State Treasury had spent a huge fortune on building and maintaing nuclear arsenals.
(a) Both (ii) and (iii)                                (b) Only (ii)
(c) Both (i) and (iii)                                 (d) All of these 

5. Consider the following statements and select the incorrect statements.
(i) Joseph Stalin was the General Secretary of the Communist Party of the Soviet Union in 1985. 
(ii) Mikhail Gorbachev introduced the policies of Perestroika and Glasnost.
(iii) Leonid Brezhnev was involved in suppressing a popular rebellion in Czechoslovakia and in invading Afghanistan.
(a) Both (ii) and (iii)                            (b) Only (i) 
(c) Both (i) and (iii)                             (d) Only (ii)

6. Consider the following statements and pick the correct one.
(i) The USSR contained 15 constituent republics.
(ii) It was formed an 30th December 1924.
(iii) It was the largest country in terms of area.
(a) Only (i)                                            (b) Both (ii) and (iii)
(c) Both (ii) and (i)                              (d) All of these 

7. Consider the following statements and select the incorrect option.
(i) The Warsaw Pact was the name of the Western Alliance led by US.
(ii) The Warsaw Pact was a group of supporters of communism and capitalism.
(iii) Some Baltic and East European states wanted to join the North Atlantic Treaty Organisation.
(a) Both (ii) and (iii)                           (b) Both (i) and (ii) 
(c) Only (i)                                            (d) Only (ii)

8. Russia took over the USSR seat in the UN in which of the following year? 
(a) November 1989                             (b) October 1992
(c) January 1990                                 (d) December 1991 

9. Which country in the Central Asia witnessed a Civil War that went on for 10 years?
(a) Azerbaijan                                      (b) Tajikistan
(c) Uzbekistan                                     (d) Turkmenistan

10. Which institution became active player in wake of developmental needs of the second world countries?
(a) Amnesty International
(b) World Bank
(c) NATO
(d) Commonwealth of Independent States

11. The ..... Republic and the ..... Republic were two republics of the United States of Soviet Russia which have violent secessionist movements at the time of disintegration.
(a) Armenia, Moldova                           (b) Belarus, Ukraine
(c) Chechnya, Dagestan                        (d) Georgia, Latvia

Directions (Q. Nos. 12-14) After reading the Assertion and Reason, select the correct codes according to the codes given below. 
(a) Both (A) and (R) are true and (R) is the correct explanation of (A).
(b) Both (A) and (R) are true, but (R) is not the correct explanation of (A).
(c) (A) is true, but (R) is false.
(d) (A) is false, but (R) is true.

12. Assertion (A) During the Cold War, many thought that nationalist unrest would be strongest in the Central Asian republics.
        Reason (R) The reason was that the ordinary people here felt alienated from the Central Asians and from each and concluded also that they were paying too high an economic price to keep the more backward areas within the Soviet Union.

13. Assertion (A) The disintegration of the Soviet Union meant the end of the Cold War because the Cold War was the culmination of the rivalries between the USA and the USSR.
        Reason (R) The disintegration left open the world space to be dominated by the sole superpower called the USA or to-have the dominance of several powers. 

14. Assertion (A) Russian President Yeltsin assured the Indian Prime Minister P.V. Narasimha Rao that Russia's relationship and co-operation with India would continue.
       Reason (R) The decision to end Rupee trade and to switch over to hard currencies was taken. Russia also favored strategic co-operation with India.

15. Look at the given cartoon and answer the following question.

The picture refers to which treaty?
(a) Tripartite Treaty
(b) Panchsheel Treaty
(c) Treaty of Peace, Friendship and Cooperation
(d) Treaty of Versailles,

1. (c)    2. (a)        3. (b)        4. (c)        5. (b)        6. (d)        7. (c)        8. (d)       9. (b)       
10. (b)        11. (c)        12. (a)        13. (b)       14. (a)       15. (b)