Social Justice || 11th Class Pol. Science Ch-4 ( Book-2) || Notes in English


" Social justice "

️ Justice :-

Justice being the primary duty of a king was associated with religion in ancient society. 

Justice is related to the rules related to our life and public life. By which social benefit duties are divided. 

In ancient Indian society, justice was associated with religion, the establishment of which was the ultimate duty of the king. 

Justice has been defined in various ways, i.e. sometimes believed to be "as you sow, so shall you reap", and sometimes as the result of past lives or actions done in the will of God. Is . 

Justice uses four dimensions, namely political, legal, social and economic. 

Justice according to Prof. Selmond :-

Prof. According to Selmond, justice is a means of distributing a fair share to every body, while the Marxist considers each according to his own needs, according to his capacity. 

Justice according to the Greek philosopher Plato :-

^ The Greek philosopher Plato, in his book 'The Republic', explaining justice, said that the lives of people conformed to the laws of functional specialisation. 

Justice according to the Chinese philosopher Confucius :-

According to the Chinese philosopher Confucius, justice should be established by punishing those who do wrong and rewarding good people.

️ Justice according to Socrates :-

According to Socrates, if everyone becomes unjust, then no one will be safe. In simple words it is justice to give every person his due share. 

Justice according to German philosopher Immanuel Kant :-

According to the German philosopher Immanuel Kant, every person has dignity, so the achievement of every person will be that they get equal opportunities for the development of their talent and fulfillment of the goal.

️ Types of Justice :-

Social Justice 

Political Justice 

Economic justice 

Legal justice or statutory justice 

Moral justice 

️ Social Justice :-

Social justice means that there should be no discrimination between man and man in the society, the law should be equal for all and everyone should be equal before the law so that there is social justice. Social justice also means equitable distribution of all opportunities for development such as goods and services arising in the society.

️ Political Justice :-

Political justice means the justice that is achieved by discrimination in politics. In a democracy, everyone has the right to participate in politics and vote to choose their government. 

Many times the rights given by the constitution are also violated in politics and many societies were kept deprived of politics for a long time. They were not even allowed to vote. To solve this problem and to establish political justice, seats have been reserved for some sections of the society like SC and ST in almost all the elections. This is an example of political justice.

️ Economic Justice :-

Economic justice means proper distribution of material resources of the country and their use for the benefit of the people. The concept of economic justice will be realized only when everyone gets economic freedom and they can make their development possible independently. 

They should get equal opportunities to get money for development and use them properly. Those people of the society who are economically backward or helpless, they should get financial help for their development.

️ Legal Justice or Legal Justice :-

Legal justice or statutory justice means equality before the law and just law and order. Legal justice is established by the state and determined by the law of the state. It depends on whether the law laid down by the state is fair and non-discriminatory.

️ Social Justice :-

Social justice also means equitable distribution of goods and services. This distribution takes place among different groups and individuals of the society so that citizens can get an equal level of living, such as the abolition of untouchability in India, the system of reservation and the land reforms taken by some state governments.

️ Three principles of establishment of social justice :-

Equal treatment towards equal people :-

Equal rights for all and prohibition of discrimination. Citizens should not be judged on the basis of their class, caste, race or gender, but on the basis of their work and activities, if two people of different castes are doing the same work then they should get equal remuneration. 

Proportional Justice :-

There may be some circumstances where equal treatment would be unfair, such as giving equal marks to all the students appearing in the examination. This cannot be justice, so it would be fair to give different remuneration keeping in mind the hard work, skill and potential danger etc. 

Special care of special needs :-

When fixing duties and remuneration, special needs of the people should be taken care of. People who are not alike in some important respects should be treated differently and taken care of.

️ Rawls's theory of justice :-

^ Rawls has propounded the theory of justice by "the cover of ignorance". If a person does not have an idea of ​​what his position will be in a society and is given the task of organizing the society and making the policy, then he will definitely make such a best policy in which facilities can be given to every section of the society.

To establish social justice, it is necessary to reduce the deep gap between rich and poor, providing minimum basic living conditions, housing, pure drinking water, minimum wage education and food for all the people of the society.

️ Free Market Vs State Intervention :-

Providing direct benefits to qualified and capable persons through free market, open competition is against state interference. In such a situation, the debate intensifies whether the government should be responsible for the disabled and disadvantaged sections because they cannot compete according to the free market. 

️ Pros of free market :-

The market does not care about a person's caste, religion or gender. The market only cares about the individual's ability and skill. 

️ Cons of free market :-

The free market tends to work in the interests of the powerful, the rich and the influential, which may result in deprivation of opportunities for the disadvantaged.

Steps taken to establish social justice in India :-

Free and compulsory primary education

Five Year Plans

Antyodaya Schemes

Economic social security to the disadvantaged sections

Provisions in Fundamental Rights

Efforts in Directive Principles of State Policy