Secularism || 11th Class Pol. Science Ch-8 ( Book-2) || Notes in English


" Secularism "

️ Religion :-

The word 'Dharma' is derived from Sanskrit, in which along with the basic principle, welfare of all is to be done. 

Meaning of secularism :-

Freedom to practice and propagate all religions without any discrimination, that is, when the state does not make any distinction about religion.

Secularism in India :-

Secularism refers to equal respect for all religions, that is, the state does not accept any religion and treats all religions equally.

India is a country of diversities, the task of providing equal opportunities to all to maintain democracy is difficult, so the word secularism was added by the 42nd amendment of the Indian Constitution. The manifesto of the constitution declares to oppose religious supremacy, to oppose hidden supremacy within religion and to promote equality between and within different religions.

Suprematism among religions :-

Every Indian citizen has the right to live in any part of the country with freedom and dignity, yet many examples of discrimination are found, which increased the supremacism among religions because we consider our own religion to be superior.

like :- 

Thousands of Sikhs were killed in the 1984 Sikh riots.

The Kashmiri Pandits were expelled from Kashmir.

In 2002, many Muslims were killed in Gujarat and left the place.

Suprematism within religion :-

The entry of women and Dalits in the temples is prohibited.

Women's prayers are prohibited in many mosques.

️ Secular State :-

The state where no religion has been officially recognized by the government. 

Importance of the concept of Sarva Dharma Sambhav. 

There should be a clear distinction between religious institutions and institutions of state to prevent the domination of a religious group. Only then will peace, freedom and equality be established.

Abstain from any kind of religious alliances. 

Committed to goals and principles that value peace, religious freedom, freedom from religious persecution, discrimination and taboos.

Features of Secular State :-

There is equality among all religions.

There is no discrimination of any religion by law.

People of all religions have the freedom to practice and propagate their religion.

No religion is declared as state religion by the states. 

️ European model of secularism :-

American model :- The separation of religion and state power is understood as mutual negation. The state will not interfere in the matter of religion and religion in the matter of state power. 

This concept explains liberty and equality in an individualistic manner. 

There is no place in secularism for state supported religious reform. 

️ Indian model of secularism :-

Indian secularism does not stress only on the separation between religion and the state. 

Gives freedom to minorities and all persons to adopt religion. The Indian state can also create prohibitive relations with religion to oppose religious tyranny. 

The Indian Constitution has given the minorities the right to find their own problems and can also get help from the state. 

After the 42nd amendment 1976 in the Preamble of the Indian Constitution, the word secular has been added. 

Fundamental rights include the right to freedom of religion, the right to equality, the right to education and culture, providing equal opportunities to all religions. 

️ Western model of secularism :-

The secular state is not run by the clergy and does not have any official or established religious union. Secularism was transformed into a movement in France after the French Revolution. The United States of America has also been a secular state from the beginning. The United States Constitution states that the US Congress shall not pass any law that establishes a creed or prohibits the freedom to profess any religion.

The state remains neutral in the matter of religion and does not provide any help or benefit to any religious institution.

The state does not interfere in the activities of religious organizations. 

Equal rights are provided to every person irrespective of religion he belongs to.

️ Right to religious freedom :-

Article 24 to 28 

Article 25 :-

 Every person living in India can follow any religion. 

Can believe. 

Can promote. 

Article 26 :- 

Freedom to manage religious affairs has been arranged.

Article 27 :-

No person shall be compelled to pay any such tax which may be used to promote any religion.

Article 28 :-

Religious education has been banned in government educational institutions.

Criticism of Indian Secularism :-

According to the anti-religionists, secularism is anti-religious and poses a threat to religious identity. imported from the west. 

Advocates for minority rights. 

The allegation of minorityism is made. 

Promotes vote bank politics. 

Extremely interventionist because Indian secularism allows state-backed religious reform. 

Meaning of Communalism :-

Giving more importance to one's own religion, considering other religions as inferior. 

Measures to stop communalism :-

To abolish the recognition of discriminatory political parties.

Punishing the officers.

Change in education material.

Stop discriminatory news.

️ Impossible Project :-

The policy of secularism wants to do a lot but this project is far from the truth which is impossible. 

Despite many criticisms, India's policy of secularism presents a reflection of the future world. Great experiments are being done in India. Which the whole world watches with interest. Some countries of Europe, America and the Middle East have started looking like India due to the diversity of religion and culture.