Political Theory - An Introduction || 11th Class Pol. Science Ch-1 ( Book-2) || Notes in English


Political Theory - An Introduction

Meaning of politics :-

The word politics is derived from the Greek word polis, which literally means city state.

️ What is politics?

Scholars have different opinions to define politics -

en general :- 

Politics is the art of governing and politics teaches how to run the activities of the government properly.

Politics provides a solution to the disputes of administration.

Politics teaches participation but the common man is faced with conflicting images of politics, today the relationship of politics has become associated with the pursuit of personal interest.

️ Political Theory :-

The main subject of political theory is the state and government. It explains the meaning of concepts like liberty, equality, justice and democracy.

Objectives of Political Theory :-

To train citizens to think rationally about political questions and to judge socio-political events correctly. Unlike in mathematics, where there is a definite definition of a triangle or a square, in political theory, we are faced with many definitions of equality, liberty or justice.

What do we study in political theory?

In political theory, we study various aspects of life such as social life, government and constitution, liberty, equality, justice, democracy, secular etc.

️ Putting political principles into practice :-

The nature of politics keeps on changing with the passage of time, the task of putting into practice political principles such as liberty and equality is very difficult. We should adopt these by abandoning our prejudices, through the study of political theory we can test our thoughts and feelings about political systems, we can understand that only conscious citizens can develop the country, political Principle is not a thing, it is related to man, for example equality means equal opportunity for all, yet separate arrangements have been made for women, old people or handicapped, so we can say that complete equality is not possible The argument of discrimination Compatible base is essential.

Why should we study political theory?

To be a firm decision-making citizen at the time of future problems. 

To awaken political consciousness to become an empowered and aware citizen. 

To eliminate prejudices from the society and establish unity. 

We should study political theory to learn the art of taking the right decision after assessing the debate, argument, argument, profit and loss. 

For information about the governance system. 

Knowledge of the utility of democracy.

To understand rights and duties. 

To promote international peace and cooperation. 

This is because words like equality, justice are related to something. rather than our relationships with other human beings. Political theory encourages us to test our feelings about political things with our thoughts and practices. 

Political science and politics are two different concepts. Political science is born before politics, it is based on morality whereas politics is based on opportunity and convenience.