Nationalism || 11th Class Pol. Science Ch-7 ( Book-2) || Notes in English


 "Nationalism "

Origin of the word Nation :-

The word nation is called nation in English language and its Hindi meaning is "nation". The word nation is derived from two Latin words 'natio' and natus, which mean 'born or born' and 'born' respectively.

What is Nationalism :-

Generally, if the opinion of the public is taken, then we will hear things like national flag, patriotism, sacrifice for the country in this matter. The Republic Day parade in Delhi is a strange symbol of Indian nationalism. 

Nationalism has emerged during the last two centuries as a compelling political theory that has played an important role in the making of history. While it has helped in getting freedom from tyrannical rule, at the same time it has also been the cause of protests, bitterness and wars.

Nationalism has been a participant in the decline of big empires. Nationalism was at the core of the division of the Austrian Hungarian and Russian Empires into Europe in the early twentieth century, as well as the division of the French, British, Dutch and Portuguese empires into Asia and Africa. 

Along with this, nationalism has shown the way to the establishment of larger nation states by the integration of many small princely states in nineteenth century Europe. 

️ Nation and Nationalism :-

Country : - 

As a member of the nation, we never get to know most of the members of the nation directly and there is no need to add hereditary relations with them. Yet nations exist, people live in and respect them. 

Nationalism :-

Nation is largely an imaginary community which is formed in a thread with the help of collective beliefs, desires, imaginations, beliefs etc. of its members. It is based on certain beliefs that people make for the whole community from which they maintain their identity.

️ Beliefs about the nation :-

Shared Faith :- 

A nation survives only when its members believe that they are with each other. 

History :-

Individuals consider themselves to be a nation, they mostly have a sense of permanent historical identity. . 

Land area :-

Living together to a large extent on a given land area and the shared past memories related to it gives the common sense of a collective identity to the common man. Like if some call it motherland or fatherland, then some holy land. 

Common Political Beliefs :-

When the members of a nation have a common vision on how they want to form a state, they accept values ​​and principles such as secularism, democracy and liberalism, in addition to the rest of the facts, then this idea is their political identity as a nation. clarifies. 

Common Political Identity :-

Cultural identity like common language, ethnic ancestry is also necessary to bind individuals into a nation. In this way our thoughts, religious beliefs, social traditions get shared. In fact, democracy requires allegiance to a value group rather than affiliation to a particular race, religion or language. 

Difficulties in the path of nationalism :-






️ Scope of Nationalism (Boundaries) :-


Decline of moral values 

Religious diversity

Economic inequality 

Linguistic disparity

️ National Self Decision :-

From social groups, nations want the right to rule themselves and decide their future, in other words they want the right to self-determination. 

Under this right, the nation demands from the international community that the status of a separate political entity or state should be recognized and accepted. 

One culture in Europe in the nineteenth century: the recognition of one state gained momentum. As a result, various small and newly independent states were formed after the Treaty of Versailles. Due to this there were changes in the boundaries of the states, displacement of large population took place, many people were also victims of communal violence. 

Therefore it was not possible to ensure that the newly created states were inhabited by people of only one caste because people of more than one race and culture lived there.

The surprising thing is that those nation states which gained independence after struggles, but now they deny the minority groups demanding the right of national self-determination in their territories. 

️ How to deal with movements of self-determination :-

The solution is not in the formation of new states but in making the existing states more democratic and egalitarian. The solution is that people of different cultural and racial identities can coexist in the country as equal citizens and friends. 

Nationalism and Pluralism :-

After abandoning the idea of ​​"one culture - one state", democratic countries have introduced ways to acknowledge and secure the identity of culturally minority communities. The Constitution of India has comprehensive provisions for the protection of linguistic, religious and cultural minorities. 

Although some groups remain adamant on the demand for a separate state in spite of providing recognition and protection to minority groups, it may happen. It would be a contradictory fact that while the talk of the global village is going on, the national aspirations are still stirring up various sections and communities. For its solution, the country concerned will have to show generosity and efficiency with different sections, as well as deal harshly with intolerant single caste forms.