MCQ Questions for Class 11 Political Science || Ch - 2 Freedom || With Answer || NCERT CBSE

 1. Constraints on freedom emerge from social inequalities of

(a) Caste, imperialism and gender.
(b) Caste, gender and colonialism.
(c) Gender, class and caste.
(d) Political bondage, caste and gender.
► (c) Gender, class and caste.

2. Thinker who does not belong to negative liberty school of thought is
(a) Adam Smith.
(b) John Locke.
(c) Thomas Hobbes.
(d) Karl Marx.
► (d) Karl Marx.

3. Liberty of the individual prevails when there is:
(a) No policeman
(b) No judge
(c) Democracy
(d) No law.
► (c) Democracy

4. The power of the government to disallow media from publishing or showing certain stories is
(a) Censorship.
(b) Dictatorship.
(c) Rule of law.
(d) Freedom of press.
► (a) Censorship.

5.  Liber means:
(a) Free
(b) No freedom
(c) Limited freedom
(d) None of these.
► (a) Free
6. Aung San Suu Kyi is a
(a) Political prisoner.
(b) Feminist writer.
(c) Human Rights lawyer.
(d) Political philosopher.
► (a) Political prisoner.

7. 'Long Walk to Freedom' is an autobiography of
(a) Mahatma Gandhi.
(b) Nelson Mandela.
(c) Salman Rushdie.
(d) Aung San Suu Kyi.
► (b) Nelson Mandela.

8. In the absence of legal constraints, society would:
(a) Progress.
(b) Descend into chaos.
(c) Function on the principles of moral liberty.
(d) Resolve disputes with the help of spiritual gurus.
► (b) Descend into chaos.

9. Positive Liberty means:
(a) Liberty to do anything
(b) Liberty with restraints
(c) Only restraints
(d) None of these.
► (b) Liberty with restraints

10. Identify the author of Hind Swaraj.
(a) J.L. Nehru
(b) Dr. Radha Krishnan
(c) Mahatma Gandhi
(d) Gokhle
► (c) Mahatma Gandhi

11. Negative Liberty means:
(a) Liberty without restraints
(b) Liberty with some restraints
(c) Liberty with many restraints
(d) Liberty with a few restraints.
► (a) Liberty without restraints

12. In Buddhist philosophy, freedom is directly related to
(a) Discipline.
(b) Rights.
(c) Constitution.
(d) State.
► (a) Discipline.

13. The term 'Liberty is taken from 'Liber' which is a word from:
(a) Latin language
(b) Greek language
(c) English language
(d) French language.
► (a) Latin language

14. Identify the focus of Modern liberalism.
(a) Family 
(b) Community
(c) Individual
(d) Society
► (c) Individual

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