MCQ Questions for Class 11 Political Science || Ch - 1 Political Theory : An Introduction || With Answer || NCERT CBSE

 1. Mark the correct statement related to Traditional View of politics.

(a) Politics is the study of state and the government.
(b) Study of analysis of the whole of political system.
(c) Class struggle between haves and haves not.
(d) Relationship between an environment and the system.
► (a) Politics is the study of state and the government.

2. The term 'Politics' is derived from:
(a) Latin word 'Polis'
(b) Greek word 'Polis'
(c) (c) English word 'Political
(d) Greek word 'City-State'.
► (b) Greek word 'Polis'

3. A political party must have
(a) Party headquarters.
(b) An Ideology.
(c) Power seeking politicians.
(d) A strong vote bank.
► (b) An Ideology.

4. Scope of Political Theory is :
(a) Study of power
(b) To determine the political principles
(c) Study of state and government
(d) All of the of above
► (d) All of the of above

5. The concept of "separation of powers" is given by
(a) Plato.
(b) Rousseau.
(c) Aristotle.
(d) Montesquieu.
► (d) Montesquieu.
6. Theory is derived from the word "Theoria' which is taken from:
(a) Greek word
(b) English word
(c) Roman word
(d) Latin word.
► (a) Greek word

7. A new threat to freedom that has emerged in the contemporary world is
(a) Colonialism.
(b) Slavery.
(c) Terrorism.
(d) Gender discrimination.
► (c) Terrorism.

8. To deal with the challenge of communalism, we need to inculcate
(a) Discipline.
(b) Liberalism.
(c) Tolerance.
(d) Truthfulness.
► (c) Tolerance.

9. Identify the thinker associated with the Modern Approach.
(a) David Easton
(b) Plato
(c) Aristotle
(d) Socrates
► (a) David Easton

10. Identify the leader who advocated the cause of the scheduled castes.
(a) Machiavelli
(b) B.R. Ambedkar
(c) Karl Marx
(d) Aristotle
► (b) B.R. Ambedkar

11. Politics has been divided into two separate parts theoretical politics and applied politics by:
(a) Aristotle
(b) Machiavelli
(c) Polloch
(d) Catlin.
► (c) Polloch

12. “Man by nature is a social and political animal” is the cornerstone of the philosophy of:
(a) Plato.
(b) Socrates.
(c) Aristotle.
(d) Montesquieu.
► (c) Aristotle.

13. An important non-state actor in any democracy in present times is
(a) Judiciary.
(b) Local government.
(c) Civil society organisations.
(d) Civil services.
► (c) Civil society organisations.

14. Human beings are unique because they
(a) Possess power of reasoning and reflection.
(b) Are social beings and depend on society.
(c) Participate in politics.
(d) Never fight with one another.
► (a) Possess power of reasoning and reflection.

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