MCQ Questions for Class 11 History || Ch - 2 Writing and City Life || With Answer || NCERT CBSE

 1. Mesopotamian weapons were prominently made of

(a) bronze.
(b) copper.
(c) stone.
(d) iron.
► (a) bronze.

2. The technological landmark witnessed by the urban economy of the city of Uruk was
(a) bronze tools.
(b) construction of brick columns.
(c) potter's wheel.
(d) oil pressing technique.
► (c) potter's wheel.

3. In the 2000 BCE, the city that flourished as the royal capital of Mesopotamia was
(a) Ur.
(b) Mari.
(c) Mohenjodaro.
(d) Kalibangan.
► (b) Mari.

4. The Mesopotamian ruler who became the king of Akkad, in 2370 BCE, was
(a) Enmerkar
(b) Gilgamesh
(c) Hamurabi
(d) Sargon
► (d) Sargon

5. Inanna was the Goddess of
(a) the Moon
(b) love and War
(c) wind
(d) fire
► (b) love and War

6. The earliest temples in Southern Mesopotamia were built in
(a) c.4000 BCE
(b) c.5000 BCE
(c) c.6000 BCE
(d) c.7000 BCE
► (b) c.5000 BCE

7. The Mesopotamian city, which was systematically excavated in the 1930s, was
(a) Uruk.
(b) Ur.
(c) Mari.
(d) Nineveh.
► (b) Ur.
8. The Achaemenids of Iran conquered Babylon in
(a) 639 BCE.
(b) 539 BCE.
(c) 439 BCE.
(d) 339 BCE.
► (b) 539 BCE.

9. The King who released Babylonia from Assyrian domination in 625 BCE was
(a) Alexander.
(b) Nabonidus.
(c) Nabopolassar.
(d) Sargon.
► (c) Nabopolassar.

10. War captives and local people who were put to work for the temple or for the ruler were paid
(a) bronze tools.
(b) cattle.
(c) coins.
(d) rations.
► (d) rations.

11. In ______ part of South Iran, the first cities and writing emerged.
(a) plain
(b) deserted
(c) mountainous 
(d) hilly
► (b) deserted

12. Agriculture of southern ______ was the most productive.
(a) Iran
(b) China
(c) Mesopotamia
(d) None of the above
► (c) Mesopotamia

13. Which region is important to Europeans because of references to it in the Old Testament, 
(a) Iran
(b) Turkey
(c) Syria
(d) Mesopotamia
► (d) Mesopotamia

14. From which word Cuneiform is derived from?
(a) Latin
(b) Greek
(c) Chinese
(d) Mayan
► (a) Latin

15. Which language replaced the Sumerian language after 2400 BCE?
(a) Mesopotamian language
(b) Akkadian language
(c) Chinese language
(d) Middle Eastern language
► (b) Akkadian language

16. With which person the first event of Sumerian trade is associated?
(a) The ancient ruler of Uruk City, Enmerkar.
(b) The ancient ruler of Lebanon City, Enmerkar.
(c) The ancient ruler of Nile City, Enmerkar.
(d) The ancient ruler of Aral City, Enmerkar.
► (a) The ancient ruler of Uruk City, Enmerkar.

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