MCQ Questions for Class 11 Geography || Ch - 6 Geomorphic Processes || With Answer || NCERT CBSE

 1. Which one of the following materials is affected by hydration process?

(a) Granite
(b) Clay
(c) Quartz
(d) Salts
► (d) Salts

2. Which of the following is a type of mass movements?
(a) Slow movements
(b) Rapid movements
(c) Landslides
(d) All of the above
► (d) All of the above

3. The expansion of the salt depends on
(a) temperature.
(b) hails.
(c) atmospheric pressure.
(d) winds.
► (a) temperature.

4. Which of the following processes is a degradational process?
(a) Deposition
(b) Diastrophism
(c) Volcanism
(d) Erosion
► (d) Erosion

5. Rapid rolling or sliding of earth debris without backward rotation of mass is known as
(a) debris slide.
(b) slump.
(c) rockslide.
(d) mudflow.
► (a) debris slide.

6. Which of the following is a form of weathering?
(a) Physical
(b) Chemical
(c) Biological
(d) All of the above
► (d) All of the above

7. Debris avalanche can be included in which category?
(a) Landslide
(b) Slow flow mass movements
(c) Rapid flow mass movements
(d) Subsidence
► (c) Rapid flow mass movements

8. Which is the force that continuously elevate or build up parts of the earth’s surface?
(a) Exogenic forces
(b) Endogenic forces
(c) Gradation
(d) Degradation
► (b) Endogenic forces
9. Weathering is important process for what?
(a) Formation of clouds
(b) Formation of soil
(c) Formation of water
(d) All of the Above
► (b) Formation of soil

10. In weathering ________
(a) No motion of material takes place
(b) Materials move from one place to another
(c) The deposition of material takes place
(d) None of the above
► (a) No motion of material takes place

11. Weathering can be defined as ___________
(a) Mechanical disintegration of rocks
(b) Disintegration and deformation of rocks with the help of climatic factors.
(c) Chemical decomposition of rocks
(d) All the above
► (d) All the above

12. Which of the following is an example of endogenic forces?
(a) Erosion
(b) Volcanism
(c) Weathering
(d) Balance
► (b) Volcanism

13. What are geomorphic causes of erosion?
(a) Flowing water
(b) Underground water
(c) Air
(d) All of the above
► (d) All of the above

14. Which of the following is not associated with diastrophism?
(a) Balance Orogenic processes
(b) Epeirogenic processes
(c) Plate tectonics
(d) Orogenic processes
► (a) Balance Orogenic processes

15. Which one of the following helps in aerating the soil.
(a) Micro fauna
(b) Meso fauna
(c) Macro fauna
(d) All of the above
► (b) Meso fauna

16. What do you mean by all Earth materials having a sloping surface?
(a) Soil erosion
(b) Landslides
(c) Volcanism
(d) Slump
► (a) Soil erosion

17. What kind of changes are bought by internal forces?
(a) It give birth to new landforms
(b) It promote moistures
(c) Both a and b
(d) None of the above
► (a) It give birth to new landforms

18. The capacity of rocks to allow water to pass through it is called_________
(a) porosity
(b) wedging
(c) exfoliation
(d) hydration
► (a) porosity

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